The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1480: Go home,

Just standing in front of the dead door, you can feel the stagnation of the sky like the waves.

If you switch to other creatures, I am afraid that just standing here, it will already be under this dead air, from birth to death.

However, Jiang Yun is unaffected at all, because half of his body's fire will automatically absorb these dead air and protect his body.

However, even if it is raging, even if you know that you can reach the dead world through the door of this vortex, Jiang Yun still can't see the true appearance of the dead.

This naturally makes him a little regret!

And then, he suddenly reached out from the fire in the body, hard to create a shadow like a illusory ghost - ghost!

At this moment, the ghosts, the feeling of the oncoming death, the whole person is just like bathing in the sun, comfortable and could not help but stretched out.

However, when he saw Jiang Yun in front of him, it was a heavy body, and the raised arm hurriedly put it down again, his face showing a fearful color, carefully staring at Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun is a calm road: "You, free!"

"What, what?"

The ghost screamed and rubbed his eyes, and the face was full of color. Obviously, he did not understand Jiang Yun’s words.

Jiang Yun reached out and said: "Through this door, it is the dead world!"

"In the early days of the prison, when you helped me with the dust, I promised you, and once you leave the prison, you will be free."

"I have never forgotten this matter, just because you are not a living person, I have not found your fit, and letting you out, it is harmful to you."

"Fortunately, now I can finally fulfill my promise, you, go back to the dead world!"

This time, the ghost was finally heard clearly, but still couldn't believe it. He widened his eyes and looked at Jiang Yun, wondering if he was dreaming.

Although I have always hoped to be able to return to the dead, I have never thought that this wish can really be realized.

Until Jiang Yun completely loosened all the restrictions on the ghost, only let the ghost finally believe that Jiang Yun did not lie to himself.

Moreover, the rich and dead air from the dead door behind him also made him sure that this door is really the gateway to the dead.

As long as you pass through, you can return to the dead and return to your home.

However, Jiang Yun’s voice is once again ringing: “Although I can give you freedom, I still need you to do something for me!”

Ghostly body can not help but tremble again: "What?"

Jiang Yun said faintly: "I put you free because you helped me, but you are a ghost prisoner, first poisoned my three brothers, and then killed me and asked a large number of disciples, this I can't count this for two blood debts."

"So, after you return to the dead, no matter what method you use, find my three brothers, find those disciples who have died, and take care of them as much as possible!"

"In order to make sure that you will do this, I will leave a mark on you!"

At the same time of speaking, Jiang Yun did not give the opportunity to refuse, and raised his hand. His hands were extremely fast and he made several handprints. He became a two-line print and fell into the ghostly body.

Ghostly face suddenly filled with fear: "This, what is this?"

"Nothing, as long as you have done this, then you can completely ignore the existence of these two prints."

"But if you don't do anything, then, with these two prints, even if you are separated by life and death, I will find you too!"

As Jiang Yun said, Sen Luo Ghosts let his three brothers Xuanyuan walk in the soul of the soul, and Ghost Li and the Wan Yao Cave attacked the mountains and seas to ask the Taoist sects, and asked a large number of disciples to die.

These two blood debts, although Jiang Yun has already destroyed the Sen Luo ghost prison, can be regarded as revenge, but with his character, will not easily let go of the ghost.

For the threat of Jiang Yun, perhaps others will not care, they are already separated by life and death, and Jiang Yun’s chance of finding a ghost is not great.

However, Ghost Li has been shut down by Jiang Yun for many years, and he has suffered from his torture. He is also aware of Jiang Yun’s experience over the years and knows the horrible and tangible achievements of Jiang Yun!

Especially the two doors in front of life and death are the best proof!

In the realm of life and death, Jiang Yun can open two doors of life and death. Even if Jiang Yun is willing, he can enter the dead world as a living being, then with these two decisions that he does not understand at all, he wants to find himself. It won't be difficult.

"I know!" Ghost quickly nodded and said: "The adults can rest assured that after I return to the dead world, I will definitely find disciples who asked the civil war to die in the same year, and Xuanyuan predecessors, and then do my best to help them! ”

Jiang Yun nodded blankly and said: "Well, I hope you can say it, go!"


Once again, Jiang Yun was deeply polite, and Ghost Li turned and walked toward the dead door.

Standing at the door of the dead door, he still couldn't help but look back at Jiang Yun. After confirming that Jiang Yun did not have any move, this was a bit of a bite and entered the dead door.

Although it was just a door, the ghostly figure disappeared instantly, as if it had been swallowed up.

However, Jiang Yun knows that Ghostly has indeed returned to the dead.

Because of the two seals left in the body of the ghost, they are the seeds of the Tao and the nothingness!

During this time, Jiang Yun was desperately rushing to ask the heavens, and when he was fine, he was studying the method of breeding. After all, he was not far from asking the question, he needed to plan ahead and prepare in advance.

The so-called method of seeding is to take your own soul power, condense into a kind of Tao in a special way, and plant it into other people's bodies.

This kind of Tao will take the other's practice and insight as a nutrient, take root and sprout, and open the branches and leaves until the end of the fruit.

Jiang Yun is the first time to plant fruit for others, and it is still a ghost family. This is definitely not the case for other people.

However, anyway, this is just an attempt by Jiang Yun, and I have not even thought about collecting the fruit from the ghost.

The means that he really used to control the ghosts, or the print of nothingness.

This is printed, and even if the ghost is dead, it will be used for him.

Now that this print has not responded, it shows that Ghost is already returning to the dead.

Looking at the dead door, Jiang Yun regained his gaze, and his body shape shook, stepping into the door of life and disappearing.

With the disappearance of Jiang Yun, the two vortex gates representing life and death also collapsed silently.

Standing in the seam, Jiang Yun could not help but sigh a long breath.

Although he does not know where he is now, at least he is sure that it is indeed the boundary of the birthplace.

And I can still feel the strong breath of life and death in the vicinity, obviously the life and death world is still here.

"This is good. If there is time in the future, you can go through the life and death world and go to the dead world!"

"However, what I am going to do now is to quickly figure out my position, and then go to ask the day, and I don’t know if the time lapse between life and death is the same as the outside world!"

"It's best to be the same. Otherwise, I will definitely miss asking Daozong's ratio!"

Jiang Yun’s fascination came out in madness, and soon he found a world. He rushed in without looking at it and found someone to inquire.

As a result, let him breathe a sigh of relief.

Although I have been in the life and death world for a few days, but the location of this life and death, the distance to ask the sky is not too far, can take up to three or five days to arrive.

And the question of asking the day is just beginning one day!

"In a day's time, there should be no turn to do the mountain and sea to participate in the contest. If I am fast enough, if the luck is good enough, I can still catch up with the Daozong!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun naturally no longer delays, his body is like electricity, and he rushes to ask the day.

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