The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1408: Round place

"This stone monument... longs for someone to sacrifice for it!"

After understanding the meaning of the desire of the stone, Jiang Yun could not help but glimpse!

As part of the altar, there is no **** left in the stone monument, but there is a desire for sacrifice.

Although the Jiu Ji Tian Shu Jiang Yun used a lot, but for the Lone, and their holy world altar, he really did not know anything.

At this moment, Jiang Yun feels that it is like having life, and will take the initiative to ask for sacrifices!

However, this is to make Jiang Yun almost certain that the altar of heaven and earth, like the tree of the previous reincarnation, is also a sacred object.

I don't know how long it has been placed here, but it is not difficult to imagine that it must have been for too long and not enjoyed the taste of the sacrifice, so I feel that the nine sacrifices exhibited by Jiang Yun at this moment will be emitted. The desire for sacrifice.

"Ginger is not a person of the loner, but he has also applied the Nine Sacrifice Heavenly Techniques many times. It is indeed a lot of money owed to you."

"Plus my master is your lonely person, so today I am satisfied with your desire!"

As soon as he was indulged, Jiang Yun turned his huge life into a sacrifice and poured into the stone monument.


With the influx of Jiang Yunsheng, the stone tablet suddenly trembled, and the runes on it began to illuminate at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Standing underneath, looking up at the rune above the stele, it was getting brighter and higher, although the scene was extremely spectacular, but Jiang Yun’s heart was a bitter smile.

Because these runes are able to light up, relying entirely on their own vitality!

In a short period of time, his vitality has passed by nearly one-tenth, and one-tenth of his own vitality can be said to be extremely large.

Fortunately, my life has already completed five nirvana, and the vitality is far stronger than others. If you switch to other people, I am afraid that in such a short period of time, there will be life and worry.

However, even so, Jiang Yun can't really let this stone tablet absorb all his vitality, so he has decided that when the rune on this stone tablet is completely lit, he will immediately break the sacrifice.

Although Jiang Yun thought it was very good, it was a pity that when the rune on this stone tablet was completely lit, Jiang Yun was forgotten.

Because with the illumination of all the runes, these rays turned away from the runes, and they drifted away toward Jiang Yun, and they were completely wrapped up in an instant.

Under the cover of the light of the rune, Jiang Yun only felt the heart rushing, and there was a strange feeling between the moments, that is, he seems to have become the stone monument!

Being condescending, looking at it, his eyes are no longer the stone in front of him, but the seemingly endless fog around him.

Although Jiang Yun is in this fog at the moment, he does not know the extent and size of the fog.

Until now, the condescending, just like standing in the sky, he finally saw it, this white fog is actually a square ring.

At the end of the white fog, there is a huge stone monument, which is also covered with countless runes.

Although Jiang Yun would like to see what the end of the fog has, but this stone monument is like a natural barrier, blocking his gaze, so that he can only give up this plan, and instead look at it. In the white mist.

In the fog, he saw a figure that was carefully moving forward, that is...Zhan Qiu!

At the moment, under Jiang Yun’s gaze, Zhan Qiu is like a negligible ant, and even can’t even attract the interest of Jiang Yun. So after just glanced at it, Jiang Yun looked at himself behind him. These are the areas that you have experienced along the way.

At the end of the rear white mist, Jiang Yun once again saw a huge monument of the same, still obscuring his gaze.

Although Jiang Yun did not see this stone tablet when he came, he knew that after the stone tablet, it should be the wilderness that the husband had just crossed through.

"It is not the existence of a stone monument in this white fog, but the existence of a stone monument in the prisons arranged by each ethnic group, but I have not encountered it."

"This stone tablet is naturally the nine stone monuments standing on the altar of heaven and earth. It turns out that they are scattered apart by a certain distance."

"A stone monument is like a boundary."

"Nature, the place where they are divided is a prison."

Just when Jiang Yun wanted to regain his gaze, suddenly the countless runes that stood on the stone between the wilderness and the white mist were constantly lit up at an extremely fast speed.

With the rune of the rune, the force of the occlusion is weakened, which makes Jiang Yun's gaze finally see the wilderness.

After all the runes on the stone monument were lit up, Jiang Yun finally saw the entire wasteland.

The wasteland is also a square ring, and a stone monument stands up above a certain point in the starting point of the wilderness.

The runes on the stone monument are also lighting up at an extremely fast speed.

After the stone tablet, it was the place where the tree of the reincarnation grew.

At this moment, Jiang Yun looked at the past and found that although he took a tree of reincarnation, in this area, there are still numerous trees of reincarnation, which also become a square ring.

"The tree of the reincarnation that I took away is a fake of the sacred object, and the rest is the reincarnation of the reincarnation."

In this way, with the lighting of the stone tablets, Jiang Yun's gaze is also looking farther and farther, until he sees the imaginary maze that is also a square ring.

Even though he saw nothingness, he vaguely saw the whole picture of this colorful world.

"This nine-color world is a square world, and the prisons laid out by the seven ethnic groups all start in a circular way, starting from the labyrinth of maze, from the outside to the inside, with the stone monument as the boundary, and constantly pushing forward. ”

"The square world..."

Repeating these five words in the mouth, Jiang Yun’s eyes suddenly brightened: “No, not a square world, this nine-color world is simply an altar of heaven and earth!”

The altar of heaven and earth is built according to the meaning of the heaven and earth place. The round stone monument represents the sky, and the square platform represents the land!

Therefore, the square area of ​​the square and the stone monument standing in each area make Jiang Yun finally politely determine -

The world of nine colors is actually the altar of heaven and earth.

Naturally, this also made him more certain of his previous speculations. The altar of heaven and earth here is the real sacred object!

"The silent handwriting is great, although the altars of the heavens and the earth in their tribes are only fakes, but the power is not to be underestimated, but they are willing to take them out and arrange them into the world of nine colors!"

After realizing this, Jiang Yun was even more curious. The purpose of the nine people to open up this colorful world is really just to hold those powerful monsters?

"Now the nine ethnic groups, in addition to the sacred beasts, there have been eight ethnic groups, and the orc beasts may not appear, because this nine-color world is in the body of the beast."

"And this means that the back of this white fog should also be the center of this colorful world. If you can see the scene inside, then I may know the secret here!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun’s gaze once again looked at the first stone monument he had just seen.

At this moment, Jiang Yun’s body suddenly trembled, and a sense of extreme weakness came from his body, which made his heart leaping and finally realized that his vitality was about to run out!

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