The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1463: Heaven helps me too


Jiansheng’s answer made Dao Tianyun suddenly stop.

Here is the northwest corner of the main sect, and the most remote place.

On weekdays, it was used to pile up debris. No one came here at all, so I personally arranged the hundred disciples of the Shanhai division.

What is the identity of Jiansheng!

And the 18 swordsmen behind him, each one is like a sword with the same handle. Even the eyes are full of sharp swords, and the identity strength is not necessarily low. It is the guest who asks the Tao. .

Now they have to stay in such a place where the birds don't pull. If they don't know, they think they are asking the Tao to deliberately slow down the guests.

This consequence, I can't afford it anyway!

However, it is not waiting for the opening of the heavens. After the voice of Jiansheng fell, Dan Daozi took the same step and walked to the side of Xia Zhongxing: "If that is the case, then we are waiting for Jiang's younger brother here!"

Dan Daozi is worried that Jiansheng and Jiang Yun have hatred, which will be unfavorable to the disciples of the mountains and seas and Jiang Yun.

Although I thought about it in the Tianyun Yun, it was impossible for Jiang Yun’s identity to be enemies with the high swordsman, but Dan Daozi saw with his own eyes that even the five elements had to escape in front of Jiang Yun, then Jiang Yun and Jian It’s not impossible to make a hate.

Therefore, since he has come, he must help Jiang Yun to help him at least protect his disciples.

Naturally, all of the pharmacists, Kong Xuehai and others, all fell from the sky and surrounded by their own sovereigns.

As a result, Jianzong and Yao Daozong, the people who came to observe the two avenues, were all crowded in the northwest corner of the main sect.

Together with the hundreds of disciples who have been here, the mountains and seas have naturally made the space here a bit crowded.

At the moment, Dao Tianyun, although his heart is already screaming, but his face still has to accompany his smile: "The two predecessors, never!"

"How important are you, our family has already arranged accommodation for you, where can let you condescend to stay here, if this is to spread out, isn’t the outsider saying that I don’t understand the way of hospitality?"

Speaking of this, Dao Tianyun's eyes suddenly turned, frowning slightly, and his face turned to look at Xia Zhongxing and others: "What are you doing?"

"As a disciple, you should live in the central area. How come here?"

"Do you come here by yourself, or is someone deliberately difficult for you to arrange for you here? Tell me who is so courageous, it is just a mess!"

"You are now with your guests back to the center area."

Listening to the Tianyun Yun this clearly is to deliberately say to Dan Daozi and Jiansheng to listen to, Xia Zhongxing and other people's faces are sneer.

They can't understand the purpose of the Tianyun, and if they want to let the people of Yao Dao and Jian Zong leave here, the premise must be to let everyone in the mountains and seas leave.

Although everyone was extremely disdainful about the behavior of Dao Tianyun, and did not want to pay attention to it at all, it was still Xia Zhongxing who stood up.

For the sake of the overall situation, his eyes swept around the same door, coughing and just wanted to speak, but Dan Daozi had already said one step at a time: "Dao Tianyun, you are busy with you, don't worry about us, here is very good, we are I am too lazy to move."

After that, Dan Daozi had sat down on his knees and closed his eyes. Obviously, he was not prepared to take care of the heavens.

Naturally, all the medicinal disciples also sat down in the surroundings and closed their eyes and meditated.

Since Dan Daozi has spoken, although Tian Tianyun has been persuading for a long time, but everyone is not moving, so in desperation, he can only leave on his own.

However, before he left, he did not forget to use his cold eyes again, and glanced at Xia Zhongxing and others!

The meaning is self-evident, and it is still warning everyone not to talk nonsense!

Turning around, Dao Tianyun re-entered the sky, the face of the original spring breeze has been covered with a gloomy color.

I took the responsibility for the first time, but I didn’t expect to have such a thing.

Under the personal welcoming of the two Taoists, they stayed in a remote place like the northwest corner.

More importantly, although the attitude of Jiansheng is unknown, Dan Daozi apparently unconditionally supports the mountain and sea divisions. As a result, his original plan for Shanhai and Zongtianyou naturally received some pressure.

However, as the Tao Tianyun continued to move, the gloomy color on his face gradually receded.

Because his mind has already made up his mind.

"Even if there are medicines and sects supporting them, here is the site where I asked Daozong. They are the disciples of Dao Zong!"

"I just need to discipline them according to the rules, even if Dan Daozi and Jiansheng can't say anything."

"If they want to stop it, it is to interfere with my question and ask the Dao affairs. At that time, it is not me who is offended, but I asked the whole person!"

"Oh, unless they want to provoke a war between the priests, they will not dare to shoot casually!"

"And, this is more beneficial to me. I originally suppressed the mountains and seas, but it was because of the gods, but it was just a small fight."

"But if the two avenues are helping them, I can still teach them successfully, and let the lords of the two avenues dare not say anything, then my fame will inevitably become a masterpiece, truly famous!"

"Hahaha, it seems that the appearance of Jiansheng and Dan Daozi is clearly that Heaven helps me too!"

"You will continue to sit there. When you are, you will wait to see how I am in your face and completely kill this mountain and sea!"

If it wasn't for the moment that there were countless binoculars watching at myself, Dao Tianyun really wanted to laugh.

However, immediately his brow was slightly wrinkled.

Because he thought of it - Jiang Yun!

Before today, he just listened to the name of Jiang Yun and didn't care.

But now, since this Jiang Yun can attract the attention of Dan Daozi and Jian Sheng, then you must pay attention to it.

"I don't know if Jiang Yun will come to Dabie this time. If he doesn't come, then if he dares to come, I will let him die with the whole mountain and sea!"

"However, killing Jiang Yun is to be cautious. If others don't say it, then Dan Daozi will not agree."

Thinking of this, Dao Tianyun smashed a piece of communication stone and used his knowledge to input his own commands into the stone.

"Go and understand the characteristics of Jiang Yun, and then tell the disciples who are at the entrances to the heavens, let each of them give me a magnified point."

"Once you see that Jiang Yun, you must kill him anyway, and you must not let him appear in the big ratio!"

"Remember, the hidden things that must be done in this matter are also clean and neat when you start it, you can't find it!"

Within the main sect, a confidant of Dao Tianyun immediately left without a voice after receiving this order.

Although Dao Tianyun’s behavior of killing the same door will inevitably lead to an uproar, but now he is the heir to the lord. For his words, even the elders do not dare to violate, let alone other disciples.

Looking at my own confidant, the long-term spit in the mouth of Tian Tianyun spit out a breath: "This is finally a foolproof."

I want to come to the road, and the things about Shanhai and Zongyun should stop here.

However, he does not know, in fact, all this is just the beginning!

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