The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1359: Sea of ​​swords

Jiang Yun did not go to see the nine qi whirlpools that rushed to the face with the sound of whistling, but closed his eyes and felt the more than 20 gods covering this area at this moment.

This makes it easy for Jiang Yun to speculate that he has just ambushed around the Wang family. He also has a heart for his own spiritual stone. Nearly twenty monks should be threatened or warned, so they dare not come to their own. Trouble, can only pay attention to the fight between yourself and anxiety with the knowledge of God.

If Jiao Yu kills himself, then they naturally have no hope.

However, if they kill the anxious, then they may even come immediately and continue to deal with themselves.

"Many of these people are people in this world. If I kill them, then their fellows and tribes will continue to seek revenge."

"Although I am not afraid, but there is no end to this, and I am tired of constantly changing my appearance and identity, so I can only let them never dare to come to me again!"

"In this case, take this anxiety and shock them!"

"This war, I not only have to win, but also to win cleanliness, to win for everyone to know, to provoke me to end, is to die!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun suddenly opened his eyes, and the body suddenly exudes an infinite sword, and quickly condensed into a illusory sword!

And seeing this sword of swords, all the monks who are watching are not slightly changed.

Especially the look on the face of Jiao Yu is the moment of solidification!

Jian Xiu has always been recognized as the most attacking person in the same rank!

However, Jian Xiu’s sword repair, if the difference between the repair and the realm is different, then the comparison is how deep the two sides have their own understanding of the sword.

Although Jiao Yi is indeed a sword repair, and has been immersed in the kendo for thousands of years, but until now, he has not born his own sword spirit, did not give birth to his own sword heart.

Even though, even though I realized the meaning of the sword, I could not achieve the sword shape!

Therefore, seeing Jiang Yun’s accomplishments on the kendo is actually higher than himself, which naturally makes him a little surprised.

However, it is only an accident.

Because he determined that Jiang Yun is a monk in the four heavens, he is almost a whole lower level than himself. Even if Jiang Yun’s martial art is more than himself, the true strength he can have is definitely not as good as himself.

"I didn't expect you to be a sword repair, no wonder Song Yue is looking for you!"

This sentence of Jiao Yu is his unintentional language, but Jiang Yun listened to his ear, but it was a movement in his heart and immediately understood.

Just anxiously said that he was targeting himself because someone asked him to find himself.

This person is naturally Song Yue!

Although Jiang Yun does not know who Song Yue is in the end, but knowing the name of the other party, and then want to find out the origin of the other party, it is not difficult.

With the thought of Jiang Yun’s brain turning, the nine sword whirlpools have come to Jiang Yun’s face.

In the eyes of Jiang Yun, there was an endless cold light. He reached out to the anxious, and suddenly pointed out, and saw that the sword of the sword that had just condensed had actually blown up.

This scene is beyond everyone's expectations, so that no one can understand what Jiang Yun is doing.

Since you are not prepared to use the Sword of Sword, why bother to condense it?

However, waiting for everyone to recover from the shock, around Jiang Yun, but suddenly there are numerous swords of swordsmanship!

These swords of swords, each handle has only the size of the tip, but the layers are stacked and continuous into pieces, covering a hundred squares.

It also makes this space of a hundred squares into a sea of ​​swords!

At the same time, the nine vortexes just rushed over and fell into the ocean!

Even a glimpse of a cockroach has disappeared without a trace.

And then, this seemingly calm sea of ​​swords is suddenly boiling up, as if turned into a real ocean in general, the waves of the sky, and patted the Jiaozuo.


In the consciousness of the people, it seems that the sound of sea water rolling is faintly heard. It is also seen that the shape of the anxious body is directly swallowed by the waves of the sword, leaving only a surging The sea of ​​swords!


Suddenly, this sea of ​​swords blasted open, revealing an esoteric figure.

However, at this moment, the anxiety has turned into a sieve, and there are countless wounds that are densely packed. The blood that dripping out has dyed his whole person red!

When I saw the anxious look, everyone couldn’t help but be surprised again.

Although Jiang Yun’s swordsmanship has made them all have a lot of vibrations, but they want to come, the anxiety that has a great advantage in the realm is bound to be stronger than Jiang Yun.

However, I did not expect that although Jiao Yu escaped from the sea of ​​swords, it was clearly injured.

Naturally, this means that it seems that only Jiang Yun, the **** of heaven and earth, has a stronger strength than the anxiety of the Tao.

Moreover, it is much more powerful.

Because anyone can see it, Jiang Yun did not exert his full strength, and even, as a sword repair, he did not take out his sword!

Look at the anxious appearance from the sea of ​​swords. At this moment, the official is distorted, and the face is stunned. One of the eyes has been completely filled with anger, staring at Jiang Yun.

In his capacity, he was once beaten like this, not to mention the monk who only had the blessing of heaven and earth.

Suddenly, two words were drawn from the mouth of Jiaozuo: "Magic Sword!"

After hearing these two words, Jiang Yun still has no reaction, but Wang Yuanzhong’s face is slightly changed: “I didn’t expect the magic sword to be on him!”

On the side of Zhan Qiu asked: "What magic sword?"

"Hundreds of years ago, I did not intend to get a remnant sword. Although the sword body has been disabled, it still has a fierce temper. It is not difficult to see that the sword must be an extraordinary sword when it is complete, and there are countless killings, so I am It's named the sword."

"Just, there are not many swords in my royal family, and the origin of this sword is not very bright, so I took it out and auctioned it."

"I remember very clearly. It was a young sword repair that was bought at the time, but now it will appear in the hands of anxious, so I am afraid that Jiaozuo secretly killed the man and forcibly took the sword. ”

"I have never seen him use it for so many years. This is anxious, it is sinister!"

After the word "Magic Sword" was shouted out, Jiao Xiao then raised his hand and slammed it into his eyebrows. He saw a blurred face in his eyebrows.

Although I can't see the face of this face, but when the face is all coming out, this face suddenly opened his eyes!

With the eyes open, two gaze eyes just touched Jiang Yun's gaze, and suddenly Jiang Yun felt only black in front of him, as if suddenly he was in the boundless darkness, except himself. There are no other people or things in the body.

However, in the minds of other people who watched the war, it was clearly seen -

The vague face floating above the heart of the eyebrows suddenly spurred out, and shook in the air. It suddenly turned into a black figure, but it was still shaking and still could not see his appearance.

To give everyone the feeling that his whole person seems to be illusory, it can be dissipated anytime, anywhere.

At the same time as the figure appeared, he had already raised his hand and made two fingers. The **** turned into a black short sword, and they quickly and smashed the eyebrows of Jiang Yun!

At the moment, Jiang Yun, but with a stunned face, no eyes, no attention to the black illusion of the black illusionary figure in front of him!

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