The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1923: Little problem

The monks who destroy the domain, although they do not repair the road, only repair all kinds of power, but above the way of practice, it is almost the same as the domain.

The monk's body also has the existence of the meridian dantian!

In particular, Dantian is also the source of the power of the monks!

When Jiang Yun’s gods saw Ye Younan, they discovered that her dantian was damaged, and it was covered with cracks, which looked like broken.

This also led to the process of cultivating the source gas in Ye Younan. A large amount of source gas will overflow from the cracks on Dantian, and only a very small part can be absorbed.

Naturally, under such circumstances, even if Ye Younan is even more talented, and then try hard to cultivate, her cultivation will be limited by the damaged Dantian and cannot reach a high degree.

Dantian is damaged, of course, there is a way to heal. I want to be completely smashed by Mu Shaofeng Dantian. Dan Daozi can make it intact, not to mention that Ye Younan’s Dantian is still at least.

However, the treatment process is extremely cumbersome and costs a lot.

It is reasonable to say that the Tianxiang people, as a group of refining drugs, should be able to cure the damaged Dantian of Ye Younan, but they will ignore it.

Coupled with Ye Xiaonan’s previous crying, Jiang Yun is not difficult to speculate.

Although Ye Younan is a Tianxiang people, his position in the family may be extremely low.

It may even be that both parents are dead and there is no elder care, so the Tianxiang people are not willing to spend a huge price for her to heal her Dantian.

Dantian is damaged, the practice is slow, and the status is low. This creates a vicious circle, which makes Ye Younan's situation in Tianxiang people worse and worse.

And this should be the reason for Ye Younan's grievances!

Sure enough, after hearing this sentence from Jiang Yun, Ye Younan’s body could not help but tremble, suddenly looked up and looked at Jiang Yun, and his eyes lit up.

However, this light just passed away. Ye Younan has lowered his head again and smiled bitterly: "It is not a simple matter to treat Dantian damage."

"Predecessors and I are always alive, and the younger generations dare not expect!"

Looking at Ye Younan's appearance, Jiang Yun also knows that because she has been left out all the year round, her mentality has been out of balance, and she simply does not believe that she will help.

Jiang Yun silently said: "I have always said that I have to speak out, and treating your Dantian is not a difficult thing for me!"

"But if you don't want Dantian to be cured and don't want to change your current state of life, there are grievances that can only go to this place where no one is crying with your parents, then when I am nosy. !"

After that, Jiang Yun swung his sleeves and took back the power of the void. He turned and left, and he no longer ignored Ye Younan.

Looking at the back of Jiang Yun, Ye Younan's body could not stop shaking, and his face was also tangled.

When Jiang Yun’s figure was about to come out of her sight completely, she suddenly slammed and slammed on the floor.

The tears that just stopped flowing down again, Ye Younan whispered: "I don't want to cure my own Dantian, I don't want to change my life now, but it's too late!"

Jiang Yun’s calm voice was introduced into her ear: “As long as you are alive, there is nothing too late!”

Another moment in the past, Ye Younan finally trembled: "Seeking the seniors to save me!"

So far, Ye Younan finally put aside his alert.

And Jiang Yun also returned to her face, the big sleeves rolled over and held up her body: "What grievances have you encountered?"

Ye Younan’s experience is actually comparable to that predicted by Jiang Yun.

Although she is a sect of the Tianxiang nationality, but because of the damage of Dantian, coupled with the death of both parents, no one cares about her life and death.

Fortunately, she and her grandfather pulled her up.

However, her grandfather's cultivation is also not high, the level of refining is also general, and there is no position in the family.

It can be imagined that a group of people like Ye Younan, who have neither qualifications nor the protection and care of a strong elder, have a low status in the family, and even many people ridicule.

For all of this, she has always been silently accepting without complaints. Only when she can't bear it, will she rush to this wasteland to cry.

After going back, I will continue to live like this without seeing the future and hope.

However, I did not expect that just a few days ago, the elders of the ethnic group actually passed the order to marry her to a tribe of the blood refining family!

In fact, when I first knew this news, Ye Younan was still a little expecting and excited.

After all, marrying others, even if it is just awkward, can be regarded as a departure from the bitter sea of ​​Tianxiang.

However, when she knew the situation of the blood refining family, she realized that the blood refining group was just another bitter sea than the Tianxiang people, so that she felt desperate!

The status and strength of the blood refining family is almost the same as that of the Tianxiang people, because the blood refining group is good at refining.

Although the Tianxiang people are good at refining medicines, they need a lot of medicine furnaces, so they have always had a cooperative relationship with the blood refining people.

Now that Ye Younan is married to the blood refining family, it is natural to hope to further the relationship.

However, the technique of the refining of the blood refining family is extremely evil, and it is necessary to use the blood of the woman to come to the ritual.

But the women who joined the blood refining group basically disappeared in the end.

Although everyone does not say it, everyone knows that these women must have died!

If Ye Younan really married the blood refining family, it is not for embarrassment, but to build his own life!

But even if she does not want to, she wants to resist, but with her identity, it is impossible to contend with the orders of the ethnic group.

Even her grandfather can only tell her to let her accept her life!

Even if she can't even escape, because she can't leave Tianxiang, the only way to get rid of it is death!

Therefore, she will come to this wasteland, and, really, is ready to die!

"Predecessors, now you know, even if you are really willing to help the younger generation, but the time is too late."

After listening to Ye Younan’s experience, Jiang Yun was silent.

Although his first impression of the Tianxiang people is not good, but they will marry Ye Younan, but they can't pick anything wrong.

A woman who is not qualified in the family, but looks good as a marriage tool, marries other forces to stabilize the relationship between them.

This kind of thing, not to mention the Tianxiang people, is extremely common in any family, anywhere.

Since it is a member of the ethnic group, it is natural to contribute to the ethnic group.

No ethnic group is willing or willing to raise a idle or waste person.

Of course, if this idler has a strong background, it will naturally be another matter.

Ye Younan does not have any background, and she is not a place that can be worthy of the attention of the ethnic group, so she has become a victim of the interests of the ethnic group.

Jiang Yun thought about it and asked: "When will the blood refining family come to marry you?"


Ye Younan’s face showed a self-deprecating smile: “Where there is something to marry, it’s probably a few months later, the blood refining family will send someone to pick me up!”

In a few months, even if Ye Younan's Dan Tian can heal, even if her cultivation is able to make rapid progress, it is indeed impossible to change her destiny.

Jiang Yun said indulgently: "Is there really no other way to change the decision of your elders in your family?"

Ye Younan once again smiled bitterly: "Unless, I can bring greater benefits to the community."

"Or, there are people who can not be offended by the entire Tianxiang people, willing to come forward to protect me!"

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "I know, the problem should be small."

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