The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1350: a sword through

Jiang Yun’s words full of domineering words immediately let the Qing Xuan landlord who prepared to take the shot give up his intention to shoot.

Because compared to others, he is more aware of the fact that Jiang Yun seems to be casually looking at the net of his own network. He actually attacked himself with a powerful sense of God.

Or, it is the attack on the entire road, which easily tears open the network of the world.

Such a powerful god, I don’t want to say it, I haven’t even heard it.

Coupled with the fierce shot of Jiang Yun, let the landlord of the Qingxuan Taoist community die and do not believe that Jiang Yun is only the realm of God.

When he wants to come, I am afraid that Jiang Yun’s weakest should also be the strongest person in the Tao, or he will not have such a terrible knowledge.

Therefore, he finally gave up his intention to leave Jiang Yun, and he could only watch Jiang Yun with his moon and his own way!

The number of monks underneath has exceeded 10,000. Everyone is looking up at Jiang Yun's figure, and his face has a variety of looks.

Shocked, disdainful, embarrassed, and envious.

Under the encirclement of thousands of monks, even in the case of Qingxuanjie personally blocking the road, Jiang Yun not only can leave the road unscathed, but the most important thing is that Jiang Yun’s attitude is always calm. The face is always calm and the steps are always the same.

This temperament left a deep impression on everyone.

"Who is this person? How have you never heard of it before?"

"I don't know, it's quite strange to see him. It shouldn't be the people in the neighborhood."

"I guess, I am afraid that it is a young master who is secretly cultivated by a big force. It may even be a Taoist sect. Now it is a success, and it is specific."

"It is very likely that, just because of his style of acting and acting, this person is not only sultry, but also courageous. I believe that it will take a long time to become famous."

Listening to the voices of the many monks below, the green mysterious robbery eyes turned, the gloomy face gradually revealed a smirk: "I may not be your opponent, but you should not kill Killing people, you can already be considered a dead person!"

When the voice fell, the body shape of the Qing Xuan Jie disappeared out of thin air and appeared on the seven floors of the restaurant, which was the slain of the young man being killed.

After carefully examining the three bodies, especially after the death of the two old men, the sneer on the face of Qing Xuanjie was even more powerful: "Haha, it’s really helping me, but you are looking for death, you can’t blame me! ”

At the same time of speaking, a piece of jade slip appeared on the hand of the Qingxuan border master. After crushing it with force, it was condensed into a middle-aged man with a mist.


At this moment, Jiang Yun has already left the Qingxuan Taoist area with the moon, and he has no knowledge of the nature of the Qingxuanjie.

Even for the whole thing that happened in the Tao, he did not pay attention to it at all.

Because I don’t look at his anger, but in fact, only the young man is killed, and everyone else is just seriously injured.

In the world of monks, such things are too rare.

After walking through the boundaries for an hour, Jiang Yun entered the wilderness with a moon and chose a remote place to sit down.

Although he is in a hurry, but save the people to save the end, how to wait until the month of the fire to restore all the strength before leaving.

All the way, the moon is like a fire, but I don’t know if I have no strength to speak, or I don’t have the mood to talk, but she looks at Jiang Yun’s gaze, but it is a bit more complicated than before.

Because of her size, this is the first time she is really in danger.

At that time, she was completely desperate, but she did not expect that her eyes suddenly appeared in front of her eyes!

And what happened next was to make her feel like she was in a dream. So she looked at Jiang Yun with her own eyes. She left the Qingxuan Taoist world and left the abyss of despair!

Now, as long as she closes her eyes, Jiang Yun will appear in the mind surrounded by thousands of monks, the graceful figure!

When the whole day passed, the body of the moon finally recovered its strength and stood up.

Jiang Yun looked at her faintly and said: "Well, you have to go back to the medicinal tract, and leave!"

"Slow!" The moon shouted Jiang Yun again, and the voice was a lot bigger: "I don't know the way, unless you send me to the medicinal tract!"

In a word, let Jiang Yun almost fall to the ground!

However, since the monthly experience of the fire is not enough, then it is quite normal to not recognize the road.

Looking at the face with a strong face like a fire, Jiang Yun shook his head and said: "That doesn't matter to me. I can't send you to the medicinal tract. Anyway, my words have already been brought to me. It is also the completion of Dan's commission. !"

Jiang Yun believes that there must be a way to contact her father if the moon is on fire, and there is really no time for him to continue to entangle with each other.

After that, Jiang Yun took a step directly and did not give the opportunity to open the door again.

Looking at the disappearing figure of Jiang Yun, although the moon still wants to open, but did not speak, but just reached out and grasped the gown that Jiang Yun had just put on her.


At the same time, the middle-aged man who was smashed by the master of the Qing Xuanjie was expressionless: "Qingxuandaoyou, what are you looking for?"

In the face of this man, Qing Xuan’s face showed a sly color: “Zhao Daoyou, a famous disciple of Guizong was killed by me!”

Hearing this sentence, the man's brow slightly wrinkled: "Qingxuandaoyou, this little thing, still need to inform me specifically?"

"My ancestors have not had millions of disciples, and there are hundreds of thousands of them who have been killed by others. They can only complain that they are not as good as others."

"If every disciple is told to kill me, then I will do nothing!"

Qing Xuanjie hurriedly said: "No, no, Zhao Daoyou, this murdered disciple is not a normal disciple. He is the son of the elders of the noble ancestors!"

"What!" The man's face suddenly changed: "Teng Xu is dead?"

"Yes, not only is Teng Xu dead, but the two Taoist friends he brought with him are also killed!"

"Who is the murderer?"

"I don't know, it's very young. According to all of us guessing, it should be a young master who is secretly cultivated by a big force. Nowadays, I have a good practice and traveled abroad. I am afraid that I will make a name for myself as soon as possible. So I know the origin of Tengxu. After that, it was shot and killed."

After saying this for a moment, the man asked: "What do you mean, the murderer still kills them when they already know the origins of Tengxu?"

Qing Xuan nodded: "Yes!"

"How did they get killed, and the details, I want to report to the elders!"

Qingxuan: "I don't know the specific process, but it seems to be for a woman. You also know that young people are jealous for women, and their temper is more violent, so the two sides have a bit of a dispute."

"Then Teng Xu reported his origins, and the result was that the person directly shot and killed the three."

"And, judging from the death of these two Taoist friends, I suspect that the other party should be deliberate, and intend to make a name for themselves by provoking the opportunity of your valuable!"

The man’s brow wrinkled more tightly: “How did the two spiritual monks die?”

The young master of Qing Xuan reached out and pointed his own eyebrows, one word at a time: "A sword pierced!"

After the man was silent for a while, he said: "You are already aware of this matter. I have already told you about this matter. I immediately report to the elders. I believe that soon, my sect will send someone to you, and you will be in trouble to receive it."

Qing Xuan holds a fist: "It should be!"

Looking at the man's body shape disappeared without a trace, the Qing Xuanjie master suddenly uttered the voice of laughter: "This time, I see how you escape!"

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