The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1437: Jiang Ying is coming

Above the head of the human figure, there was a young man sitting cross-legged.

When he saw the situation in the nine-color world below, especially when he saw Jiang Yun surrounded by the beasts, there was a sudden anger in his eyes.

"Kill all the monsters, one does not stay!"

Come, naturally, Jiang Ying and his shadow are similar!

Although their overall strength is not strong, especially the shadows other than Jiang Ying, if divided according to the realm of the monk, the strongest will not exceed the Tao Ling.

But they are shadows, they are everywhere, there is nowhere to go!

Once they are invaded by the body, they will be like the skeleton of the skeleton, and they will be rooted in your body.

No matter what you do, you can't drive them out of your body.

For this, Zhan Qiu, who has already died, should be the most experienced.

With the shadow of Jiang Ying, the humanoid black shadow under his body that did not know how many shadows suddenly exploded.

Endless, overwhelming shadows are filled with the nine colors.

These shadows with the sound of whistling, exudes excitement, and swarm away toward all the monsters in this world!

With the appearance of these shadows, many shadows that were originally located near the chaotic sun of the nine-color world, after sensing the arrival of their companions, are also excited to roar.

Even the shadows of Wang Yuanzhong’s body were excited and rushed out, and they quickly joined together with their own kind.

As for the monsters, because they were always locked under the imaginary ass, they did not know the existence of this shadow, so even if they saw the large number of shadows coming to themselves, there was no fluster.

Instead, one by one screams again, with excitement, greets these shadows.

However, when the two really got their hands, these monsters suddenly realized that it was not good.

Because of their arrogant and intimate flesh, the terrorist power that can tear the ground, there is no effect at all on these shadows.

Their claws can be easily torn into two halves, but without waiting for their claws to retract, these shadows have been reconciled into one, intact.

Then, these shadows will rush into their bodies, just like entering their homes, and freely swimming freely within them.

In particular, these have already had some shadows of cultivation, and while they are swimming, they will launch some attacks from time to time.

Even though they don't seem to have physical entities, they can be swallowed even after the death of the world, so all the things that are of interest to them in the monster body will be bitterly bitten!

Just the effort of the moment, the shadow that has just been overwhelming has disappeared, all rushed into the body of these monsters.

Every monster, regardless of size, has at least not less than a hundred shadows in the body!

Can't hit, can't catch, can't bite!

In the face of these shadows, the monsters are simply helpless, there is no way, only to watch the shadows swallow an organ in their body.

Although such devouring, for them, it should not endanger life, but more than one hundred shadows are open at the same time, even if their flesh is strong and can not bear.


Although the snoring of the beast is still ringing, it is no longer full of excitement, but full of fear and anxiety.

They have been detained for countless years, and now they are so easy to get out of trouble, thinking that they can finally be proud and arrogant, but they are not easily thought of being easily packed up by a group of seemingly incapable threats.

At this moment, in the body of Jiang Yun, and the murder of Jiang Yun’s fire of life, I naturally saw this scene.

He knew about the existence of these shadows, but he never looked at it.

However, he never imagined that these shadows would actually attack their own hands, and they also clearly have certain threats!

Although he knows that he has no way, he is now unable to protect himself, and he can't be distracted to deal with those shadows.

Although Jiang Yun’s fire is still on the verge of being more powerful than the imaginary soulless fire, Jiang Yun uses the same attack method.

Jiang Yun is already completely out of the box. Anyway, even if he swallows the indefinite soul fire, he still can't escape the hands of those monsters, and he will die when he is horizontal and vertical. It is better to kill the virtual one before he is desperate.

Although he noticed the appearance of the shadow, he did not care about it until his ear rang with a call of excitement: "Adult, Jiang Ying is here!"

Jiang Ying!

This name made Jiang Yun’s heart suddenly shocked, and quickly opened his eyes and saw the young man who was kneeling in front of him!

The face that is almost exactly the same as myself, with excitement and anxious color.

"Jiang Ying!"

Seeing that it was really Jiang Ying, Jiang Yun’s face also showed a happy smile!

Although he has not yet seen the repair of Jiang Ying, but it is enough for Jiang Ying to appear in front of himself at this time, it is enough to show that Jiang Ying has not forgotten himself.

"it is good!"

However, Jiang Yun just nodded and nodded. After speaking this word, he closed his eyes again.

Because he also saw Jiang Ying, he also shocked him.

He didn't know who Jiang Ying was, but since Jiang Ying and Jiang Yun's looks are the same, when he wants to come, the relationship between Jiang Ying and Jiang Yun should be the same as Zhan Qiu and Zhan.

A **** cloud has already made him tired, and now there is another Jiang Ying who can obviously control these shadows, so that he can only try his best to kill Jiang Yun.

Looking at Jiang Yun who closed his eyes again, although Jiang Ying was anxious, but he could do nothing, he could only look at the nearby monsters that were surrounded by Jiang Yun.

Nowadays, these monsters have the same shadow in their bodies, and they are wrestling with the shadows wholeheartedly.

Looking at them, Jiang Ying suddenly stood up, his body shape flashed, and also turned into a shadow, rushed into the body of one of the monsters.

After only a few moments, if this is replaced by Jiang Yun, the monster must be killed by the power of the sorcerer's power. Even if the eyes are closed, the huge body will immediately fall down and die directly.

Jiang Ying’s figure also flew out of the body of this monster, and rushed to another monster!

In this way, Jiang Ying with a large number of shadows in the nine-color world struggling to kill these monsters, and Jiang Yun's body, Jiang Yun's fire is fighting and fighting each other.

As time goes by, Jiang Yun’s fire is gradually losing. After all, whether it is strength or soul, it is still better.

Therefore, after Jiang Yun’s life fire launched the last impact, Qi Xu finally caught an opportunity, suddenly opened his mouth, and swallowed Jiang Yun’s life fire completely.

"Ha ha ha!"

This made the imaginary madness finally excited and sent out a mad laugh, swallowed Jiang Yun's fire, and then, he finally can take away the soul of Jiang Yun!

If Jiang Yun’s life is really as he guessed, then once he succeeds in killing the soul, from then on, whether it is in the domain or in the domain, he will become the supreme being!

Just as Jiang Yun’s fire disappeared, Jiang Yun’s body, the young soul who was always watching the battle between Jiang Yun and Qi Xu, suddenly said to himself: “Soul Cang, you created me that year. The real purpose, it will not be for this moment?"

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