The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1955: See the Tianxiang people

In the Tianxiang world, Jiang Yun has never shown real strength, although it is because his opponents are too weak, so that he does not need to use strength.

But also because he needs to hide his true identity!

After all, he is growing up in the field, practicing or the power of the road.

If it is presented, it is easy for some people to recognize it and doubt the identity of its own domain.

As for the power of destroying the domain, he can't easily use it.

Because the power of destroying the domain belongs to the individual groups, it is like a special mark.

For example, the power of the void, the power of a thousand hands, if he shows it, I am afraid that he will immediately be considered a virtual or a thousand people.

Or think that he is the force that is robbed from these two ethnic groups, and then spread it out, and it will provoke the pursuit of these two ethnic groups.

As for the power of the Nine and the power of silence, he did not dare to use it.

Although there is a very long distance from the Shankui people, he does not dare to guarantee that there will be a group of people who can feel the power of silence as well as the Shankui people, thus exposing their identity.

Therefore, he can only be a sword array.

After all, the destroyer of the domain also uses the sword. As long as the sword is not used, the power of the simple sword will not be worried about being recognized by others.

Now, the Tianxiang ethnic patriarch's vague attitude makes him feel dissatisfied, but also decides to show his true strength and let everyone see.

Nature, or the power of the sword!

As Jiang Yun took a step toward refining, his body immediately burst into a powerful atmosphere, which exploded and turned into countless sharp swords, pointing to the nine people of the blood refining!

In this step alone, the face of refining is slightly changed.

Before he came, he naturally inquired about Jiang Yun's situation.

Although Jiang Yun did not really shoot, but the sword array, it is not difficult for him to guess Jiang Yun is good at sword.

And for any force of the gods, he is not in the heart.

But now, the real face of Jiang Yun, who is already like a sword, is to let him realize that he obviously underestimated the strength of Jiang Yun.

The other eight people's face is also a change, this sword is strong, definitely more than the other soldiers who are refining themselves.

"The reason why I am killing the refining marks, you should be clear, it is entirely his own self-sufficiency, and I do not want to continue to grieve with you."

"As long as you leave now, then this is the end of the matter, but if you don't leave, then you should never leave."

When Jiang Yun said this sentence faintly, he has already taken the second step.

The fall of this step, countless swords and screams, and clearly introduced into the ears of the nine blood refining people, so that their hearts can not help but accelerate the beating.

Refining and smashing suddenly screamed out: "Can't let him go on, kill!"

When the voice fell, a long pole appeared in his hand and swept away toward Jiang Yun.

Among the long scorpions, there is a horrible force that burst out and suddenly turned into a fierce white tiger. He lifted the claws like mountains and took them to Jiang Yunqi.

When a claw fell, suddenly a few cracks appeared, and even the heavens and the earth were shaking slightly, and it seemed that it was difficult to bear the power of this white tiger.

In the distance, surrounded by the audience, some people couldn’t help but open the door: "This long-handed scorpion actually blends the blood of the black tiger, which makes it smelt and really crazy!"

The so-called blood refining is to sculpt the magic weapon of the gods with the blood of various creatures, so that the magic weapon of the gods can have the strength of the corresponding creatures when they come out, even directly giving birth to the spirit!

In the destruction of the domain, there are naturally the existence of the Yaozu.

The Xuanhu people are one of them, and their strength is extremely strong, even far exceeding the blood refining family.

Refining and turning into the blood of the black tiger to sacrifice the long scorpion, and let the sacred tiger become a spirit, if the Xuanhu people know, it will definitely lead to the sorrowful anger of the Xuanhu people.

However, it can be seen from this that at this moment, in the face of Jiang Yun, who has come to step forward, refining has felt a great threat, so he will use this long-handedness regardless of his care.

In the eyes of others, Jiang Yun is not afraid of this mysterious tiger, but his footsteps will inevitably be disrupted and even have to stop.

However, just when the Xuanhu claws were about to fall, Jiang Yun’s hand quickly shot a print, and fell into the body of Xuan Hu, and suddenly made a stern sigh in the mouth of this black tiger. Called, the huge figure suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, Jiang Yun’s third step has already fallen, and there is no stagnation at all.

"How is this going?"

"What is it that is printed, and even Xuanhu collapsed in an instant?"

This scene is once again bringing great shock to everyone.

No one at all can recognize the printing of Jiang Yun’s print, what is the final decision.

Where do they know that Jiang Yun is a refining demon in addition to his own strength.

With Jiang Yun’s current strength, let’s not say that an illusory Xuanhu instrument is in the district. Even if the real Xuanhu appears, Jiang Yun will not have the slightest fear.


When Jiang Yun took the fourth step, the remaining eight blood refining people threw out dozens of weapons of the gods.

In an instant, I saw dozens of different spirits appearing out, fiercely rushing to Jiang Yun.


It is a pity that Jiang Yun and the area where they are located have been completely swayed by swords, swords and swords.

These geniuses have just appeared, and they are not waiting to be close to Jiang Yun, and they will be broken and broken immediately.

"No more, kill!"

After Jiang Yun’s fifth step, there was a blood refining person who could not bear the threat of such death. He immediately screamed away from the distance and broke away from the area.

With the first person to escape, there is naturally a second.

When Jiang Yun took the seventh step, there were already six blood refining people who fled, but only three people still insisted.

"last chance!"

After Jiang Yun’s ninth step, the whole area was already controlled by the endless sword, and even the situation could not be seen clearly.

At the moment, in front of Jiang Yun, only one person is refining!

In just nine steps, Jiang Yun has not really taken the shot, but he has already forced the eight strong men of this blood refining!

"Is this his true strength?"

"His every step of his steps is accumulating his own momentum. Now he is taking nine steps. His momentum has reached its peak. Next, it will be a kill!"

"This blow, refining, I am afraid I can't take it!"

At this time, among the monks who were watching, naturally, someone has already seen the significance of Jiang Yun’s continuous nine steps.

Although Jiang Yun has not really taken the shot, but for his strength, everyone has a rough judgment.

In the face of refining, Jiang Yun finally took the tenth step.


The swords of the sky, the swords and swords, all collapsed together, condensed in the swords that have appeared in the hands of Jiang Yun, and went straight toward the refining.

"Blasting burst!"

The refining and transformation was also a loud bang, and nine squadrons were rushed out of the body. In the air, nine figures were formed, and they were not fully revealed.

In addition to these nine soldiers, the refining of the eyebrows, but also a blood point, rushed to Jiang Yun.


The violent explosion force directly shocked the entire Tianxiang world to be violently shaken. A huge wave of shapes like mushrooms rushed up, covering the sky and obscuring the eyes and the knowledge of everyone.

At this moment, from the turmoil, slowly came out of a figure, it is Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun’s gaze did not look at the air wave at all, but looked at the direction of Tianxiang City. The faint opening said: “After three months, the Tianxiang ethnic group saw it!”

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