The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1184: Kirin

Although everyone has just been dissatisfied with Lei Yun’s words because of Jiang Yun’s words, the words of the thunder are now suddenly dissatisfied with the dissatisfaction of the hearts of the people.

Instead, it is a huge wave!

As long as you can let Meng Guan spit a blood, then you can enter the right path to Leihai!

For them, it is simply a temptation!

Only Wei Heng is secretly bowing his head, because only he is the clearest, the thunder is talking about lies!

This time, I entered the right way, Leihai. The entire Thunder Day has only one place. Basically, it has already been given to Ray, so it is necessary to kill the most competitive Mengguan.

Now, the thunder is nothing more than to stimulate everyone, let everyone take out all the strength, for this lie that is impossible to fulfill, to attack Jiang Yun.

Even Wei Heng has further thought that if Jiang Yun is killed, then the lightning can not fulfill the promise, then once the people are not willing to pursue the question, it is possible that the thunder and Lei are also killing these people!


In this way, all the things that happen in this mine will not be known to a third person.

Even if someone asks about the death of others, they will push all their responsibilities to Jiang Yun's body, saying that Jiang Yun has killed other people. Anyway, Jiang Yun is dead and there is no evidence of death.

With the turning of these thoughts, Wei Heng’s heart has sunk to the bottom.

"What I think is very likely to be the final result, but if I don't shoot for Meng Guan now, they will kill me like mine."

"That is, if we want to live, the only hope is to help Jiang Yun, at least let Jiang Yun leave here alive."

"It’s impossible to rely on the power of me alone. I must find ways to unite with others!"

Although Wei Heng thought of this, when he looked up and looked at the greedy eyes in the eyes of other monks around him, he knew that he could not convince others.


I don't know who suddenly made a big noise and took the lead in attacking Jiang Yun.

Others naturally followed, and various attacks once again drowned Jiang Yun.

At this time, Lei Fei did not shoot, but retreated to the loud voice of the thunder: "You can safely attack, I will protect the safety of you, so that Jiang Yun will attack you!"

Looking at this scene, after Wei Hengwei sank, his teeth were bitten and a golden rifle appeared in his hand.

A few thunders rushed out of his palms, wrapped around the gun body, and slammed away toward Jiang Yun.

All the thunder condensed in the head of the gun, suddenly bursting open, and turned into a golden unicorn of the size of the scorpion, prestige, in the attack of everyone is extremely conspicuous.

Lei is not only looking at the golden unicorn, the eyes are more smug, and the whispering is against the thunder: "The Wei family has a deep foundation, and the unicorn technique is quite amazing. It seems that Wei Heng has finally moved!"

Lei nodded and said: "If there is no Meng Guan, this Wei Heng will be your biggest competitor!"

Lei extraordinary smiled: "Fortunately, he is already selling for me now, and if he kills him for a while, maybe I can get this unicorn!"

Thunder and faint road: "When you make a congenital body, plus the identity of your son, the unicorn technique is not worth mentioning!"

If the thunder moves, the light in the eyes of Lei is brighter. It seems that they have been able to see themselves entering the right way, Leihai, and the beautiful picture of the congenital body.

At this moment, Jiang Yun, who was under the siege of the crowd, really began to feel the pressure.

If you change to other places, the siege of these people will not be in your eyes.

But here, the knowledge of God is suppressed and the body is injured. The most important thing is that you can't display all the strength at all.

"If it doesn't work, it can only reveal identity. Although it will lose the opportunity to enter the right way, Leihai, but with the help of the spirits, I want to leave the Thunder day, it should be a problem!"

The rise of this idea made Jiang Yun’s heart really helpless and unwilling, and he managed to get here, but he still had to fall short.


At this moment, a beastly beast suddenly sounded, and the sound of life was overwhelmed by all the attacks, and the world of the cloud shook slightly.

In the sound of the beast, a golden unicorn appeared in front of Jiang Yun, surrounded by thunder, flashing in the eyes, suddenly opened his mouth, a thunder ball spit out, rushed to Jiang Yun.

The power contained in this thunderbolt is far more than the attack of everyone else, and Jiang Yun’s pressure has doubled again, and he has ushered in.


At the same time that the thunderball exploded, Jiang Yun’s eyes suddenly flashed a cold light that others did not see.

Because, the roar of the thunderbolt blasted, but in his ears it turned into a human voice.

"Meng Daoyou, in Wei Heng, I am not malicious, but I was forced by Ray and I had to shoot the Taoist friends!"

"If the Taoist friend believes that he is down, he will swallow the unicorn underneath. I have something to say to the Taoist friend. In order to show sincerity, just in the thunderball, there is a trace of my soul, and the channel friend has already got it. !"

The name of Wei Heng, Jiang Yun naturally knows, even saw him long ago.

Although Wei Heng took the initiative to contact himself at the moment, he was a little surprised, but Jiang Yun quietly spread his hand and looked at the palm of his hand as a gas-like soul.


The golden unicorn broke out again and suddenly came to the front of Jiang Yun, opened his mouth and wanted to swallow Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun’s thoughts flew in the air, and the Thunder’s body appeared out, and turned the golden unicorn into the mouth.

Then, his face changed abruptly.

Because a golden light suddenly appeared on his chest, and instantly spread to his whole body, showing the shape of a unicorn, suppressing his body, so that he could not move.

Wei Heng suddenly shouted: "You are a friend of the Tao, this Meng Guan swallowed my Kirin seal. Now that Kirin is printed, it will temporarily restrain his actions. You will work harder and take advantage of the Kirin seal to dissipate him. Kill!"

In this scene, everyone sees it clearly, so naturally they are even more struggling to launch an attack.

Jiang Yun, who could not move, looked at the desperate colors and looked at these attacks.


In the loud noise of the earthquake, Jiang Yun’s voice once again sounded Wei Heng’s voice: “Meng Daoyou, thank you for your trust, now we can talk.”

Jiang Yun said coldly: "Do you have anything to tell me!"

Obviously, Jiang Yun chose to trust Wei Heng.

The so-called Kirin Seal, although it seems to the outsiders to block the body of Jiang Yun, actually actually protects Jiang Yun.

Although the power of the attacks outside was not small, it did not hurt Jiang Yun, and all of them were printed on the Kirin seal and were printed by Kirin.

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The change of Jiang Yun’s face and the desperation shown in the eyes at the moment are naturally made for others.

Wei Heng hurriedly said: "Meng Daoyou, this qualification battle is actually a scam, because there is only one qualification to enter the right way Lei Hai, which has been predetermined in advance for the sake of Lei."

"Therefore, in order to hide people's eyes and ears, they must kill you and even kill us all."

Jiang Yun’s heart couldn’t help but move. There was only one place, which was really unimagined.

However, Jiang Yun also understands why Wei Heng will take the initiative to contact himself!

Wei Heng continued: "Meng Daoyou, I know that you cultivated high, but here, you will definitely not be their opponent, so I have two ways, maybe you can save your life!"

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