The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1455: Can retreat

Just as Tenglin suddenly appeared and stopped Jiang Yun, Dao Tianyou’s figure also appeared in the mountains and seas that asked Daotian.

Although he has already sacrificed his self-esteem and cut off one finger, in exchange for the Tianyun Yun, he finally agreed that the demon disciples of Shanhai and Zongzong can appear in the big ratio, but until now, he still did not tell the news to everyone. .

Because he always holds a glimmer of hope, I hope there will be a miracle.

For example, the self-cultivator of the ancient guardian can appear in time, for example, the elders can stand up and support the mountains and seas...

Unfortunately, all his hopes have not been realized.

According to the main rules, when the ratio is greater than that, each of the divisions must send a hundred people to fight. Tomorrow, these hundred disciples must first proceed to the main sect, and then wait for the beginning of Dabi in the main sect.

Therefore, he has no way to continue to wait, and can only come here with a hard scalp.

As he thought, when he told the news to Lan Huazhao and Xia Zhongxing and others, all the anger suddenly broke out.

After all, among the 100 disciples who have been scheduled by Shanhai and Zongzi, including Laohei and Liu Tianren, most of them are Yaozu.

Everyone is pressing on the fire, sulking, hoping to vent a good time at the time of the big.

However, the demon disciples were not allowed to participate in the big ratio, and the strength of the whole mountain and sea division was once again weakened by more than half. This made it clear that they were bullying them and allowing them to endure.

Especially the temperamental people like Laohei immediately quit to quit this big ratio, even to the gods, they have some dissatisfaction.

They joined the Taoist sect, completely because Jiang Yun, and Dao Tianyou did not have the slightest relationship.

Looking at the angry people, listening to their dissatisfaction in their mouths, and even unobtrusive complaints about themselves, Dao Tianyou always kept silent.

After a long time, Dao Tianyou finally raised his hand slowly, revealing his palm that had missing a finger.

"I know that you are angry, know that you are dissatisfied, know that my former lord can't hold you, but I can only do this!"

Originally, Dao Tianyou didn't want everyone to know what he was doing, but now that he sees the excitement of everyone, he also knows that if they can't comfort them, then if they make an impulse under anger, then Waiting for them is not just a simple result of not being able to shoot.

With the sound of Dao Tianyou's voice, especially when I saw the palm of the hand that was missing a finger, the voices of the people gradually became smaller.

Although their strength does not work, they are basically living for a long time, experience and experience are not less than others, so naturally they can pass the fingers of Dao Tianyou, and the treatment they have received in these years. Vaguely, the truth of some things has been speculated.

Even so, some people are muttering in a low voice, and at this moment, a voice suddenly sounds: "Give me shut up!"

What is talking is Xia Zhongxing!

Don't look at the temporary patriarch of Shanhai and Zhaizong is Lan Huazhao. Xia Zhongxing has never had anything to do with the Zongzhong, but he is not only the most powerful person in the Shanhai division, but also the closest person to Jiang Yun.

He doesn't care about things on weekdays to avoid suspicion, but at this time, he has to stand up.

Because only him can restrain all these people.

Xia Zhongxing did not look at everyone at all, but just said to the Taoist sorrowful voice: "The Taoist, what happened in the end?"

Dao Tianyou’s face barely squeezed out a smile: “There is nothing wrong with it because some of my personal grievances have implicated you, so I am here to give you a sin!”

While talking, Dao Tianyou’s figure has been bent, and Xia Zhongxing is a big sleeve, which prevents Dao Tianyou from saying: “The Taoist Lord does not have to be like this!”

Then, Xia Zhongxing’s eyes swept around the crowd, and the cold road said: “You should have heard the words of the Taoist Lord!”

"There are only two roads in front of you, one is that according to the instructions of the Taoist lords, all the demon disciples will not participate in the War of the Great."

"The other one is that you can quit and ask the Taoist!"

This second road said that everyone suddenly closed their mouths.

Even if there is still dissatisfaction in the heart, they are absolutely impossible to choose the second road.

Because when they first joined the Taoist dictator, everyone made an oath, and the father asked the Taoist, and the death was the ghost of the Tao.

What's more, they have finally arrived today. If you choose to quit at this time, you will be completely betrayed.

Don't say that other disciples won't forgive them, and they won't even forgive themselves.

After a long silence, the old black whispered: "I chose the first road!"

With the old black opening, Liu Tianren followed: "I also choose the first road!"

Finally, everyone gave the same choice, and Xia Zhongxing nodded. "In this case, then now that there is still time, I will immediately replace all the demons in the disciples."

"Then, tomorrow morning, we will leave and go to the main sect!"


At the same time that Dao Tianyou breathed a sigh of relief, he asked Dao Tianyun’s eyes to be closed.

Standing in front of him a young man, with a respectful face: "Sister brother, Shanhai Seizong has been determined, there will be no demon disciples to fight."

Dao Tianyou said with no expression: "They have no objections?"

"Yes, but it was calmed down by a humanist monk in a few words."

"I didn't expect that these little demon people were still stunned. This mountain and sea can be born with the light of asking for it, but it is also famous."

Dao Tianyun still closed his eyes and said: "Since it has not provoked their anger, it is still according to the original plan. When the ratio is over, when they are present, you listen to my orders and drive them out. ""

"As long as one of them dares to do it, kill them all!"

"Yes!" After the young man promised to punch, he hesitated: "If they don't do it?"

When I heard the man’s words, Dao Tianyun’s eyes finally slowly opened, and I looked at each other coldly: “If they don’t do it, I will do it for you!”

The man suddenly shuddered and hurriedly bowed his head. He did not dare to look at the eyes of Tianyun: "I know how to do it!"


At the same time, all the major forces that are ready to participate in the questioning of Zongdabi are basically ready to go.

Although they all have special methods, they can greatly shorten the time to go to ask the day, but at least it takes half a month.

In the Pharmacy Day, Dan Daozi looked at Mu Shaofeng, who had completely recovered from Dantian in his medicine pool. He said to himself: "I originally asked Daozong that I was not interested in going, but since Jiang Yun is asking Taoist disciple, maybe I can meet him!"

"There is still a fire that month, and there is no news of her until now, but she has always loved the excitement, there should be a great possibility to go to ask the day, so simply let me go and see!"

"Right, the people of Kongjia always remember the safety of Jiang Yun. It is better to bring together a few of them at the Confucius!"


As Dan Daozi guessed, the moon at the moment is also rushing to ask the day.

However, she is not only going to watch the fun, but to go to Jiang Yun.

Because she already knows that Jiang Yun’s identity is the lord of Shanhai’s questioning, and she also thought that Jiang Yun would definitely appear in the big ratio, so she would go see it.

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