The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1426: Avenue power

When I heard the words of Zhan’s resentment, Jiang Yun suddenly understood that it’s not terrible to see the power of this jealousy, but he and himself, there is not much understanding of this world.

Because he should be the first to enter this world, is also the most powerful monster.

Even Jiang Yun suspected that the Nine people could not kill all the monsters, but they could not kill the jealousy, so they had to be detained.

When Zhan complained to this world, there should be no other creatures in this world except the Nine. There is no such thing as a variety of Tao.

Although these years, this grievance contacted the Zhan Qiu brothers, perhaps also encountered some other monks and creatures, through the soul, let him have some understanding of the situation of this world.

However, this understanding is only floating on the surface, and it is impossible to know too much detail.

What's more, Taoism, even in this world of heaven and earth, is a rare technique, and there are not many people in control.

Needless to say, this painful technique of oneself is derived from the method of asking Dao Zong's "Human Road". It is one of the eight sufferings. It is impossible for Zhan's blame to know, and I cannot understand the power of this technique.

In addition to understanding this, Jiang Yun’s heart is involuntarily a sense of pride.

After all, although Jiang Yun and the Jiuzu have a good relationship, they have mastered the power of the Nine. Now they are so powerful with the power of the borrowed.

However, after all, he is the creature in this world, the monk in this world.

Even if he may never be able to understand, but he still repairs - Tao!

The sect of the sect he stepped in was to ask the patriarch, not the power of silence or the power that this grievance master did not know.

Therefore, Taoism can surprise Zhan's grievances, which is enough to make Jiang Yun proud of it.

This at least proves the power of the avenue. In fact, if it is properly applied, it will not be weaker than the power in the world.


Just in the thoughts of Jiang Yun, the thousand-year-old Huang Quan had completely swallowed up the three monsters, including Zhan Tianli, and continued to come to the side of Zhan’s resentment, and surrounded him.

The face of Zhan’s resentment also regained the calm color, watching Huang Quan in his body, raising his hand to emptiness and grasping. At the same time, he said: “This river contains the breath of death. It should be your world. The dead in the middle."

"And in our world, although there is no such river, there is a mountain!"

"This mountain is named Fun!"

I saw a mountain in front of him, a huge mountain, three peaks, like a trident, pointing to the mountains.

Although the mountains are also illusory, they have brought Jiang Yun a heavy sense of heavyness. Immediately afterwards, they immediately pressed against Huang Quan.


Mountain and spring, although both are illusory, the impact at this moment is incomparably true.

I can even hear the screams of screams that have been shattered in the shadows of Huang Quan.

Huang Quan broken, buried landslide!

The huge impact force that broke out, regardless of the enemy and me, swept away toward Jiang Yun and Zhan.

Under the impact of this force, Jiang Yun's body suddenly withdrew more than ten steps away. After barely standing, he looked up at Zhan's grievances that were also three times away from the earthquake.

For a moment of silence, Jiang Yun said: "Your strength seems to be able to freely summon anything from nothingness, even including creatures?"

When Jiang Yun never had the cultivation, he was already in battle. Nowadays, this road has come, and the battles of big and small have experienced countless times, so this has given him an incomparably rich combat experience.

Through the several shots of Zhan's grievances, he has already had some understanding of the power of Zhan's resentment that is comparable to the power of solitude.

"Oh?" Zhan complained slightly raising his eyebrows: "I didn't expect you to even see this, you are right."

"How is this power compared to the power of silence?"

Jiang Yun Shen said: "I don't know how much the power of silence is, because the power of silence is borrowed from me. As you said, I am not good at it, and I can't compare it."

"But, compared to the power of our avenue, your power is just that!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun suddenly pointed to the knife, and slammed into the glory of Zhan!

Taoism, love not to suffer!

Since Jiang Yun speculates that the power of Zhan's resentment is to summon things from nothingness, then using this technique to attack Zhan's grievances is the most appropriate.

This is not a jealous grievance, but a space around the grievances!

In the past, the grievances and the surrounding space were separated from each other, just as Zhan was imprisoned in a separate and extremely small space.

Within such a space, even nothingness exists, Jiang Yun has to look at it, how can Zhan's grievances be able to exert his power and then summon something!

Feeling the power of Jiang Yun, Zhan’s face once again showed a color of interest: “Your technique just contained the breath of death, but now this technique contains the breath of space. It's a bit interesting."

"That's the surgery!"

Jiang Yun shot again, and the Leimu mark disappeared in the eyebrows, replaced by a **** desert line!

After the appearance of the wild lines, they are divided and divided into six.

At the same time, Jiang Yun was also shaking his hand. There was a huge palm in the air that was completely condensed by the lines. The Tibetan sword was held in the palm!

Six ruins were immediately wrapped around the sword of the Tibetan sword. There was also a black gas wrapped in it, and it was stabbed to the sword.

The sword is a god!

"this is……"

Looking at a large piece of **** sky filled with huge cracks in front of him, Zhan’s eyes showed an unexpected light and muttered.

Before he finished speaking, the sky in his eyes had already begun to collapse, and the large pieces of the sky were falling, revealing the endless darkness and the ridiculous scent of the vicissitudes of life. Just completely devour his body.

In the eyes of Jiang Yun, it is clearly visible. This Zhan complains that he has not moved at all in the same place, but his face has already begun to fly quickly and full of wrinkles.

His body began to become awkward from the straight, and the whole person was moving from young to old and toward death at a very fast speed.

The sword is a wild, this trick combines the aura, the way of the lines and the wild lines, although Jiang Yun has been used several times, but this time it is definitely the most powerful.

Even if Jiang Yun wants to come, even if it is a far-reaching person to display this technique, it is just like this.

Finally, under the watchful eyes of Jiang Yun, the body of Zhan’s resentment has decayed to the extreme, and even the body has a dead air, and it is about to be annihilated under the influence of the absurd force.

But at this moment, Zhan complained that the same old voice was slowly sounding: "You have combined the power of the abandonment and the power of your avenue."

"In this way, the power of this technique has been significantly increased, and the faintness also includes the meaning of time."

"I can think of it, and it is really commendable to do this!"

"However, this technique should not be created by you, because there was a deserted person who had performed this technique!"

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