The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1910: Undercurrent

The ancient elders returned to the Taoist domain, standing in the darkness of the seams, and said to themselves: "The fourth thing is not to worry about the situation, the war in the mountains and seas has ended, and it is not anxious to go!"

"If this is the case, then go to the Taoist account!"

When the voice fell, the ancients immediately marched toward the path of the infinite land!


The innocent land, the unobtrusive anger on the face of the Tao at this moment, shows the incomparable anger in his heart!

The final result of the battle between the mountains and the seas was far beyond his expectation. Not only did he disrupt all his plans, but he also lost his wife and lost his troops. It was really a huge loss.

This tone, as a demeanor, can not swallow anyway!

"If the situation is not bad, then Jiang Yun will inevitably use the mountains and seas as the base to invite all those who have betrayed me and the monks to join the mountains and seas."

"Although those people I don't look at, but gather them into a tower, if you give them enough time to develop, it will still threaten me in time."

"Shan Haijie, I am definitely unable to enter in a short time, then I can only start with those who betray me. I will take the knife of the Three Avenues and let everyone know and betray my end!"

"Day one!"

As a disciple of Daozun, he stayed with Dao Zun all the year round and listened to the Dao Zun’s dispatch.

However, now Dao Zun shouted out the name of his own disciple, and after waiting for a full moment, there was no response at all, which made the Dao, who was unhappy in the heart, even more angry!

"Day one, hurry up and roll over to me!"

This time, the voice of Dao Zun just fell, and I saw a shadow in front of me flying toward me at a very fast speed. I came to the moment in an instant, and it was my own disciple.

Moreover, his entire body curled up together, with a painful color on his face, and it turned out to be exactly like a ball.

Then, a voice also sounded: "Your disciple is really obedient, saying that let him roll, he really rolled!"

Hearing this voice, Dao Zun’s eyes suddenly rose out of endless cold, looking at a figure that appeared in the distance, cold and cold: "Old is not old!"

The ancient elders walked out of the darkness and stood in front of the Tao. They also looked like the cold road: "Dao Zun, between you and me, has always been a well-watered river!"

"But this time, you threatened me with the lives of my three disciples, and joined forces with them to suppress me and start with my youngest disciple. It seems that you really didn't put me in the eye!"

In the face of the accusations of ancient elders, Dao Zun said with no expression: "What do you want?"

Ancient and sneer sneer: "I originally wanted to learn from you, killing your three disciples and suppressing you."

"But I also know that with your selfish character, you are not in the eyes of your three disciples, even if I kill them, you will not react."

"Plus, your deity can't move, and I can't make it to suppress you."

"So, I can only tell you, you and your people, it is best to give me the honesty to stay."

"Especially in the recent period, don't think about going to the people around Jiang Yun and save your own face."

"And, those who are caught by you to swear by Jiang Yun, you better let them go."


Speaking of this, the ancient body is suddenly a strong atmosphere, turned into a storm, swept away in all directions.

When the storm passed, we saw that there was one after another in the darkness, a total of nine worlds.

Under the storm of this group, these worlds swayed wildly, and there were countless cracks on them.

Then, the sound of the thundering explosion of "Boom and Boom" sounded, and the nine worlds all collapsed!

In fact, countless figures rushed out of the collapsed world, and each face was full of horror, looking back at the nine worlds that had been broken.

The old-fashioned voice sounded again: "If you and your people dare to shoot people around Jiang Yun, then next time, the ruin is not a few worlds!"

After the sound fell, the ancient figure has disappeared.

And everyone is still amazed with a look, looking at the Tao.

They simply can't believe that even someone dares to break into the pathless land of Tao, destroy the world in which they live, and threaten the Tao!

This courage is too big.

The road clenched his teeth and stood up and said: "Master, he is not old and he is deceiving too much."

Dao Zun’s eyes still looked at the position where Gu was not standing before, and it was only after a long silence that he was cold and cold: “How much is deceiving, who is your opponent besides me?”


The road was speechless, but still a little unwilling: "Master, then what do we do now, is it so let him leave?"

Dao Zun’s gaze was on the road and all the nine ethnic groups, cold and cold: “What to do? Give me a roll!”

Looking at the Taoist who is obviously in anger, the Taoist and other people naturally dare not speak again, and they can only spread it.

But they really can't figure out why the Taoist would not dare to deal with the ancient.

After everyone left, Dao Zun’s eyes narrowed slightly: “He just realized the power of the returning market, and now it seems that he has already passed the catastrophe!”

"It seems that no one in the domain can deal with him, only to find a way out of the domain!"


In this period of time, during this time, it is also a storm.

The monks who escaped from the mountains and seas will naturally spread the news about the Taoist people, the deeds of Jiang Yun, and the wars in the mountains and seas.

The spread of these news has caused a storm in the entire territory!

Although many people did not believe it at all, there was a real news that the drug sects and other three avenues were moved to Zong.

The three avenues of the relocation of the sect, although they have been careful enough to conceal, but they are each a huge behemoth, containing more than a million disciples.

If you want to move to the mountains and seas in the shortest possible time, it is impossible to be silent. Naturally, there is a wind leaking out.

In addition, many of the disciples of the original Jianzong and Wen Daozong successively received the call of the same door in the mountains and seas, so that the final result of the war was also proclaimed.

Dao Zun's two avatars were killed by Jiang Yun. The sword and a sword killed the five elements. The dead world leader, Sen Luo, escaped. There are more than a dozen humanistic strongmen in the mountains and seas...

The spread of every message will cause a huge earthquake in the Dao!

The most unexpected thing is that one of the protagonists of these news, Dao Zun and Dao Shen Temple, has always remained silent, and no one even appeared!

As a result, the attitudes of many monks have gradually begun to change.

Some people believe that some people suspect that some people are angry and some people disdain!

However, if you believe it or doubt it, not many people dare to openly oppose Dao Zun like San Daozong and Jiang Yun.

After all, Tao Zun has been in the palm of his hand for countless years. His prestige and status have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It is not a failure of a major war that can be subverted.

But in any case, the name of Jiang Yun, is truly spread throughout the domain, and is also agreed by everyone to be able to fight against the Taoist!

The nine avenues are in name only, and the top top powers gather in the mountains and seas, and the Taoist and Taoist temples are silent.

All this, but also everyone knows that today's domain has already ushered in a troubled world!

In times of trouble, although it represents danger, it also means opportunity.

Therefore, there have been a lot of forces at the beginning, like springing up in the rain, quietly appearing in the domain.

Road domain, undercurrent!

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