The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1928: Sincerely

"You are very disappointed?"

When I heard Jiang Yun’s words, Ye Shuo couldn’t help but sneak a little, but then he sneered: “What are you, dare to slap on the things of my Tianxiang!”

"If I were you, just kneel down and confess to us!"

"Otherwise, when I arrive at the Tianxiang people, you don't know how to die!"

Ye Zi, who is on the side, is full of sullen smiles: "Taro can't let him go wrong!"

"Before he dared to call me a dog, and also cast illusion on me, I have to dig his eyes and cut off his tongue to show disciplinary action."

"If not, let all the people of the foreign people think that my Tianxiang people are bullied!"

In the face of the two people who are still arrogant at the moment, Jiang Yun’s eyes have already revealed murderousness.

The disappointment in his mouth, only he knows what it means!

If the entire Tianxiang people are really people like Ye Shuo and Ye Zhi, then even if the Tianxiang people are the tenth family, even if they are willing to accept their own orders, such a group, they are too lazy to drive.

Jiang Yun calmly said: "Hey, you are dogs, they are all lifting you!"

"Tianxiang people, Tianxiang people, in addition to the identity of the Tianxiang people, you have nothing to do with the shit."

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun suddenly took a step toward Ye Shuo and Ye Zhi.


As the steps fell, the earth made a lot of tremors.

For Ye Shuo and Ye Zhi, this step of Jiang Yun is like stepping on their heart, so that they only feel that the heart has almost stopped beating.

The feeling of suffocation swept through their whole body, so that they could no longer speak a word, and even could not do it with breathing. They could only open their mouths, open their eyes, and glare at Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun continued to speak and continued to move.

"I came to Tianxiangjie and didn't provoke you Tianxiang, just because I met Ye girl, you attacked us with such a vicious language!"


The second step fell, and the heart of Ye Shuo and Ye Zhi suddenly collapsed sharply. Let their faces rise red, and their eyes are covered with endless blood.

Even, it sticks out the tongue, really like a dog, but still can't make a sound.

"Now I have to look at it. If I kill you two Tianxiang people, you Tianxiang, what kind of attitude will treat me!"

While talking, Jiang Yun raised his foot for the third time.

The eyes of Ye Shuo and Ye Zhi finally showed the color of horror.

Because they are very clear, if Jiang Yun's third step falls, then his own heart that shrinks to the extreme will explode immediately.

Moreover, looking at Jiang Yun's appearance, it is clear that he really dared to kill himself!

It is a pity that at this moment they can't say anything at all, so they can only feel the shadow of death covering their body and can only wait for Jiang Yun's footsteps to fall.

At this moment, this street has already been filled with people, but in addition to the voice of Jiang Yun, there is no sound.

Everyone is deeply shocked by the sights in front of me!

Although no one knows Jiang Yun, they know at least Ye Shuo.

Ye Shuo is a sacred family of the Tianxiang people. His grandfather is one of the elders of today's incense!

However, Jiang Yun, a stranger, dared to kill him in the territory of the Tianxiang people, in the eyes of the public!

However, the attitude of Ye Shuo's previous treatment of Ye Younan and the words Jiang Yun said now, so that most of them have already understood the cause and effect of the matter.

Logically speaking, this Ye Shuo and Ye Zhi two people really should kill!

However, killing Ye Shuo will definitely lead to the wrath of his grandfather, and even to the evil of the entire Tianxiang people!

The consequences, the vast majority of people present are unwilling to bear.


At this moment, a figure descended from the sky and fell directly between Jiang Yun and Ye Shuo.

This is a middle-aged man. Although he looks elegant, his body exudes a temperament that is not angry.

Seeing the appearance of this person, Ye Shuo and Ye Zhi’s eyes suddenly showed the hope of light.

They know that they can't die.

After the man appeared, his eyes glanced at Ye Shuo and Ye Zhi behind him, and then looked at Ye Younan, who had already been so scared and stunned, and finally fell on Jiang Yun’s body.

Then, he even yelled at Jiang Yun’s fist: “In the next leaf, know autumn!”

"Today's business is indeed the wrong thing Yeats and Ye Shuo did, and it is also my Tianxiang people's lack of discipline. I will apologize to you on behalf of them!"

Although Jiang Yun does not know who Ye Zhiqiu is, but the other side's cultivation is comparable, it must be Ye Shuo's elders, and the attitude is quite sincere.

However, Jiang Yun will certainly not be so good, he really has already moved the fire!

How about the Tianxiang people, the Baili Xuan of the Dark Emperor, said that killing will kill, and he will care about a Tianxiang!

Therefore, Jiang Yunface said with no expression: "Now they are suppressed by me, so you apologize, if you are replaced by me, you will appear, will you apologize to me?"

Ye Zhiqiu did not hesitate: "Yes!"

This time, it was a bit of an accident for Jiang Yun.

Because looking at Ye Zhiqiu's appearance is not a pretense, but a sincerity.

Ye Zhiqiu also followed: "Tianxiang people can stand in the Tianxiang world and be able to stand in this southwestern wilderness for so many years. It is not the arrogance of Zhangzhang, but the love of all friends!"

"My Tianxiang people are not afraid of things, but they rarely take the initiative to cause trouble!"

"Today's business, it is indeed that my two nephews and prostitutes are wrong, and that our elders are too indulgent. Therefore, I apologize!"

Ye Zhiqiu’s remarks are not humiliating and screaming.

Although he took the initiative to apologize to Jiang Yun and admitted that he was wrong in Tianxiang, he did not let anyone look down on him and look down on Tianxiang.

Because, he is also telling the truth.

If the tribes of the Tianxiang people are really like Ye Zhi Ye Shuo, even if they are unselfish, they have long been annihilated by other forces.

"In order to express my apology for the Tianxiang people, I have a Tianyuan Dan here, please also smile!"

“In addition, if you are coming for the holy stone, you can start testing at any time!”

I have to say that this Ye Zhiqiu is a human being, and the gas in Jiang Yun’s heart has already disappeared.

"Ye Zhiqiu!" Jiang Yun nodded. "Look at your face, today's business ends here."

"But if you are the two nephews and prostitutes, and the other people in your Tianxiang people would dare to talk nonsense, then borrow a sentence you just said, Jiang does not cause trouble, but not afraid of things!"

After that, Jiang Yun finally put his foot on the ground and said: "Your remedy, I want it to be useless, come back from the things that your scorpion snatched from me!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Zhiqiu’s eyes suddenly shot a cold light, and looked coldly at Ye Shuo: "You are more and more promising, and dare to rob others in Tianxiang City!"

In fact, Ye Shuo took the storage device from Ye Younan.

Even if he is courageous, he does not dare to go to the streets to grab the things of foreigners. Once he is promoted, there will be foreigners who dare to come to Tianxiang.

Ye Shuo's body has recovered the power of the moving bullets. In the face of the cold light in Ye Zhiqiu's eyes, he did not dare to speak. He could only lick out the storage ring and hand it to Ye Zhiqiu.

However, Ye Zhiqiu did not pick up at all. The cold road said: "I will send it back to others, and I will recognize it wrong!"

In desperation, Ye Shuo could only bite his teeth and walked to the front of Jiang Yun. He lifted the storage ring high: "I am wrong with this matter, and now the original is returned!"

Jiang Yun did not pick up the storage ring, but looked at the faint color hidden in the depths of Ye Shuo’s eyes. He said: "You are not satisfied?"

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