The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2280: Different surnames

Heavenly punishment, day robbery, are all a kind of magical powers derived from the heavenly people. They are a means of punishment for the ancient people, even for the inferior creatures.

Those who come from the hands of the Tianzu people are the real punishments, and their power is extremely powerful.

Just like the old man said, God wants you to be born, you can find a chance, but if you want to let you die, then you will die!

Whether it is the earliest inferior creatures or the later genre of ethnic groups, although most people do not know the existence of the celestial beings, they are no strangers to the punishments of heavenly punishment and catastrophe.

Even, they have a record of ancient legends.

Therefore, when they have the ability to open up the domain, they will also regard themselves as high heavens, and they will also arrange many heavenly catastrophe in each domain.

For example, the cloud punishment that Jiang Yun experienced when he first opened the three meridians, and the catastrophe that all the Taoist monks had to bear when they entered each corresponding realm, came from this.

And the Heavenly Mantra, like the Heavenly Robbery, is the same!

However, compared to the day penalty and the day of the robbery, the curse of the curse is also very powerful, but the effect is too slow.

And with the strong and overbearing character of the Tianzu, I really can't see this technique, so it is rarely used!

This is the origin of the Heavenly Mantra explained by the old man for Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun nodded, indeed.

The technique of the curse is extremely magical, and it can make the falsehood come true, but it takes a short time to fully function.

For the heavenly people who can easily control all the life and death of life, where there is such a leisurely feeling, to cast the technique of the curse, and then slowly wait for the falsehood to come true.

The old man went on to say: "Because the Tianzu people rarely use the Tianzhu, so for this technique, even our ancients are not very familiar."

"I only know that this technique is mainly aimed at the heart of life."

"As long as you are determined and do not believe in the falsehood of this technique, without the temptation of this technique, the power of this technique will become smaller and smaller until it is completely lost."

"But if you really believe it, then the power of this technique will become weaker and weaker, so you have to do what he said."

"As for the big demon slang you said, you should have acquired the technique of the curse."

"Just, I guess he should only get the fur, otherwise you will not be able to support it now, so you don't have to worry too much, you don't even have to pay attention!"

Jiang Yun held a fist to the old man: "Thank you for your predecessors, the younger generation will leave, hope that one day, I will see my predecessors again."

After knowing the power of slang, it really stems from the Tianzu, even without the detailed explanation and comfort of the old man, Jiang Yun has already let go.

I have the power of the celestial beings, so the technique of this day curse is naturally impossible to have too much impact on myself.

What's more, I am still very confident about my own mind!

The old man smiled and nodded: "Do not worry, there will be one day!"

Jiang Yun stepped forward and wanted to leave, but suddenly he thought: "Yes, I haven't consulted my predecessors for the name!"

"Old man Xuantong!"

Xuan Tong!

Hearing the name of the old man, Jiang Yun’s heart couldn’t help but move a little, and his face was unobtrusive and revealed a sense of doubt and looked at the other side.

The old man admitted that the one who was in the town and the Taoist area was from the ancients.

But why are the two surnames different, one surnamed Hong, one surnamed Xuan?

However, looking at the look of Xuan Tong's smile, obviously is not ready to explain, so Jiang Yun can only take this doubt, after a deep ceremony to Xuan Tong, his eyes looked at the bones of the six beasts on the ground.

The bones of this beast must be taken away anyway, but in the face of Xuantong, it is not convenient for them to exert the power of the heavenly people.

"Ha ha ha!" Xuantong saw Jiang Yun's appearance, could not help but laugh again and said: "Little guy, is it very tangled, forget it, I am too lazy to inquire about your secret, simply I will be good to do the end, Complete it for you!"

While talking, Xuantong raised his hand and pressed it gently toward the six bones.

Suddenly, the six animal bones began to shrink immediately, until they became six finger-sized bones, really like bone nails.

"I added a little change to the six bones, but their power did not weaken."

"After that, you can use your power to manipulate them as you like, without having to cover them up."

Jiang Yunyi listened, suddenly overjoyed, and hurriedly reached out for a move, a beast bone really fell into his own hands.

And holding the bones, you can still clearly feel the scent of a vast expanse.

“Thank you for your predecessors!”

Jiang Yun once again bowed to Xuantong, and then unceremoniously took the six bones into his body.

Xuan Tong smiled slightly: "Thank you no longer, just, about me, I hope you can help me keep it secret!"

Jiang Yun naturally understands that although Xuantong really has a way to survive the ancient and the two races, he still does not want to reveal his whereabouts, especially in front of Hong Zhenyi!

Therefore, he told his secrets, and the bones of the six beasts, even if it was a seal for himself.

"The younger generation understands, leave!"

Jiang Yun took the still-injured little beast and turned away.

When Jiang Yun entered this imaginary boundary, it was extremely fast, and now he went out faster.

All the way, there was no stop at all, and almost all of this has left this whole emptiness.

Looking back, I saw that the same has disappeared, and there is no trace of the illusory, Jiang Yun still dare not delay, and continue to fly forward.

This trip to the virtual world is really a great harvest for Jiang Yun.

Not only did he see Xuantong, he knew the existence of the two races from his mouth, knew a lot of secrets, and got the illusory, and got the bones of six emperors.

The most important thing is to save the little beast.

Although the little beast has been tortured by the murder, the injury is extremely heavy, but its physical condition is special. It only needs to be kept for a period of time, and naturally it can be restored.

At this moment, Jiang Yun is looking for the power of slang in the body, or the power of the curse!

Although Xuantong did not have to worry about the power of the slang, Xuantong himself did not know much about the curse.

What's more, Jiang Yun does not like the existence of uncontrollable things in his body.

Just like the original Tiantian Taoism, there is a kind of power that can threaten oneself at any moment. Jiang Yun is really unable to feel at ease.

Therefore, he wants to try to see if he can find such power, and then use the power of the heavens to erase this power.

Unfortunately, Jiang Yun searched all over the body, and even did not let go of the soul, but did not find the power related to the curse.

Especially at this time, his heart also heard the voice that died without saying proverbs.

This makes him helpless, can only decide, go find a slang first!


After watching Jiang Yun completely leave the whole virtual world that was opened up, Xuantong also stood up and said to himself: "This kid is really interesting, and there are many secrets."

"If it weren't for me, there was still something to do, and I didn't secretly look behind him."

"Now, I am still preparing for it, think about how I can get through the old guy!"

Shaking his head, Xuan Tong stepped toward the ninth imaginary space!

This **** cloud has nothing to enter into the void space, and it has a black vortex inside.

On the other hand, there is a mysterious sway, sitting cross-legged, eyes closed, and pale.

After entering the Xuan Tong is a direct step, into the body of this Xuan Tong.

After the two people are one, the figure gradually becomes transparent until it disappears completely, just like...

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