The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1150: Crazy killing

Several powerful people searched the world with their knowledge and chatted.

"Where is this Jiang Yun hiding? Will it be that he has left the Thunder?"

"Impossible, leaving Thunder Day, can only pass the right path of the mine, where the security is now strict, people who come in and out must be carefully searched, he can not escape."

"But this Jiang Yun is really amazing. I don't know how he provoked Thunder God."

"Right, I heard that in the right way, someone went to his hometown and said that he would arrest his close people to force him to appear!"

The original convergence of the breath, hiding in the dark of Jiang Yun, after hearing this sentence, the eyes suddenly fiercely fired!

The Zhengdao Leijie actually sent people to their hometown to go to the mountains and seas to catch their close people!

Jiang Yun's character is the most short-term, the most concerned about the safety of his friends and family, and the most hated is that others use their lives to threaten themselves.

Nowadays, in the case that I can't find myself, the Zhengdao Leijie actually sent people to the mountains and seas. This behavior finally touched Jiang Yun's counterscale!

Those who can give such orders, naturally only Thunder God!

Although Jiang Yun already knows that the status of Shanhai is very special, and it is a prison in itself, the identity of Thunder God is also extremely honorable.

In addition, Shan Hai asked Zong Nei, the highest strength is just the Tianyou, where will be the opponent of the Thunder.

If he really wants to take away some people from the mountains and seas, I am afraid it is not difficult!

More importantly, Jiang Yun can't go back to the mountains and seas now!

"Thunder God, this is what you forced me!"

The fierce light in Jiang Yun’s eyes is high, saying to himself: “Since you want to threaten me with someone close to me, then I will kill your close people first!”


When the voice fell, Jiang Yun had stood up and stepped out and left the world.

And his speed is fast, the few monks are not aware of it at all.

Although Jiang Yun had long wanted to lay out a big situation, he introduced all the people who had been chased into the bureau and opened the door to killing them. But after he knew the things of the right way, Lei Hai changed his mind.

He wants to enter the right way of Leihai as a male crown to see if he can break the reincarnation and the two seals of the Nine.

However, what Thunder God is doing now is to change Jiang Yun’s thoughts again!


During the Thunder, although the vast majority of monks are practicing the Lexic exercises, they must also be under the jurisdiction of Thunder God.

But in fact, only the sects with the word "雷" in the name, such as Lei Guangzong, can be regarded as the real Thunder.

In other words, it is the place where the disciples are eligible to become the disciples of the right to rob the thunder.

Lei Huozong is such a sect.

However, compared to Lei Guangzong, its strength is a lot stronger.

There are seven strong people in the door who sit in the door, which makes it the unique and supreme existence of the world. No one has provoked it.

However, just today, the Thunderfire is an uninvited guest!

Ging Yunyun looked at him with no expression on his face, and the building that formed the thunderstorm had a murderous surging in his eyes. There were countless golden thunders on his body.

"The nightmare of your thunder, start from this Thunderbolt!"

The voice fell, countless golden thunders with roaring sounds, separated from the body of Jiang Yun, rushing to the thunder fire!


The power of Jiang Yunlei is not as good as that of the Thunder, but it is not something that this Thunderbolt can resist.

In the thunderous sound of the earth-shattering, the huge thunderstorms are caught in the golden thunder.


"what happened!"


A scream of screams came from the thunderbolt, and then there was a figure coming out of its blast.

However, before these people appear to see Jiang Yun, their eyes have been covered by the golden light that covers the sky.

The next moment is death and injury.

Although Jiang Yun came with anger, let this Thunder day feel his anger, but he is not a killer after all, so he still has a sense of separation.

For monks above Tianyou, killing directly, for monks below Tianyou, it is to abolish its cultivation.

In today's Thunderfire, at least half of the strong have gone to the seam to chase Jiang Yun, although there are still four strong people sitting in the town, but in front of Jiang Yun who owns a mine They are not opponents at all.

In just half a day, Lei Huozong has become a ruin, all the disciples in it are not dead, and the four powerful people are all killed.

"Remember, I am Jiang Yun!"

After leaving this sentence to the thundering disciples who did not die, Jiang Yun’s figure has disappeared.

Although it was not long after Jiang Yun left, the other three powerful strongmen of Lei Huozong had a disciple and some helpers had rushed back.

But looking at the horrors that appeared in front of them, everyone was well aware, and since then, Lei Huozong has disappeared!

A sect, although it is necessary to have powerful people to sit down, but the real roots of Zongmen want to grow and continue, but it is bound to be the many disciples in the door.

Although Jiang Yun left the lives of these disciples, but they abolished their cultivation, this is equivalent to completely cutting off the roots of Lei Huozong!

Even if Lei Huozong can recruit more disciples, he can continue to grow and develop slowly, but without hundreds of thousands of years, it is impossible to do so.

In such a long time, there are too many uncertain factors.

Unless you can get the direct support of Thunder God, if Thunderfire wants to restore the glory of today, it is almost impossible!

Ready to come to help Lei Zongzong, of course, even those who want to seize the Jiang Yun's monks, for the encounter of Lei Huozong, reported deep sympathy.

However, their sympathy soon turned into anger in the following days!

Because, Jiang Yun is like a **** of killing, in this Thunder day, began to smash!

Once Jiang Yun shot, the Zongmen or his family attacked by him would suffer the same fate as Lei Huozong.

Masters above Tianyou will die, and the monks below Tianyou will be abolished.

In the face of Thunder God, Jiang Yun is not an opponent, even if it is against the Thunder, Jiang Yun is helpless.

But the entire Thunder Day, the world is numerous, the monks are countless, and there are only a few powerful realities like Thunder and Thunder.

As for other monks, there is no threat to Jiang Yun.

Although these ancestral families that Jiang Yun chose to take out are not too strong, they cannot hold a large number.

In less than a month, the number of Zongmen families destroyed in Jiang Yun’s hands has reached nearly one hundred!

This means that Jiang Yun can destroy at least three forces in one day.

Even if Thunder Sky is a huge monster, it will be gradually weakened under the almost crazy killing of Jiang Yun.

In this way, naturally, other small family sects that still survived can not help but be at risk.

They did not dare to continue to pursue Jiang Yun, but they recalled the strongmen in their own ancestors, laid down various ambushes and measures, and waited for the emergence of Jiang Yun.

Unfortunately, no matter what kind of preparation they make, as long as Jiang Yun appears in front of them, they will only have one end, that is, they will be destroyed!

Jiang Yun’s name, along with blood and death, resounded the entire Thunder Day!

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