The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1414: Ginger relic

Jiang Yun has been listening carefully to the narratives of young people, and the facts he has heard have already shocked him.

There is no channel between the two worlds. This is undoubtedly the case. Otherwise, the Nine people will not be able to come to this world.

However, there is still a passage that is not under the control of the nine people, which facilitates the entry of those monsters.

This naturally means that there are two channels between the two worlds, in fact, there are two!

One is in the bright, one is in the dark!

For such a channel connecting two worlds, Jiang Yun can't imagine what it is, and can't imagine how to completely seal it.

The picture of the blasting of the light group gave him the answer!

Presented in front of Jiang Yun is a large infinite dark space, the darkness of which is extremely deep.

Although Jiang Yun actually sees only one picture at the moment, even if he is separated by this picture, he can clearly feel a kind of despair and death!

Because this darkness is different from the darkness in the seam.

The darkness in the seam is just a kind of existence, a color.

The darkness in the picture in front of us is like a kind of life. Like a living thing, it can continue to spread, can continue to advance, and can devour everything in its own darkness forever.

This darkness alone has already made Jiang Yun feel shocked.

However, in the middle of such darkness, there is still a huge monster floating in it, emitting a bright light, and it has drastically spread the darkness around it.

Just like a lighthouse, it gives people a bright future, but also gives people hope!

This behemoth is a huge black...loud!

Through all kinds of runes covered by the black body, Jiang Yun recognized it at a glance, this is - Lou Lou!

Moreover, this tower is no longer a projection, but a real one!

Because unlike the projection, every rune above the tower is like having life. Its brilliance flows, brilliance, and resists the darkness of the surrounding.

These runes also firmly attracted Jiang Yun's gaze, so that Jiang Yun could not remove his sight at the first sight.

So much so, Jiang Yun feels that he seems to have become one of the runes, integrated into the tower, against the darkness of the surrounding.

"This is one of the nine ethnic groups, the holy things of the Jiang people, the mirage!"

At the same time, Jiang Yun’s ear rang the voice of the young soul, just as explained for Jiang Yun, and also made Jiang Yun’s mind awake.

Jiang Yun’s heart is already amazed!

Their own strength and knowledge are quite powerful, and they also master the eyes of the six desires, and are rarely affected by foreign objects.

But now across the picture, I just saw the rune above the tower, but I can't even think of falling into it. I can imagine that the power of this tower is strong.

The voice of the young man then rang: "The Jiang people are the Yi people, and they are also called the fantasy people."

"I think, for this, you should have some experience."

This sentence makes Jiang Yun’s heart once again a big jump.

Although he has the deepest relationship with the Jiang people, he was raised by the Jiang people, but he never took the initiative to inquire about the origins of the Jiang people. What is the Yao family?

In addition to knowing the reincarnation seal of the Jiang people from Jiang Gui, now I have finally realized the origin of the Jiang people for the first time, and I have seen the power of the Jiang people.

Yi, fantasy!

Naturally, the strong Jiang people are illusions!

This also reminded Jiang Yun that when the Jiang ethnic group Jiang Zhan came to the mountains and seas to find his grandfather, he told himself that Grandpa had applied a kind of Taoism called Qingming Dream, with nearly a hundred Jiang people. Stay away from Jiang Yaotian and come to the mountains and seas.

Obviously, a clear dream is an illusion.

And the white fog that I am now in is illusion.

"As for the role of the tower, in addition to allowing any creature to have an illusion, it can connect two arbitrary places, so you can think of it as a passage, or a bridge!"

Jiang Yun nodded. This time, as early as in the mountains and seas, he knew that the tower was like a bridge, one connected to the mountains and seas, and one connected to the body of the spirits.

“Even, its body does not need to move, just by projecting the shadows, you can do this.”


Jiang Yun once again realized that it is no wonder that what he saw twice was the projection of the tower, which turned out to be one of the functions of the tower.

However, since all the towers that appear are just shadows, then where is the real tower in front of you?

"After you look at the tower!"

In the voice of young people, the picture in front of Jiang Yun advances on his own, crossing the tower and coming to the back of the tower.

In the boundless darkness, there is a huge vortex!

Seeing this vortex, Jiang Yun’s heart involuntarily accelerated the beating, and a feeling of guilty moment filled the whole body.

This feeling, let him think of the previous Zhan grievance to look at himself, but also let Jiang Yun suddenly understand: "This vortex, that is the channel that connects the two worlds, but not for the nine people?"

"Yes! Enter this vortex. Over this passage, you can reach another world. However, there may be powerful monsters in this channel at any time!"

To be honest, although I know that those monsters are very powerful, this channel also brings Jiang Yun’s incomparable feeling of heart, but when it is known that another head is another world, Jiang Yun’s heart is still inevitable. There is a sense of eagerness.

He really wants to go through this passage to see what the world is like.

It seems that I know what Jiang Yun thinks. The picture in front of Jiang Yun is moving forward again. After only counting the interest, it has already come to the vortex!

This makes Jiang Yun's face change.

Although I only saw the picture, it is enough to show that the people who recorded these pictures in the past actually came to the entrance of this passage.

This kind of behavior is like finding a dead end.

Since there is a possibility of a monster in the passage at any time, then standing at the entrance, there is naturally the danger that it will be caught and even killed by the monster.

However, Jiang Yun can guess it. Recording these pictures should be the predecessors of the drug god!

The picture in front of Jiang Yun changed again, and the real world became an endless darkness, and there was no light.

Naturally, this means that he is already in this channel!

At this moment, Jiang Yun couldn't help but hold his breath.

Although he knew that the drug **** predecessors would definitely have left the channel safely, but at this time they still could not help but squeeze the sweat for the seniors of the drug god.

The picture continued to move forward, and the voice of the young man no longer sounded. This made Jiang Yun feel as if he was actually in this passage, and he could not carefully look around.

In addition to the darkness, there is no endless silence, no sound at all. Here, as if in addition to the monsters that may appear at any time, even the time and space are no longer there.

I don't know how long it took, Jiang Yun felt that his breathing had become difficult, and he also admired the drug gods of the year.

How strong a force is needed to move forward in such an environment.

If you change to yourself, I am afraid it has already collapsed.


Jiang Yun really can't stand the feeling of depression, and he spit out a long breath: "The predecessors of the drug gods not only have a deep pharmacy, but also a force that is far superior to ordinary people!"

The voice of the young man immediately rang: "The strength of the soul is very good, but when I entered this passage, the people who recorded these pictures were not him!"

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