The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1915: Another organic edge

For the identity of the sky, Jiang Yun always has doubts.

Although Cang said that he was the man of the ruined people who created the debut field, his task was only to monitor the Nine, but Jiang Yun felt that it should not be that simple.

Especially at this moment, he actually took the initiative to help himself against the creation and the dark royal family, which is beyond his scope of responsibility.

However, Jiang Yun believes in his voice, but believe it!

After all, the strength of the sky is extremely strong.

He is not in the eyes of the ridiculous Yan Junyan.

In addition, after all, he was the most powerful genius of the original era, and should be extremely familiar with the situation of the creation and the dark royal family.

You may even know some secrets that others don't know!

As for the reluctance of the sky to let the ancients know his existence, Jiang Yun can understand.

Therefore, after hearing his voice, Jiang Yun did not say the slightest. After giving a gift to the ancients, he turned and walked down the Tibetan peak.

Originally, Jiang Yun thought that he would not leave the domain before he completely killed Dao, so he did not have to worry about many things.

But I did not expect the plan to catch up with the changes.

Now that the Moon Spirit has an accident, plus Master’s advice on his path of practice, he must rush to the domain as soon as possible.

This time I went to destroy the domain and I don’t know how long it will take.

Aside from whether or not you can live to focus on the domain, you need to have the ability to counter the respect of the Tao.

Therefore, there are some things he has to put down temporarily, and there are some things he must do right away!

Standing on the top of the Tibetan Peak, after thinking for a while, Jiang Yun walked toward a mountain peak not far away.

However, what surprised Jiang Yun was that he did not wait for himself to reach the mountain, but saw the figure of Master, and he had already appeared on the mountain one step at a time.

After a slight glimpse, Jiang Yun’s face could not help but smile.

Above this mountain, I lived with the disciple of the drug gods!

After the catastrophe in the mountains and seas, the drug gods grateful to Jiang Yun, but also to be able to live better, and actively joined the questioning and division, and since then, became a member of the Tao.

Although Wushan Island has been re-emerged now, the disciple of Yao Shenzong also gave up the idea of ​​returning to the drug god, and still stayed in the Tao.

When Dao Er attacked the temple for the first time, among the ninety-nine people who were saved by Bu Yi, there were even many people who were medicine gods.

In addition to the relationship with Jiang Yun, the drug Shenzong has a Meiguai in it, and there are also some unclear relationships between the ancient and the old.

Even in the heart of Jiang Yun’s heart, Mei Fei was regarded as his own teacher!

However, at that time, the ancients did not mention the things that were not ancient.

Now, seeing that Master has also gone to the drug god, Jiang Yun naturally understands the purpose of Master, can not help but talk to himself: "Although the Master is older, but if you can find a teacher for us, it is good. thing!"


The voice just fell, Jiang Yun’s head was suddenly hit by a slap in the face, and the old voice was heard in the ear: “Let you talk nonsense!”


Jiang Yun touched his head and could not laugh.

Naturally, Jiang Yun did not dare to say anything more, and directly found the genius disciple Guan Yiming of the drug Shenzong!

Although Guan Yiming did not put Jiang Yun in his eyes at the beginning, he had had friction with Jiang Yun and even regarded it as an enemy. However, as early as when they were in the clearing of the wilderness, they had turned their enemies into friends.

Later, Jiang Yun gave Guan Yiming the refining furnace left by Yao Shen in the same year!

Looking at Jiang Yun who appeared in front of him, Guan Yiming’s face showed some unexpected colors, but then he laughed and said: “Long time no see!”

Nowadays, over the past 100 years, Guan Yiming’s cultivation has entered the realm of protection.

Although this cultivation speed is extremely outstanding, it is much worse than Jiang Yunlai.

As the opponent of Jiang Yun in the past, now he can only look up and look at Jiang Yun, who has already gone higher and higher. Guan Yiming’s heart is naturally a bit uncomfortable.

However, fortunately, Guan Yiming’s mentality has matured much more than in the past.

He also knows clearly, don't talk about himself. I am afraid that no one in the whole domain can compare with Jiang Yun in cultivation, so I have not minded this.

Jiang Yun is also looking at Guan Yiming.

In addition to the improvement, there is a special temperament in Guan Yiming's body.

Others may not understand what this temperament represents, but Jiang Yun knows that this temperament is the Tao!

In short, Guan Yiming, the genius disciple of this medicine Shenzong, has already touched the threshold of the Tao in the realm of protection in the past 100 years!

Naturally, Guan Yiming’s touch is inevitable.

This is extremely valuable!

Because this means that compared with other monks, the probability of entering a humanitarian environment in the future is much greater.

After realizing this, Jiang Yunwei sank, and then smiled and said: "Long time no see, congratulations to the brother."

Guan Yiming naturally understands the meaning of Jiang Yun's words, smiles and shakes his head and says: "The congratulations of others, maybe I can accept it, but your congratulations, it is just playing my face!"

Jiang Yun smiled and said: "Guan brother said heavy, I am in a hurry, and did not prepare anything, it is better, I will transfer the complete inheritance of the drug gods seniors to Guan Brother, as a gift!"

In the same year, Jiang Yun gave Guan Yiming the refining furnace, but the inheritance of Yao Shen did not send it.

Now I found that Guan Yiming had already touched the threshold of the drug, and let Jiang Yun decide to pass on the drug **** to him.

With the pharmacy of Guan Yiming and the inheritance of the drug god, Guan Yiming is likely to become a new drug **** a few years later.

However, Guan Yiming once again shook his head: "The inheritance of the ancestors of the drug god, since I have given the **** brother, I can do it again."

"And, I have another chance, so Jiang brother's kindness can only be taken!"

Guan Yiming’s refusal made Jiang Yun really surprised.

Although Guan Yiming said that he has another chance, what kind of opportunity can match the inheritance of the drug god?

The inheritance of the drug **** is definitely an invaluable treasure that every pharmacy monk dreams of, but Guan Yiming refuses!

For a time, Jiang Yun did not know what to say, and Guan Yiming had already followed: "Ginger brother is really clever, I am still ready to visit you in a few days, I did not expect you to come to me first! ”

After hearing the words of Guan Yiming, Jiang Yun once again said: "What is the matter for Guanxi to find me?"

Guan Yiming shook his head and said: "I am not looking for you, but my teacher wants me to find you!"

"Right, I forgot to tell you, I have already worshipped the Korean predecessors."

"I think you should come to see the Korean predecessors too!"

Han’s predecessor, Han Shizun, the elder of the drug god, was very fond of Jiang Yun and was willing to accept it.

Even in order to fulfill Jiang Yun's inheritance of the drug god, he sacrificed his life and entered the refining furnace with his soul.

As a result, because Jiang Yun already has a master, Jiang Yun recognized him as a righteous father!

Jiang Yun is indeed coming to visit the righteous father.

For his own righteous father, Jiang Yun’s heart has a deep embarrassment, because he is a righteous son, but he has never fulfilled the duties of the righteous son.

The last time I saw my righteous father, I was still away from the Great Wilderness after the catastrophe.

This time, I will leave again. I don’t know how long it will take to come back. So before leaving, Jiang Yun decided that I must stay with my father for a few days!

At this moment, I heard that Guan Yiming had worshipped the righteous father as a teacher, and the righteous father just wanted to find himself, so that Jiang Yun could not help but have some accidents again.

At the same time, Jiang Yun’s brain also thought of a problem -

Guan Yiming said that the opportunity he got was to worship his own righteous father.

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