The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1103: I don’t know shame

At the same time that the savage clouds wrapped the clouds in the clouds, a huge fire dragon emerged from the void, and the smashing hit the colorful clouds.

Although under the protection of colorful clouds, the power of the horrible impact not only dissipated the colorful clouds, but also caused Jiang Yun’s body to suffer a lot.

The body shape squats back to the rear and exits a few steps away. Waiting for stability, a blood has been ejected!

If there is no such a colorful cloud of savage, once Jiang Yun is directly hit by the fire dragon, then it will be seriously injured if it is not dead.

However, Jiang Yun did not care about his injury, but hurriedly looked up at the sky.

Above the sky, there was a huge crack of a hundred feet in size, and among the cracks, there was a big tripod on the head and feet.

The powerful dragon that just came, obviously shot from Dingkou.

This big tripod, Jiang Yun is no stranger, it was not long ago, at the Dongming City auction, Ren Dinghan and Hua Hong Niang threw out Qingyun Ding to save themselves!

Above the tripod, there is a young man standing in a black robe.

The man's looks are very handsome, his eyes, staring at Jiang Yun, and his eyes, there is a greedy color!

The pretty figure appeared also beside the man in the black robe, staring coldly at the other side: "Ye Chen, you are finally willing to appear!"

Ye Chen, the lord of the medicine gods!

Sure enough, as expected, Ye Chen did not stay within the main body of the drug god, but hidden in nothingness.

However, I do not know why, but he chose to suddenly appear at this time.

And after he appeared, he did not attack the savage and other people, and even targeted the Jiang Yun directly!

Even at this moment, the kind of greed that he sees in Jiang Yun’s gaze is even more confusing for everyone.

Although quite awkward appeared in front of Ye Chen, but Ye Chen did not pay attention to it, still just staring at Jiang Yun, while opening his mouth, revealing a gloomy smile: "Jiang Yun, if I did not guess wrong, then I should call you a younger brother!"

Little teacher!

Listening to this title, quite awkward and Jiang Yun can not help but be a glimpse!

The medicinal sect of the sacred lord would call Jiang Yun a younger brother?

Pretty frowning: "Ye Chen, you should not see the general trend has gone, I really can't think of other life-saving methods, so I want to climb a relationship with Jiang Daoyou, so let us let you go?"

Jiang Yun is also frowning, staring at Ye Chen, and also does not understand the meaning of Ye Chen.

Although Jiang Yun knows, this Ye Chen cannot be as ridiculous as he said, thinking that he can be escaped as a younger brother, but Jiang Yun can be sure that he has never seen Ye Chen before.

However, after the other party appeared, he not only spoke directly to himself but also said that he was his younger brother.

Ye Chen also said again: "Your life is much stronger than other creatures, but you are not a soul. It can only show that you practice the fire of Nirvana."

"And, in your fire, there is a distinct atmosphere of my other younger brother!"

Jiang Yun’s brow suddenly stretched out, and the eyes were even more cold, staring at Ye Chen, and spit out three words: “Ink dust!”

After being sent to the **** world of the road, the medicine gods in the mountains and seas received two disciples, one named Ye Tianshi and the other named Chen Chenzi.

Later, because the drug **** developed a drug that completely relieved the poison of the prison, it was taken away by the people of the Taoist temple, and even his two disciples were mad and die.

However, death is a suspended animation, because Jiang Yun is in the **** world and sees the fake death of Ye Tianshi.

The mad one, although it is said to be really crazy, but Ye Tianshi was screaming at Jiang’s death. He suspected that his crazy brother had betrayed Master and that Jiang Yun had to see each other. Be careful.

At this moment, I saw this drug lord named Ye Chen, and heard what he said, Jiang Yun naturally understood that the other party is the crazy disciple of the drug **** predecessor, that is, Ye Tianshi's brother, ink dust!

Even the reason why the other party suddenly appeared on his own shot, the real reason should be because he noticed that there was a breath of Ye Tianshi in the fire that he had just sent to the criminal demon.

As the ink dust said, when his life fire was in three nirvana, Ye Tianshi helped himself with his own life and soul, which allowed him to die and resurrect, and successfully completed Nirvana.

Moreover, looking at the greed exposed in the eyes of the ink, obviously he is very interested in his own fire!

After understanding this point, Jiang Yun slowly said: "Actually, I should have thought of it, medicine Shenzong, surname Ye!"

"Ink dust, you not only betrayed the teacher's door, but sold out the drug **** predecessors, and also created the drug gods in this ancient world, but also borrowed the surname of your younger brother, it is really shameless!"

"Now, you appear because of my fire. If you don't expect it, is it your life's nirvana, and it's the bottleneck. Only with my life and fire, can you succeed Nirvana!"

Nirvana is divided into nine times, every three times for a hurdle, and if you want to cross three hurdles, you must let the fire extinguish completely.

Then, there must be a person who has also cultivated the fire of Nirvana, and uses his own fire to ignite his life.

"Not bad!" The ink duster nodded and said: "You are much smarter than Ye Tianshi. You can think of it so quickly. Since you have already understood it, it is not enough to offer your life!"

"Hey, hello!" The savage one on the side couldn't help but open the door: "I don't care if you are a dusty egg, or Ye Chen, can you see the current situation?"

"Now you, you should think about it, how can you keep your own life!"

"You are good, you still want Jiang Daoyou's fire, you should not be scared!"

"Let's take a quick look, your disciple's grandson will die soon!"

Having said that, the cockroach stretched his finger to the light curtain.

I saw the nine medicines that were originally attacking Jiuyi Zong. The body suddenly trembled and stopped.

But then, the nine drug cockroaches turned their directions and rushed toward the disciples of Yao Shenzong.

This strange scene suddenly hit the drug Shenzong disciple unprepared.

Even Ye Shuo, who is fighting with the ancient days, is also changing his face. He can't take care of the ancient days, but his hands are constantly playing the seal. It is obviously trying to regain control of the nine medicines.

It is a pity that no matter how hard he works, these nine medicines are already killing the disciples of the medicine Shenzong.

Although they are not truly humane and isomorphic, their strength is extremely strong. No one can stop them wherever they go, so that Gu Tian and others have recalled their own people and watched the excitement. Let these nine medicines go to kill the disciples of the medicine Shenzong.

At this time, the ink dust looked cold and snarled: "You Jiuyi Zong wants to destroy the drug god, it doesn't matter!"

"Do you think that I care about their lives?"

"They die when they die. As long as I am still alive, the medicine **** can be rebuilt at any time, and the disciples can accept it at any time, but if you want to kill me, I am afraid I can't do it!"

"You are really shameless, then I will kill you now!"

In the eyes of the ancestors, the cold flashed, and when he raised his hand, he took a shot toward the ink dust.

However, in the hands of the ink dust, there was a sudden appearance of a figure, directly greeted the palm of the ancestors.

When I saw this figure, Jiang Yun’s heart suddenly trembled and screamed out loud: “Stop!”


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