The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1900: Fall into the trough

The words of Dao Zun are clearly introduced into the ears of everyone in the mountains and seas, and their hearts are shocked!

Because it is not difficult to hear, the voice of Tao Zun is still full of confidence.

And now that the mountains and seas are almost impossible to defeat, the confidence of the road is where!

Only Jiang Yun looks calm!

Dao Zun, the respect of the Taoist domain, even though Jiang Yun has lost a avatar, but Jiang Yun has no contempt for him!

Although Jiang Yun said that the root of the Nine-Family Destruction lies in the division of the Nine, the power of the Tao is undoubtedly unquestionable!

Therefore, Jiang Yun believes that Tao Zun must have a card!

The face of Dao Zun suddenly showed a smug color, and the eyes were even more violently rising. He screamed: "Feng, Nine, Family!"

As the Taoist voice fell, I saw the 10,000-strong monks who belonged to the Taoist priests and were forced to take orders from Jiang Yun. Everyone’s body suddenly had nine lights shining!

A total of 90,000 radiances are lit at the same time, and the real sun-shadowing makes everyone's face change!


Then, the sound of the earth-shattering explosions rang, and the bodies of the tens of thousands of monks were blown up at the same time, making the 90,000 ray of light rise again, turning the mountains and seas into a world of light!

At this moment, everyone understood the last card of Dao Zun, and they also gave them a thick horror on the pale face.

Even the second, the five elements and so on!

Jiuzu Road seal!

When the first time the first two people attacked the mountains and seas, because of the guardian power left by the nine people, he could not attack for a long time.

Thanks to Dao Zun telling him one thing, in the mountains and seas, there is a chess piece that Tao Dang put in many years ago - Duo Wen!

In the body of the solitary text, there is a nine-nation seal!

Now, they simply don't think that Dao Zun actually hides in the body of the nine-member monks who he cultivated in his hands.

With the power of the Nine, the power of the Nine!

In the past, the dedication of the ridiculous monarch, let him protect his people, he did not hesitate to enter the world, and all the people were imprisoned in the body.

Now, in order to deal with the nine ethnic groups, Dao Zun is willing to hide all the bodies of the nine-member monks he has cultivated into the Jiu Nationality.

And at this moment, without hesitation, at the expense of their lives, to seal the entire nine ethnic groups, seal the power of the nine ethnic groups in the mountains and seas!

Compared with the persistence of the ridiculous monarch, the actions of Tao Zun are obviously even more terrible!

Ten thousand powerful monks of the Nine Nationalities, including those who are in the same humanity and context, were killed by Doweng without hesitation.

I wanted to seal the nine ethnic forces in the mountains and seas.

At this moment, the power of the nine-nation monks of the nine-member monks who have been condensed by life cannot be described in terms of language.


The ray of light rushed in the mountains and seas, and they all seemed to have the same consciousness, constantly rushing to the people of the Nine, including the body of the Nine dead, rushing to where each of the hidden forces of the Nine.

Even, rushing to the sky, the nine sacred objects that have not disappeared, and the **** clouds surrounded by the nine sacred objects!

Even Lei and Dan Daozi are the same targets of light shock.

Although the Jiuzu people are doing everything they can to avoid or resist the intrusion of these rays, the radiance is flooding the entire mountain and sea, so that they have no place to hide.

I want to use my own power to stop the light from invading my body, but the amount of light is too much, and I can't stop it. There are still ten, one can hold ten, and there are hundreds!

Therefore, in the face of the Taoist card, everyone has no countervailing power.

After all the light has disappeared, all the guardian mountains and seas in the mountains and seas have been exposed to the horror of the faces of the monks.

The power of the nine ethnic groups in the Jiuzu people has been completely and completely sealed, and it is impossible to use it.

Even if they were not the monks of the Jiu Nationality, their repairs were not sealed, but they were also sealed.

Jiuzu Road seal!

Because there is also a "dao" word, in addition to the power of the nine ethnic groups, there are various avenues of power, as well as the domain of the monks.

As Tao Zun said earlier, this is the domain of the Tao. No matter how brilliant the Jiuzu is in the past, in the Taoist domain, it is still necessary to respect the Tao!

Tao Zun lets them lose their cultivation, and they cannot have the cultivation.

And looking at the dead forces that have been repaired intact, there are five elements and so on, everyone's heart has completely fallen to the bottom.

Especially the nine ethnic groups!

This time, the Jiuzu really fell into the lowest valley in history and the weakest time.

The battle of the genocide of that year, although cruel, but before the genocide, almost all of the ethnic groups have arranged their own people to escape, as seeds, scattered in the domain, waiting for the arrival of revenge.

But now, the moment of revenge they are waiting for has finally arrived. Nowadays, they are gathered in the mountains and seas, and almost all the ethnic groups are included.

However, Dao Zun is the nine-nation seal at the cost of the lives of thousands of monks, sealing their power of the nine races!

If they die here again, then the nine ethnic groups are almost identical to the whole army, and there will be no revenge, and will disappear forever in the long river of history.

However, everyone has not given up hope.

They looked up and looked at the sky and looked at Jiang Yun who was always standing above the sky!

At first glance, their hearts can't help but tremble again.

Compared with waiting for others, Jiang Yun’s situation is obviously even more fierce.

On the rest of the people, the Jiuzu Daofeng has been integrated into the body and cannot be seen at all.

However, in Jiang Yun's body, nine large and incomparable rays, like the nine chains, are firmly wrapped around his body, making him unable to move at all.

What makes them even more shocking is that in addition to Jiang Yun, the nine sacred objects suspended around Jiang Yun are also entangled in the madness of countless layers of radiance.

Even the huge vortex was covered by light.

At the same time, Sen Luo, who was outside the mountains and seas, suddenly turned around and looked at the Taoist statue deeply: "Dao Zun, this is your real purpose!"

"Your ambition is not small!"

Others may not think of something for a while, but Sen Luo finally understood.

In fact, the Taoist card can be used!

Once used, Jiang Yun and the Jiuzu had no resistance at all, but the Taoist did not use it, but turned to Sen Luo.

And Sen Luo brought the army of the dead world, and even first revealed his card, and recruited Yan Junyan!

Nowadays, the wild king Yan disappeared and the army of the dead world has been eliminated.

The most important thing is that the sacred objects of the Nine Nationalities have been summoned by Jiang Yun from the ruined nine places and appear in the mountains and seas.

At this time, Daozun finally launched his card!

The outbreak of the nine ethnic clan seals of the nine monks was not only to weaken the strength of the nine races, but that Jiang Yun could not move, and even the sacred objects of the nine tribes were tied and could not return to the nine places.

Although Dao Zun sacrificed the 10,000 monks he had trained, it was too worthwhile compared to everything he got.

What's more, the role played by the nine monks was cultivated by him.

As long as the Tao is willing, he has time to train more nine monks!

So far, no one today is a Taoist opponent, the Jiu will be completely degraded, Jiang Yun will be brought back by Dao Zun, and the Jiuzu holy things will also be returned to the Tao!

The battle between mountains and seas, the war is now, the original Tao Zun is the last real winner!

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