The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2260: Paving stone

If you are alone in the night, let a light in the woman’s eyes gradually light up.

She looked deeply at the night and said: "I can really use your soul as a guide to make the soul of Jiang Yun complete, so that Jiang Yun will come back to life."

"But you know, what does that mean for you?"

The night alone littered with a smile: "The gods are gone, between heaven and earth, and since then, there is no night alone!"

The woman continued: "Although you seem to be dying, the soul is flying, but as long as Jiang Yun is not dead, you can still follow Jiang Yun to continue the reincarnation."

"Under the time, under the warmth of the power of the Golden Lock, your soul can still be restored as ever!"

"Even, when my mother and son really meet each other, I will lift your **** and let you recover from freedom!"

Jiang Yun's self-destruction, although not hurting the night alone, but in the night before the solitary dust in order to suppress the soul of the Tianjia, with his own soul as the blood, draws the life and death of the demon seal, has also reached the state of exhaustion.

However, as the woman said, the exhaustion of the oil does not mean that it will vanish.

As long as he continues to rest in the golden lock, his soul can still be restored.

Even the woman gave the bigger hope of the night, and restored the body of freedom!

At night, Lonely smiled and nodded: "The seniors said this, I know!"

The woman followed: "Then you are willing to sacrifice yourself, let Jiang Yun get back to life, let Jiang Yun continue to live this life?"

This problem, the night of the lonely dust did not immediately answer, but looked at Jiang Yun, the expression contained in the eyes, almost exactly the same as the previous woman, have kindness, have a heartache.

After a long time, the night alone was silent: "In the beginning, I should have died in the hands of Dao Zun, and now I have lived for so many years, it is worth it!"

"In addition, the younger generation climbed high. Although Jiang Yun is a child of his predecessors, in my eyes, Jiang Yun is like my child, my disciple!"

"Predecessors are willing to guard Jiang Yun's eternal life and let him live forever. The younger generations are naturally willing to use my remnant soul to become a paving stone for Jiang Yun to embark on the road of heaven!"

Although the sound of the night is not big, but every word he said is thrown into the ears of the woman, and more and more embarrassing, until the layers of the waves.

The woman was silent, but she stared at the night alone, and her inner firmness had been shaken.

I was trapped in the golden lock at night, for fear that he would reveal the secrets of his mother and son.

Unexpectedly, it was actually a life-saving seed for his son!

In addition to the night of the lonely dust for Jiang Yun's love accident, the words "the road to the sky" said by the night of the dust, also impressed the woman.

Tongtianmen is just around the corner, and Jiang Yun of this world has not only qualified for entering Tongtianmen, but the qualification level is still quite high.

If Jiang Yun is allowed to live again, then even if Jiang Yun is extremely talented, it is impossible to obtain the qualification of Tongtianmen.

And until the next opening of Tiantianmen, God knows what year and month.

Even though Jiang Yun can wait, he may not be able to wait.

After a long time, the woman’s face gradually showed a smile, facing the night and saying: “Jiang Yun can have you with him, his greatest blessing, thank you for your friends!”

"Double friends, the younger generations dare not dare to do it, thank you for your success!"

At night, the dust was holding the fist, and the woman once again slammed into the ground. After straightening up, the last time she looked at Jiang Yun, her face still had a kind smile.

At this time, the woman’s palm that had been halfway in the air and then stopped in the air, finally waved out to the night!


One after another, the light spots emerged from the body of Jiang Yun.

These light spots, each one is as small as dust, emitting a variety of extremely faint light, more and more, more and more dense.

They are suspended above the body of Jiang Yun, and gradually cover his body that has no life.

If someone passes by here at this moment, only the endless light spots are condensed together. I can't think of it. Under these light spots, there is still a person wrapped in it.

For these spots, anyone who sees them will not care, nor can they know where they come from.

Unless someone is able to put these spots together, according to the color of the light they emit, put them together.

Then, put them together one by one, then you may recognize them, these spots are actually the origin of one piece!

Jiang Yun’s self-destruction, in addition to his own Danyang and the wind of silence, even all the original things in the golden gourd given to him by the hunter are equally blasted and turned into such a Light spot.

Today, they are all in harmony with Jiang Yun's body!

Such a fusion will not only increase the darkness of Jiang Yun’s body, but also the area of ​​the heavenly order, and the power of these original things, especially the vast medicinal properties contained in that Danyang, will gradually merge into Jiang Yun's body.

However, such integration takes time and requires a process!

In the body of Jiang Yun, his soul is also closed and closed like a sleep.

In his soul, the little golden lock has disappeared, and it seems that it has never happened.

At the same time, the woman's figure appeared again beside Jiang Yun's body, watching Jiang Yun, wrapped in countless sources of light, a black sphere in the palm of her hand.

The inside of this black ball is madly creeping, as if it is life.

But no matter how it struggles, it can only keep the shape of the sphere, and can't get rid of the woman's palm.

The woman looked at the black ball with a hint of murderousness, and the palms were gently closed. It was clearly intended to crush the black ball.

However, she suddenly let go of the palm of her hand: "This soul is only a soul of the spirit, but after all, it is the soul of the day."

"With the character of that day, I will definitely come to find Yunren to seek revenge!"

Speaking of this, the woman suddenly looked at Jiang Yun and smiled and shook her head: "Even if the day is not to be found, this child will never let go of the revenge of the gods!"

Zhizi Mo Ruomu!

In Jiang Yun’s character, there is actually a side that has to be reported.

Tianjia screams at him, such a deep hatred, how can he let go!

"The child's mind is actually not big, just like him!"

"In any case, he still has a period of time to wake up, or if I personally take a trip and kill the celestial beings, once and for all, it is the price of their provokes!"

The woman just wanted to turn and leave, but she stopped and said: "The night is so bad, I am protecting the cloud so much. It is more harmful to him than to him."

"The Tianzu is very strong, but with the strength of Yuner, whoever says it can't be destroyed by hand!"

"In this case, I will take the power of the heavenly people in this soul and give it to Yuner. How to revenge, I will see Yuner himself!"

In the voice, the woman put out her finger and gently clicked on the black ball in her hand.

I saw that there was a piece of black floc floating out of it, and it was not in the body of Jiang Yun.

After losing these flocs, the black ball finally stopped moving, and the "beep" blew open and turned into a pile of powder.

After doing all this, the woman nodded with satisfaction, standing beside Jiang Yun, reaching out, the palm of the hand passed through the rays of countless source particles, gently touching the cheek of Jiang Yun, staring at the eyes. Jiang Yun, like a statue, is so motionless.

Gradually, her vague figure began to fade and fade until it disappeared completely.

At the same time that the woman's body shape disappeared, Jiang Yun had already stopped the beating heart, suddenly trembled and jumped!

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