The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1134: Escape from birth

Seeing the soul of Dongfang Bo was thrown out by Jiang Yun, and let the fingers of Dao San stagnate in the air, obviously there is a slight hesitation.

But behind it, the three people who are also from the Three Palaces of the Three Heavens have been faintly visible.

In addition, Jiang Yun has re-opened the distance between each other through the power of one finger. Therefore, after hesitating, the fingers of Dao San did not pay attention to the soul of Dongfang Bo, but continued to follow Jiang Yun. Behind him, chasing away.

And just as the three fingers disappeared, the soul of Dongfang Bo, who had re-closed his eyes, also disappeared from the darkness as if he had never seen it before.

For all of this, Dao San and Jiang Yun are ignorant, but Jiang Yun’s ear once again conveys Xiao Letian’s voice: “The soul of your master is already here, the younger brother is relieved, I will certainly guarantee you. The master is fine, now you are leaving here!"

When I heard this sentence, Jiang Yun’s heart finally grew a sigh of relief.

At this time, I have not had any concerns, as long as I escaped 100,000 miles, this trip to the Third Palace is a great victory!

Can survive, Jiang Yun is certainly not willing to die, so he resisted the pains from the internal organs, and swiftly moved to the place of 100,000 miles away.

100,000 miles, for Jiang Yun who has mastered the shrinkage of the ground, it is not far away.

However, because he has been repeatedly injured, his body has been hit hard, and the art of worship is about to disappear, so the distance of 100,000 miles has become far away.

Jiang Yun can only bite his teeth, and he tries his best to throw away the fireballs behind his body. He naturally runs all the way and crosses the distance of 100,000 miles as soon as possible.

In this way, Jiang Yun did not know how long it had passed, and his eyes finally showed a black lacquered hole.

At this moment, he has already reached the state of exhaustion of the oil, and the body is even more scarred, even the fire is almost extinguished.

If it wasn't for his willingness to be tough enough, I'm afraid it would have fallen on the road.

As for the fingers behind the road, it is still with a strong horror, almost no consumption.

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Naturally, the fingers of Dao San also sensed the hole, and the atmosphere that came from the inside of the cave. It also made him finally understand that Jiang Yun’s purpose of running wild is to escape from this hole.

Once Jiang Yun really enters the hole, then the influence of the power of multiple space rules will not help his fingers.

At this time, the finger of Dao San suddenly broke out with a more horrible atmosphere, completely shrouded Jiang Yun.

Obviously, Dao San finally spurred his most powerful killing trick, and in any case prevented Jiang Yun from escaping from the hole.

If you switch to other people, then under this breath of the package, you must only be able to get rid of it, but Jiang Yun’s eyes are bright.

Because, in this breath, he clearly felt the power of familiarity.

The power of silence!

The power of silence is the collective name of Jiang Yun’s power for the death of the Nine. At this moment, the power of the sky-throwing of the three fingers is also the power of several ethnic groups.

This made Jiang Yun's heart move, understand, and after the Taoist annihilation of the Nine Tribes, not only did he gain something, but he also gave this power to his three disciples, so Dao San was able to display it.

Only the power of the silence released by Dao San is simply not comparable to Jiang Yun’s control over the power of silence.

Even, under the parcel of this solitude, Jiang Yun speeded up again and suddenly rushed to the hole.

Seeing that Jiang Yun’s body was about to enter the hole, Dao’s fingers apparently found that the power of silence was ineffective for Jiang Yun, so the fingers actually exploded directly.


Under the eruption of the horrible power contained in the fingers, almost all the darkness of the surrounding area was completely collapsed, even if the hole was shaken violently.

Not to mention Jiang Yun, who was under the impact of this force, was originally a scarred body as well as blasting.

Looking at the hole that is really close to you, Jiang Yun’s face showed a helpless smile, his eyes closed and finally passed out.

But at this time, the difference is steep!

From the black lacquered hole, a figure rushed out. Although the speed was not fast, even the body was shaking slightly, obviously it was fearful.

However, this figure caught the stunned body of Jiang Yun, and then, under the impact of the force of the finger explosion, flew straight to the black hole behind him.


As the two men's body completely immersed in the black hole, the black hole finally collapsed after being trembled and dissipated in nothingness.

At the same time, an old man slowly opened his eyes in a world beyond the endless distance of the area where the Three Palaces were located.

The old man raised his hand and looked at the missing finger in his hand, muttering: "Don't fear the power of silence!"

"Origid, I still think that this person is either Situ Jing, or Xuanyuan, but obviously not them!"

"Know, my power of silence, even the descendants of the nine ethnic groups can not be afraid, but this person is not the slightest fear, then this person can only be ... Jiang Yun!"

"I didn't expect that you not only returned from the land of the world, but also seemed to have gained a lot of goodness."

"That's good, from your body, you may be able to let me know the land of the world, and even the secret of the nine places!"

"Just, I am not convenient to shoot myself, then..."

This old man is naturally the third!

As he said to himself, he closed his eyes again and took a deep breath.

In the world where he was seen, there were countless breaths of rushing toward him, and all of them were condensed on his missing fingers until they were condensed into a perfect finger.

At the moment, his surroundings are full of vitality, and there are countless living worlds. Now it has become a dead one, and there is no life at all.

For all of this, Dao San obviously didn't care. Until a moment passed, he opened his eyes again: "I don't have a good shot, but some people are convenient!"

"Thunder God, the old man said three..."

Just as the black hole collapsed, within the ancient manor of the ancient world, Xiao Letian’s figure suddenly appeared from nothingness.

At this moment, Xiao Letian, his face is also very pale, and there are **** sputum in the seven scorpions.

Just to determine whether Jiang Yun can escape and leave, when the finger explodes, he is still hiding in the dark, so that he also suffered the impact of the explosion.

However, he is a sigh of relief.

Because in any case, Jiang Yun was alive and left the ancient world.

After resting for a while and wiping off the blood on his face, Xiao Letian’s body shape disappeared again and appeared in front of the criminal demon. He raised the soul of Dongfang Bo to the body of Dongfang Bo.

The soul entered the body, although the Oriental Bo did not immediately wake up, but the breath that came out of the body immediately became even, and also let Xiaomotian look at the shocked color.

The criminal demon naturally knows that the person in front of him is the eldest brother of the savage and other people, and is the most powerful existence of the Taoist world.

When he wants to come, it must be that Xiao Letian has regained the soul of Dongfang Bo.

Xiao Letian waved his hand: "I didn't do it. Your master regained the soul of Dongfang Bo. However, your master went to the ancestor of your family, so I can't return yet."

The criminals suddenly showed their brilliance, and Xiao Letian went on to say: "Yes, don't tell anyone about your master's temporary return!"

"I know!"

The fine light in the eyes of the criminal devil dissipated and nodded hard.

If Jiang Yun can really find his ancestor, the soul family, rejuvenation is expected.

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