The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1970: Look at the wall

Jiang Yun was not easy to shock those monks, but the Fire Lions who did not move, suddenly suddenly went to their own shots at this time, so that Jiang Yun finally realized the root of the problem, I am afraid it lies in Ye Zhan!

Therefore, he has to figure out this doubt!

Hearing the voice of Jiang Yun, Ye Chunyang said softly: "Yes, he is not trying to kill you, but to stimulate me to save you!"

"Once I take the shot, he has reason to force me to give up the patriarch's position!"

Ye Chunyang simply said the plan of Ye Zhan.

"Sure enough!" Jiang Yun smiled coldly: "The leaf patriarch, can you tell me now, your attitude!"

"Nature, I and the other two elders are willing to let you take charge of the Tianxiang people!"

"The other three are too elders?"

"I don't know their attitudes, but I have already told them about you. They must be watching you at the moment!"

Jiang Yun can't help but frown slightly: "Is it still unclear?"

"Yes, the attitude of the three elders is not what I can decide."

Jiang Yun also knows that Tianxiang has been in existence for so many years. I don’t know how many ethnic groups want to fight the idea of ​​Tianxiang, but in the end they all failed.

Nowadays, the sudden death of the tribes, I want these three old antiques to easily admit their identity, willing to accept their own control, will be the big Tianxiang people, will pass the lives of more than 100,000 Tianxiang people. It is indeed somewhat unrealistic to accomplish such a daunting task of reviving the mortal people in one's own hands.

Even if you change to yourself, you will not be willing.

Ye Chunyang paused and said: "But if you can really get the support of the three elders, even if I and Ye Zhan are all opposed, then there is no problem in your handling of the Tianxiang."

Jiang Yun’s eyes twitched slightly: “It seems that everything I have shown, whether it is strength or attitude, is not enough for the three elders to recognize!”

Ye Chunyang did not speak, but apparently it was the default.

"Then, if I can survive today's crisis, the Ye patriarch thinks, will it make them make up their minds?"

"I don't dare to pack the ticket, but I believe it will definitely help."

Ye Chunyang did not know the purpose of Jiang Yun’s questioning for a moment, and he could only answer it truthfully.

"Well, I know, Ye patriarch, today's business, you and Tianxiang people can only be on the wall!"


Jiang Yun’s last sentence made Ye Chunyang more confused. He quickly asked: “What do you do, you are definitely not the opponent of this fire lion, he is equal to me!”

Jiang Yun smiled slightly: "I can't beat it, can't I escape?"


Jiang Yun’s voice is no longer ringing, and Ye Chunyang is still frowning.

Although he does not know what other cards Jiang Yun can have such confidence, but he believes that if he is his own shot, Jiang Yun will not have the possibility of escape.

However, since Jiang Yun said so, he can only hope that he can escape!

In fact, Jiang Yun is also very clear. The only threat to himself is the leaf exhibition of the Tianxiang people and the two fire lions behind the lion.

These three people are all powerful people!

Naturally, Jiang Yun has already prepared for their own shots.

However, facing them, although not an opponent, but fleeing, there is still some hope.

Because Ye Zhan is a Tianxiang tribe, his power will be completely suppressed by the power of silence.

The Fire Lions are the Yaozu!

With his current strength, he has been able to display 70% of the seals, and he should be able to suppress the cultivation of the Yaozu by two or three, and then take the opportunity to escape.

Escape, although not glorious, but it is better to die here, better than let Ye Chunyang be strong by Ye Zhan to take away the patriarch.

I fled today, and when these ethnic groups leave the Tianxiang nationality, they will return to the Tianxiang nationality. At that time, they will not be as troublesome as they are today.

In the face of the fire lions coming on the road, Jiang Yun’s hands have quietly held the refining pen.


The Fire Lions took a few steps and came to the front of Jiang Yun. They did not speak. They even reached out and went straight to Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun’s mouth also spewed out a blood, and the refining pen was bloody, and he quickly drawn a 70% seal.

The technique of refining the demon has never appeared in the demise field, and it has never been heard. Therefore, Jiang Yun believes that these monks and monks here should not know even if they see the refining sorcerer, and they will not doubt themselves. identity of.

Sure enough, I saw that Jiang Yun’s seal was all unknown.

At the same time that the fire lions fell in the palm of their hand, Jiang Yun’s seal was immediately immersed in the other’s palm.


It is clearly visible that the body of the Fire Lions trembled slightly, and the enchanting seal had been turned into a vein-like pattern that spread wildly in the other's body.

The powerful atmosphere emanating from the Fire Lions began to weaken.

This weird situation naturally makes everyone confused.

In particular, the Fire Lions are even more revealing, even forgetting to catch Jiang Yun, but looking at the seals in their bodies.

Ye Chunyang took a sigh of relief. I didn't expect Jiang Yun to actually have a hole card. In this way, he should not be a problem to escape.

However, there is a person who has a burst of light in his eyes!

This person is lion inflammation!

His mouth is even muttering: "There is such a weird mark!"

"Let him not move, bring the imprint back, you will catch Jiang Yun back!"

As Lion Yan reopened, another Fire Lion who stood behind him stepped out and appeared next to Jiang Yun.

This sudden scene makes everyone's face change, even if it is even Jiang Yun.

After the success of the cultivation of the Fire Lions, Jiang Yun is ready to escape.

However, he did not think that the Fire Lions had sent two consecutive powerful people to deal with themselves!

Others are equally shocked, and the fire lions are so powerful that everyone knows.

In order to deal with a district of Jiang Yun, actually sent such a large battle.

Jiang Yun’s eyes glared at Shi Yan’s words: “Lion, you really can see Jiang, why don’t you dare to shoot yourself!”

Lion Yan smiled slightly: "When I catch you, I will naturally try to torture you!"

No one knows that Lion Yan came here this time, in addition to the collection of the Tianxiang people, there is also a purpose, is to come to Jiang Yun's refining magic.

As the future patriarch of the Fire Lions, Shi Yan had the courage to make a plan. When receiving the request for refining, Shi Yan asked in detail how he lost to Jiang Yun.

At that time, the refining and transformation had no face to say, and the whole process was presented as a picture.

When Shi Yan saw that the refining white tiger spirit was completely collapsed by Jiang Yun with a strange mark, his heart suddenly became interested in this imprint.

In addition, Ye Zhan took the initiative to find them, and he promised to come, hoping to find out what the mark is!

At this time, the fire lions who had come to Jiang Yun’s side also raised their hands and grabbed them toward Jiang Yun.

However, Jiang Yun is no longer able to draw a demon seal, but he is not willing to smash it like this, his teeth are bitten, and the refining pens are put away, and they raise their fists and greet each other's palms.

A loud noise came from "砰"!

Where is Jiang Yun's opponent of this fire lion strongman, his body is immediately hit and flew out under the fist of the fist, and he fell heavily on the platform, and the blood in his mouth poured out!

Looking at the fire lions who are coming to themselves again, Jiang Yun knows that he is already impossible to escape.

And his gaze turned and saw the holy saint of the Tianxiang people standing next to him, the holy stone!

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