The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1303: Full of knowledge

After Jiang Yun and Xu Lin looked at each other, they each took back their eyes and looked back at themselves.

However, this time, not only did Jiang Yun not hurry to start refining, but even Xu Lin actually took a medicinal material and closed his eyes.

Obviously, both of them are carefully analyzing the characteristics and medicinal properties of the medicinal materials.

This scene makes everyone feel confused.

Although these nine kinds of medicinal materials are indeed extremely rare, but Jiang Yun, who has no one knows, does not say that in the identity of Xu Lin, one or several of these nine medicinal materials must have been used.

Such a rare medicinal material, in general, once used once, will definitely leave a deep impression on its characteristics.

However, looking at the two people's current appearance, but it is clearly the first time they have been exposed to these nine herbs, no one can determine the medicinal properties of these herbs.

"What the **** is going on? Two people fry at the same time, and now they are studying the medicine."

"Have you noticed that the medicinal herbs that they had just merged were not the same, but how could they be fried at the same time?"

When I heard the opinions of everyone, Jiang Yun’s heart could not help but a bitter smile.

He didn't know what Xu Lin had encountered when he was mixing the liquid, but he thought it would be similar to himself.

Because the medicinal properties of various medicinal materials have a relationship with each other, when merging the liquid, it must be ordered and measured.

These nine kinds of herbs, Jiang Yun is the first time I really saw it. So before I started to burn, I will carefully check it out with my knowledge. I am familiar with it.

In the process of integration, according to their attributes, the two medicines are first selected for fusion.

However, just when the two liquids just touched together, there were several kinds of medicines in them!

The extra medicinal properties are still in a relationship with each other, so they will be fried.

This is a situation that Jiang Yun has never encountered before, and I have never even heard of it.

The medicinal properties of the herbs are fixed!

If the two herbs are combined to produce more medicinal properties, the entire refining industry will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Therefore, Jiang Yun can only be attributed to the fact that he is not careful enough about the nine medicinal materials, so now he will carefully review the nine medicinal materials again.

After a while, Jiang Yun and Xu Lin finally started the second refining.

The steps of the two are also the same as before, and the burning is still almost completed at the same time, and the next step will be merged.

The two men at this time even looked at each other involuntarily.

And this eye also makes each other ok, the situation just happened by the two people is the same.

Jiang Yun took back his eyes and looked at Xu Lin's gaze. He took a soft breath and his consciousness was infinitely condensed. He began to fuse the two liquids again.


However, two loud bangs came out.

However, this time Xu Lin first fry, and Jiang Yun is about three nights than Xu Lin.

After the frying furnace, the two people looked up and looked at Dan Daozi. They clearly had something to say.

The latter is a expressionless expression: "There are two last chances!"

The refining pharmacists who looked around were all confused.

At this time, they naturally can see that the fusion of this liquid is absolutely weird, and this strange, even Jiang Yun and Xu Lin can not solve.

Next, it will be their last refining, and according to the previous two cases, everyone is really not optimistic about the two.

In the three steps of refining, both of them have failed both at the beginning of the second step. It is almost impossible to make a one-time successful refining of the drug.

Xu Lin frowned and kept looking at the nine herbs in his hand.

Jiang Yun closed his eyes, and there was a fusion of the two kinds of liquids in his mind. His knowledge of the three...

Or, under the fusion of the two kinds of liquids, there are three different medicines that appear again!

Moreover, this is not all the new medicinal properties, but Jiang Yun’s knowledge only sees these three kinds.

To be honest, such a situation has exceeded Jiang Yun’s perception of refining.

Even let him have some doubts, whether his understanding of the way of refining medicine has always been wrong.

After thinking for a long time, Jiang Yun did not think of a reason, but simply began to reinforce the third time.

Seeing Jiang Yun hands-on, Xu Lin also threw the medicine in his hand directly into the Xuexian furnace.

In the first step, the two men were still at the same speed, and when they were about to merge the liquid, the two stopped again.

Xu Lin’s hand appeared another medicinal herb and put it in the mouth.

With the disappearance of this remedy, everyone can clearly feel that Xu Lin’s knowledge has grown a lot.

For Xu Lin’s move, Jiang Yun looked in his eyes and naturally understood what was going on.

Xu Lin was also aware of the more different medicinal properties produced by the fusion of the two kinds of liquids, so he improved his knowledge and wanted to see clearly.

"This alchemy is probably going to end in failure, but even if it fails, at least I have to figure out what is going on!"

With the passing of this thought, Jiang Yun no longer hides his own knowledge!

So, in the stunned eyes of everyone, Jiang Yun’s knowledge is fully open, and the eyes of God appear above the top of his head!

God recognizes shape and condenses into an eye!

Looking at Jiang Yun's eyes of the gods, let alone other people, even Xu Lin, who has been ridiculed by Jiang Yun, was deeply shocked.

Even Lian Dan Daozi is no exception!

However, his shock was only a moment, and then he was surprised, and he no longer went to see Xu Lin.

At this moment, Xu Lin’s heart is full of bitterness. At this time, he has to admit that he is worse than any of Jiang Yun’s in any aspect of refining.

However, he was really reluctant to give up, so he began to melt the liquid directly.


Although the time for the fusion of the liquid has been extended, he still has not escaped the result of the fryer.

Looking at the smoky snow fairy furnace, Xu Lin exposed the faint color, shook his head, and with others, looked at Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun was not disturbed by Xu Lin's frying furnace. With the emergence of the eyes of God, his attention has been completely concentrated on the two kinds of liquid medicines to be merged.


The two liquids begin to fuse!

At the same time, Jiang Yun’s fingers suddenly moved!

Numerous lines of Aura shot from their fingertips, and they plunged into the liquid as small snakes.

With the influx of these auras, the two groups of liquid medicine did not explode as before, but began a slow integration!

This scene, so that everyone can not help but hold their breath.

It’s a pity that when the two groups of liquid medicine have been merged, most of them are coming from a loud noise, and another explosion has occurred!

So far, both Jiang Yun and Xu Lin have failed!


At this moment, Dan Dao suddenly gave a loud laugh: "Well, the two do not need to continue to refine, this test is over, the ancient Taoist friends, you are the person you are looking for!"

When Dan Daozi’s voice just fell, Xu Lin couldn’t help but scream: “Dan Zongzhu, although he insisted on it for a while, but neither of us succeeded in refining the drug, why even if I lost it? ?"

Dan Daozi simply ignored Xu Lin, but looked at Jiang Yundao with a smile: "How many kinds have you seen?"

Jiang Yunwei Shen Shen said: "Ten one!"

"Yes, actually..." Dan Daozi said half of it, his brow suddenly wrinkled, and when he stopped talking, he turned his head and looked out of the temple door.

There, there are five people!

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