The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2112: I am Jiang Yun.

The sword butchers are famous for their swords. The strength of the whole family is also the nine majors, and even the southwestern wilderness is the strongest.

As the patriarch of the future sword and butchers, Tu Jian is extremely high in swordsmanship.

Nowadays, it has temporarily reached the realm of half-step returning. I am afraid that even if it is facing the true source of return, there will be a battle.

However, Jiang Yun had previously said that Tu Jian is not worthy of being called Jian Xiu. Now he said that Tu Jian can't take his own sword.

Not to mention the sword, even the audience around them think that Jiang Yun is too arrogant.

Tu Jian angered and smiled: "Come and come, let me see how strong your sword is!!"

"as you wish!"

Jiang Yun did not have any extra words. The voice fell, and the sword of Shura appeared in his hand. He stabbed the sword with a simple and simple sword!

This sword is neither fast nor slow, neither sword nor sword!

In the eyes of everyone, even this is not a sword, it is very ordinary, it is a sword that anyone can easily stab, and it does not have the slightest power at all.

Such a sword, everyone thinks that changing to themselves, can definitely be easily taken.

However, looking at this ordinary sword, the arrogance on the face of Tu Jian is instantly faded, his face changed greatly, and his eyes were even more horrified.

Because only he can clearly see that this sword stabbed to his own sword, turned out to be the source of the strength of his sword butcher, the sword of the sword!


At the same time that Tu Jian’s mouth spit out three words, everyone clearly saw that the sword in the hands of Jiang Yun had pierced the sword’s eyebrows without any hindrance!


A drop of blood from the Tu Jian eyebrows burst out, blasted open, turned into a bronze ancient sword, exuding endless pressure, swept toward Jiang Yun.

At the same time, Nangong dreams a cold sigh, and reaches out with a sham, a invisible sigh of wind blows out, and instantly spreads the horrible power.

There was a hoarse voice in the bronze ancient sword: "Nangong dream, who dares to hurt my son!"

When I heard this voice, everyone was shocked.

Because this sound is clearly from the patriarch of the sword butcher, that is, the father of Tu Jian, a strong man who is in the virtual world, and a **** in the soul of his son!

Nangong dreams coldly and openly: "Your son is not as good as a man. Could it be that you should not be able to do it yourself?"


Responding to the Nangong dream is a cold!

Then, I saw that the bronze sword was in the air and made a huge crack.

Among the cracks, a palm was suddenly extended, and the sword of the **** was captured, and he was directly pulled into the crack.

The Tu Jian, like a statue, did not have any reaction at all, letting the palm of his hand pull himself into the crack.

However, at the moment of entering the crack, he suddenly returned to God, staring at Jiang Yun with his eyes staring, his eyes showing the killing of the sky, arrogantly said: "You are deceiving!"

When the voice fell, the crack had healed again, and the figure of the sword was naturally disappeared.

Although the three words that Tu Jian finally shouted, everyone could hear it clearly, but they still didn't understand what was going on.

They only know that the swordsman and the Tujia minority are the equivalent of the half-step returning to the sword, but they really did not take the sword of Jiang Yun!

Even if it wasn't for his father, the timely appearance of the tyrannical powerhouse, I am afraid that the current swordsmanship has already disappeared!

In fact, Tu Jian is really right, Jiang Yun does swindle!

Xiu Luojian is very interested in the power of the sword butchers, and has absorbed a lot, and the magical spirit of this sword spirit, his own ability is illusion.

Therefore, just the sword, although others can not see any strange, but there are two illusions of fantasy and Jiang Yun.

In addition, there is indeed the source pattern of the sword and the power of the sword in the Shura sword, and the cultivation of Jiang Yunru as the source of the six heavens today, so that the Shura sword became the sword of the sword in the eyes of the sword. .

Any family's source of power in their own races is worshipped and respected as a holy object, just like the moon spirit of the Moon Spirit.

The sword of the sword is the sacred object of the sword and the Tuzu group. It is the strong and even the root of the sword butcher group!

In the face of the sword sword attack, for the sword, it is like the ancestors of the family want to kill him, so that he does not dare to have the idea of ​​rebellion, can only let the sword stab himself.

It was not until his father's knowledge appeared and he was saved, that he finally woke up from the illusion.

Naturally, he also realized that Jiang Yun did not defeat himself by strength and swordsmanship, but relied on making himself win.

These things, Jiang Yun will certainly not explain, even has closed the Shurao sword, looking calmly to Xue Jingyang!

Regardless of how Jiang Yun defeated the sword, now this Xuan female trial, Jiang Yun's opponent, only Xue Jingyang!

Looking at the look of Jiang Yun from the beginning to the end of the calm, after everyone was sluggish for a while, suddenly someone said: "How do I feel that the scene just now, seems to have heard of it?"

The sound just fell, and immediately there was a voice that sounded and said: "In the Danding world, the man named Jiang Yun, before killing Xue Jingtu, also forced his father, a virtual world..."

When the voice is halfway, it stops, because Xue Jingyang’s eyes are sweeping all around!

However, everyone has all reacted.

Indeed, before the first half of the year, a young Tianjiao, a hidden clan of the name of Jiang Yun, made a big splash in the Danding world, forcing the gods of the Danyang nationality.

Nowadays, this seemingly mediocre monk, in this Xuanyin women's world, has forced out the gods of the sword and butchers!

The gods who use the virtual world to protect their own children are basically a display.

Because no one can dare to kill their children.

However, in this southwestern wilderness, in less than a year, the two gods who used to protect the children were forced to be forced out.

In particular, Xue Qianxi, in the case of his knowledge, did not protect his son, but also let his face sweep.

Suddenly someone whispered: "You found that there is no, inside the Ding Ding, Nan Gong Huai Yu is a strong Jiang Yun, and now this Xuan Yin family, this person is the helper of Nan Gong Huai Yu."

"More importantly, we are so many people, until now, it seems that no one knows his origins, and he does not know his name."

"You said, he, will it be, is it really Jiang Yun?"

Although this voice is not big, but his last sentence is like a stone thrown into the water, in the hearts of everyone, swaying layers of ripples.

Being able to control the haze, able to absorb the scent of Xuanyin, can be called with the sword, can be invited by Nangong Huaiyu to participate in the Xuan female trial, such a person, in any case, should not be a nameless generation.

However, there are so many people present, even Xue Jingyang and Tu Jian, two of them, who are the minority leaders, no one knows Jiang Yun.

This is similar to the situation when Jiang Yun appeared in the Danding world.

Everyone suddenly closed their mouths and stared at Jiang Yun with a gaze.

Although they all feel that their thoughts are unlikely to be true, if he is not Jiang Yun, then how can it be that in only half a year, the two people who forced the enthusiasm of the virtual world to appear Nangong Huaiyu is related?

If it is a coincidence, then this is too clever!


At this moment, Xue Jingyang suddenly took a step and stood in front of Jiang Yun. His eyes looked like electricity and looked directly at Jiang Yundao: "You, isn't Jiang Yun!"

Looking at Xue Jingyang, Jiang Yun smiled slightly: "I, yes, Jiang Yun!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun’s face and body were instantly restored to their true appearance!

Jiang Yun, who is suffering from the six major generals, actually came to the Xuanyin!

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