The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1406: Wish of Zizhu

After hearing Zizhu, Zhan Qiu and Wei Jiu looked at each other and smiled slightly: "Well, then I will tell the truth, crossing this white fog is the center of this nine-color world, and it is our ultimate goal. Ground."

"There is a strong person there, your wish, he can help you achieve it!"

"As for this guardian, I really don't know his origins, but the strong man told me that when I am going to enter here again, someone will come to contact me and take him, we will do it on this trip. Very smooth!"

At the same time that Zhan Qiu’s voice fell, Zizhu suddenly raised his hand. In the side of Zhan Qiu and Wei Jiu’s two, there were countless white spider silks, which were densely intertwined and became a big net. Wrapped up.

Zizhu himself has already pulled back and is ready to escape in the direction of coming.

But at this moment, a low voice suddenly sounded in her ear: "The man you brought, I can make him rise again!"

The shape of Zizhu suddenly fell there because of the spread of this sentence.

Apart from Zhan Qiu, no one knows that the purpose of Zizhu to come to this colorful world is neither for the sake of the ancient times, nor for the magical exercises, but for the resurrection of their own Taoists!

Although she also knew how unrealistic her idea was, but when Zeng Qiu found her, she gave her a remedy.

When the buddies who had already died had taken the medicinal herbs, the body actually had a little life, which made her determined to follow Zen Qiu into the world of nine colors.

The experience on this road made her feel more and more wrong.

Especially when it was here, it was her turn to crack the checkpoint and let her finally decide to give up her unrealistic thoughts.

Although she is not afraid of death, before she dies, she must ensure that her priests can be resurrected!

If even your own life is gone, then your own Taoist monks are unlikely to have the possibility of resurrection.

However, the clear words that sounded at the ear at the moment were a deadly temptation for her.

She naturally knows that it is not Wei Jiu, not Zhan Qiu, but the strong man behind Zhan Qiu who is behind this white fog.

After a long silence, the purple bamboo voice trembled and said: "You, can you really make him rise?"

"Can! That remedy is what I gave to Zhai Qiu!"

The other party’s answer made Zizhu fall into entanglement again.

When she finally made up her mind and turned around, she found that the countless roots that she had just shot had disappeared. Only Zhan Qiu and Wei Jiu looked at themselves with a smile.

It seems that they have long known that there will be this consequence.

Zizhu bites his teeth: "Well, I promise you, but if you can't make my Taoist resurrected, then I would rather blew myself up and let you pay the price of deceiving me!"

Zhan Qiu smiled slightly: "The purple road friendship is heavy. Since we promise you something, we will certainly say it."

"it is good!"

Once again, I took a deep look at Zhan Qiu and Wei Jiu in front of me. The eyes of Zizhu finally looked at the white fog in front of them.

I saw her in the eyes of a ghost like a ghost, and burst into a blink of an eye.

Then she slowly entered the white mist.

Looking at the back of Zizhu gradually devours by the white mist, Zhan Qiu long spit a sigh of relief: "There was a complete and astounding task."

The smile on Wei Ji’s face suddenly converges, cold and cold: “You have not completed the task yet.”

"Why not?" Zhan Qiuyi said: "I have already found these six people according to your request. Although Jiang Yun had some accidents, he was dead!"

Wei Ji sneered and said: "Who said he was dead?"

"No death?" Zhan Qiu once again said: "Impossible, you just saw it. When we left, he was already poisonous. I also left Wang Yuanzhong and killed myself..."

Wei Jiu interrupted Zhan Qiu’s words: "He is pretending, he not only did not die, but also killed one of my companions, no, two companions!"

"He is now in the wilderness, I believe it will take a long time to come here."

"I should have let you kill him, but since we have all arrived here, then wait until the Zizhu breaks the fog and see it after seeing the Lord!"

"At that time, if Jiang Yun appears, no matter what method you use, be sure to grab it, remember, be alive!"

Zhan Qiu nodded, and his eyes showed a sigh of color: "You can rest assured, I promise that he will be handed over to your hands!"

"I believe you have this ability!"

Wei Jiu’s face reappeared with a smile and reached out and patted him on the shoulder: “If this time the Lord really can get out of trouble, then you should be the first to do your best, and we will all honor it. ”

After that, the two were not talking, keeping silence, and looking at the white mist in front of them.

About a moment later, the white fog was like boiling, suddenly rolled up, which made Wei Ji’s eyes flash in the cold: "Almost, you are advanced!"

Zhan Qiuwei hesitated, but eventually nodded: "Then I am waiting for you inside!!"

Looking at Zhan Qiu’s figure in the fog, the smile on Wei Ji’s face once again converges, shaking his head and full of disdain: “This is human!”

"Okay, you can come out!"

With the fall of Wei Jiu's voice, under the earth around him, three figures were drilled, the chaotic roads of Zhan Tianli, Wang Yuanzhong and Jiang Yun!

Wei Jiu’s eyes stared at the chaotic road, and there was a murderous tumbling in his eyes, but the chaotic body was bowed his head and did not dare to look at it.

After a long time, Wei Jiu regained his gaze: "This Jiang Yun is our enemy. After we leave here, you change your personal class to take the soul."

"Yes!" The chaotic road nodded in a row. Originally, he still had some words to say, but at this moment, he did not dare to speak.

At this time, the war force suddenly said: "Why don't you let me kill him?"

Wei Jiu looked at him and said: "Don't you feel the power of silence that he attracted? That power does not say you, even if there is jealousy on the Lord, you only have to die!"

"It doesn't matter if you die, but don't forget, our mission is to save the Lord!"

"Now, you will go with me to see the Lord. Although we have two fewer, in any case, this time we must let the Lord get out of trouble!"

The three men nodded at the same time and stepped into the white mist after being behind the horse.

At this time, Jiang Yun, who was on the wasteland, finally completed the absorption of the power of the wilderness, and was carefully watching the wilderness, there is no trace of the beast.

Unfortunately, he did not find the traces of the beast, and even the slightest breath could not be felt. Naturally, he could not judge the monster that was suppressed by the abandonment. In the end, he died or fled.

"Now there are already six prisons. If there are one prison for each of the nine ethnic groups, then there are still three left, and I don’t know where they are now."

In his own words, Jiang Yun strode out of the wilderness. It didn't take long before he saw a white fog in front.

"Which is this family?"

"There are only the lonely people, and the prisons of the Jiang and the Yinling beasts have not appeared. It must belong to one of their tribes. If you go in, you will know!"

Jiang Yun’s figure just stepped into the fog, and his face immediately showed a smile.


Zhan Qiu, who has already stepped out of the white mist, suddenly sounded the voice of Wei Ji: "Jiang Yun has entered the fog, you have to catch him, in any case, can not let him destroy our plan!"

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