The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1257: How to answer

Jiang Yun’s sentence is obviously a pun is the sarcasm of Zong Bai!

Because today's Zong Bai is actually the master of Guan Zhifei, then at this time, he should maintain Guan Zhifei, instead of maintaining the hole without injury!

"what did you say!"

Jiang Yun’s answer naturally made Zong Bai angry!

In fact, at this time, he suddenly said that he would bring Jiang Yun back to the teacher's door. It is a good intention!

Although he did not know that Guan Peng secretly threatened Jiang Yun, he could not guess. If Guan Zhifei really died here, Guan Jia will certainly not let go of Jiang Yun, and even even bring his anger to Kongjia. .

Therefore, when he said this sentence, it is equivalent to warning the family and others, and Kong is still a disciple!

With this warning from him, it will naturally converge all those who want to be unfavorable to Confucius.

This point is not difficult to see from the change of Guan Peng and others.

However, he never imagined that Jiang Yun did not take his own feelings, but also ridiculed, which is clearly beating his face.

Jiang Yun did not reconcile Zong Bai, because the Thunder of the size of the hundred feet has already crashed!

Others are also shocked by Jiang Yun’s attitude towards Zong Bai, but now they are more concerned about whether Jiang Yun can take this terrible thunder!

The robbery of the size of a hundred feet has exceeded the robbery of all the monks who experienced the catastrophe.

The power contained in it is naturally too big to imagine.

And, more importantly, this is not the catastrophe of Jiang Yun, but the annihilation of Guan Zhifei!

But Jiang Yun is now anti-customer, even with just one sentence, let all the remaining robberies become one!

In this way, even if the power of this hundred-hunt robbery is one-tenth of a point to Guan Zhifei, Guan Zhifei is sure to die!

Others can't keep watching the fun, but spread as much as possible around the valley.

After all, the power of this robbery is too horrible, and if it is accidentally disturbed when it falls, it will not be good.


Because the size of the robbery was so large that it began to split after leaving the robbery cloud, and it made a loud tremor.

Under the gaze of everyone, this hundred-hunt robbery was once again divided into two, and I don’t know what happened. It’s really only a thunder-thousand thunder, and it’s going to Guan Zhifei.

The rest, naturally turned to Jiang Yun.

At this moment, everyone’s heart has already mentioned the eyes of the blind, especially Guan Peng!

He naturally knows more than anyone else's words, so he is also extremely worried that Jiang Yun will not save his son because of Zongbai's support.

As for Kong Xuehai and others, they are beginning to worry about whether Jiang Yun can take this robbery.

After all, Jiang Yun is not a hole without injury. If Jiang Yun can't get it and die here, then not only will Jiang Yun sacrifice in vain, but the whole family's danger will still not be resolved.


Finally, the two robberies fell on Jiang Yun and Guan Zhifei almost indiscriminately!

The loud roaring sound resounded between the heavens and the earth, and the thunderous splash of the Thunder completely filled the vast valley where the two were placed, making it impossible for people to see the situation inside.

Almost a quarter of an hour later, as the huge robbery clouds on the top of the crowd began to dissipate, the people realized that it was the end of the sin.

At this moment, a figure slowly emerged from the thunder in the valley that still has not disappeared!

The natural appearance is Jiang Yun, and it is unharmed!

After a moment of silence, surrounded by the entire valley, there was a burst of cheering sounds.

This sound comes from all the family of the hole!

At this time, not only the end of the annihilation of Guan Zhifei, but also the victory and defeat of this test has been divided.

Obviously, the hole that was returned again was not hurt, and finally won the final victory and won the test.

Compared with the excitement of the family, the Guan family is pale.

In particular, Guan Peng, after a glance at Jiang Yun, turned around and rushed to the valley below.

Naturally, everyone's attention has also been temporarily removed from Jiang Yun's body, once again looked down.

Guan Peng quickly rushed out of the valley, and his hands were above Guan Zhifei.

Although Guan Zhifei’s eyes are closed and unconscious, his chest is slightly ups and downs, apparently not dead!

Suddenly, some people will understand that the reason why Guan Zhifei can survive is not his own strength, but certainly because of the critical moment, Jiang Yun rescued him.

Otherwise, after the fourth robbery, the Guan Zhifei, who had already died of the lights and closed his eyes, could not take the last robbery.

However, although Guan Zhifei did not die, Guan Peng’s face was still very ugly.

Because he has just checked it, the meridians in his son's body are completely broken, and the most important thing is that in his son's body, he does not feel the atmosphere of the Tao.

In other words, this time Guan Zhifei’s robbery failed!

This means that even if he can connect his meridians in the future, but since then, Guan Zhifei's cultivation will always stop at the present realm, there will be no possibility of any further progress!

Therefore, after Guan Peng handed Guan Zhifei to the Guan family, his eyes glared at Jiang Yundao: "There is no harm in the hole. You are a good means, but it is more than a test, but you have abolished Zhifei!"

"This account, I will let you and your family blood to pay back!"

Jiang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold light flashed through his eyes.

He can't hear the meaning of Guan Peng's words. Obviously, he still has to deal with Kong Jia, and this is completely different from what he promised himself before!

However, Jiang Yun did not speak, but Kong Xuehai stood up and looked at Guan Peng Road coldly: "Guan Peng, the process of this test, everyone is obvious."

"The reason why Guan Zhifei will fall to this end is completely self-defeating, and at the last minute, if it is not without injury, he may not even find the bones!"

"You don't appreciate no harm, but now you have to find the trouble of no harm and my Confucius. You are so close to your home, is it so shameless!"

Guan Peng’s eyes killed and rolled, and he naturally knew that he was losing himself, but his son was abolished, and this tone made him able to swallow it!

If according to his character, he has already shot directly to kill the hole without hurting, but now the situation is different, there is a white beside him.

Up to now, he still wonders what the attitude is in the whole matter.

Therefore, Guan Peng’s gaze directly looked at Zong Bai.

The eyes of other people naturally look at Zong Bai.

Everyone knows the truth, and the result of the battle between Guan and Guan, in the final analysis, lies in which side Zong Bai is standing.

And Zong Bai’s attitude is that the hole is not hurt!

Although it seems that Zongbai intends to return the hole to his door without injury, but the hole is not hurt, but obviously does not want to recognize Zong Bai, the master.

This also makes everyone really can't figure out why, why are you not willing to hurt?

Being able to go under the door of the five-way elders, it is almost everyone's dream.


Only Kong Benchu ​​and others know that Jiang Yun is not a hole, and how will he be willing to worship Zong Bai as a teacher!

Zong Bai slowly fell on Jiang Yun's body and asked in a word: "The hole is not hurt, I will ask you again, you are really ready to leave the division and betray my five-way Taoist temple!"

With the opening of Zong Bai, everyone was quiet again.

Anyone can hear that Zong Bai deliberately gave Jiang Yun a big hat.

As long as Jiang Yun refuses to continue to worship Zong Bai as a teacher, then this hat is not a deduction, and Zong Bai will certainly support the family!

In that case, Kong Jia still has no possibility of turning over!

Now, everyone is holding their breath, waiting for Jiang Yun to answer in the end!

Including Kong Benchu ​​and others...

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