The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1944: Tooth decay

Under the protection of two old men, the refining marks have escaped from the Tianxiang national palace and appeared on the sky of Tianxiangjie!

"I can not be reconciled!"

The refining marks suddenly stopped their bodies and glared at the palace below, and they made a roar!

At the moment, the refining marks, half of the face are high and swollen, the corners of the mouth are still with blood, the hair is scattered, and the body is covered with dust, and it looks like a wolf to the extreme.

As a patriot of the blood refining family, why did he suffer this kind of insult!

He was beaten by Jiang Yun, and now he has to flee away, and he can't swallow it anyway.

The old man who had just been scared away by Jiang Yun had already returned to his heart. His pale face said: "I have seen the smudges in his eyes. I want to bury me, so I have no The power of resistance."

"He is very strong, we are not opponents!"

Another old man also nodded: "I know that you are not willing, but it is useless to stay in Tianxiang. It is better to wait for us to go back and find a master to deal with him!"


There is a lameness in the resentment of hatred, although it is unwilling, but it can only be so.

But when the three wanted to leave, there was a sudden sound behind them: "Learning the brother, please stay!"

The refining marks turned their heads and saw Ye Shuo, who was chased from the Tianxiang Palace. His eyes suddenly revealed the cold light of the monks: "Ye Shuo, you dare to appear!"

If it wasn't for Ye Shuo's inexplicable news that Ye Younan had informed him, he would not be able to come to the Tianxiang nationality so much that he was so humiliated.

Although he also knows that Jiang Yun and the Tianxiang people do not have much relationship, even Ye Boyi and others are extremely dissatisfied with Jiang Yun. They have no reason to blame the Tianxiang people, but he is now on the air, naturally Ye Shuo and Tianxiang people hated it together.

Ye Shuo smiled slightly: "The refining brothers are suffocating, and Jiang Yun is indeed abhorrent. In my Tianxiang family, I dare to shoot the bristles!"

"But the refining brother is relieved, and my Tianxiang people have already trapped him, and naturally will make this bad breath for the refining brother."

"In addition, in order to express my family's apology, we also decided to bring Ye Younan to the refining brother to bring back!"

"Ye Younan!" The cold light in the eyes of the refining marks once again skyrocketed: "The woman who kneels, do you have a face and let me bring her back?"

"Go back and tell you Tianxiang, this marriage, I refuse, my blood refining will not accept, unless you marry Ye Lingzhu to me!"

The refining marks did not have any feelings for Ye Younan, and in the final analysis, everything was started by Ye Younan, so he also hated Ye Younan.

What's more, he has already seen Ye Lingzhu, and he is shocked to be a man of heaven.

When I heard the words of the refining marks, Ye Shuo’s eyes could not help but flash a cold light.

The refining marks did not put his leaves in his eyes, and he put the refining marks in his eyes.

Although the refining mark is the arrogance of the blood refining family, but he is the grandson of the elders of the Tianxiang nationality, his father is more likely to be the leader of the patriarch.

This refining mark is simply not qualified to compare with himself.

The reason why I am so polite to the refining marks, but I want to kill Jiang Yun by the hands of the refining marks.

I did not expect that this refining mark was so wasteful that it was easily scared away by Jiang Yun, but now I still want to marry Ye Lingzhu as a wife, I want to eat swan meat!

Although she was despised in her heart, she still had a sincere smile on her face: "Liangling, I know that you can't see Ye Younan, but you should see that Jiang Yun is very concerned about Ye Younan."

"If you take Ye Younan away, this is definitely a big blow for Jiang Yun, and it can also make the refining brother export bad luck?"

"As for bringing back, Ye Younan is the person of your blood refining family, and has nothing to do with my Tianxiang people. If the refining brother wants to deal with Ye Younan, then it depends on your heart!"

Ye Shuo’s words made the cold light in the eyes of the refining mark disappear gradually, and a sinister smile appeared on his face: “Yes, what you said is very reasonable!”

"In this way, if your Tianxiang people really want me to deflate, then it is best not to kill the Jiang Yun, and tell me for him, if he wants Ye Younan's safe and innocent, go to the blood refining family to find me!"

"At that time, I will be in front of him, torture the leaves and young south!"

Ye Shuo gave a thumbs up to the refining mark: "The refining brother is brilliant!"

The refining marks burst into laughter and said: "Ha ha ha, walk around, I will go back to take my bedroom, go to the house tonight!"

Ye Shuo shook his head and said: "Please refine your brother."

"That Ye Zhiqiu secretly sent people to protect Ye Younan, and Ye Younan was hospitalized, and there was a battle under Jiang Yun."

"If you go to the refining brother, I am afraid it is difficult to catch Ye Younan."

The eyes of the refining mark shouted: "Ye Shuo, can't you play me?"

"Where dare!" Ye Shuo smiled slightly: "I don't worry about refining my brother. I naturally have a way to let Ye Younan be willing to leave with you, even if Ye Zhiqiu is there, he can't stop it!"

Having said that, Ye Shuo waved at the bottom.

I saw a Tianxiang people appear in front of him, still holding a dying old man in his hand.

"He is the grandfather of Ye Younan. If he is there, Ye Younan will naturally go back with you!"

At this time, the refining marks could not know the idea of ​​Ye Shuo, and the Yin and Yin smiled. The group immediately rushed to the outside of Tianxiang City.


"Ye Song, don't you really want to force me to shoot!"

Among the palaces of the Tianxiang people, Ye Zhiqiu has already arrived, and Jiang Yun, who was trapped by the formation, made his face gloomy and cold, watching Ye Song coldly!

Ye Song sneered and said: "Three brothers, before you protect him, you better ask him what he did!"

"What did he do?"

In Ye Zhiqiu's thought, it is inevitable that Ye Song and others will deliberately find the shackles and put Jiang Yun into the big array.

Ye Song did not answer, but Ye Lingzhu stood up and said: "Three uncles, this is really not bad five uncle!"

"The cause of the incident is entirely because this **** cloud is arrogant, and I am not arrogant about it. I even said that I am not qualified to be called the arrogant woman of the sky, so that I am angry with the refining marks and fight for me. I want to teach Jiang Yun."

"Unexpectedly, this Jiang Yun's strength is tyrannical, not only hurts the refining marks, but also drives away the two tribes of the blood refining family, but also to me."

"Thanks to the uncle who arrived in time, he was trapped by the formation method, which saved my life."

"Otherwise, I am afraid I have never seen the uncle!"

"If you don't believe in the uncle, you can ask other people present to see if I can say a word!"

Having said that, Ye Lingzhu’s face also showed anger and anger, and his eyes were slightly reddish.


Looking at Ye Lingzhu, Ye Zhiqiu suddenly stopped, even thinking that his head is not enough.

If this is from the mouth of Ye Song, he will not believe it at all, but since Ye Lingzhu said it, it should not be a lie.

After all, Ye Lingzhu is not a leaf, they are a pulse, and Jiang Yun is no enmity and no complaints, there is no need to fall into Jiang Yun.

In this way, his heart is angry with Jiang Yun!

Although he did not expect that Jiang Yun’s strength would be so strong, even the two old men of the blood refining group could run away, but within the territory of their Tianxiang nationality, they also wanted to kill Ye Lingzhu. It is too much!

Ye Zhiqiu knows where Ye Lingzhu will take the initiative to open his mouth because he has already considered Ye Zhiqiu to maintain Jiang Yun.

Since he has offended Jiang Yun, it means to offend Ye Zhiqiu. It is better to stand on Ye Song and Ye Boyi and others, at least there will be elders to protect themselves.

Just when Ye Zhiqiu didn't know how to be good, Jiang Yun's voice suddenly came out of the array: "A good tooth decay!"

"Ye Lingzhu, even if you are talented, you are not worthy to continue to be the arrogant woman of Tianxiang!"

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