The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3370: Choose a place

Although Jiang Yun has left the residence of Dongfang Bo, his knowledge is always covered here, and naturally he has heard the words of Dongfang Bo, and this makes his nose can not help but be sour!

The time of the master is really not much!

Even, he is likely to die at any time, not because of external forces, but because his body can no longer bear his old age.

The situation of Dongfang Bo is different from that of Liu Peng.

Although Liu Peng is not a monk, Liu Peng’s real age is not large, so Jiang Yun provides him with a lot of vitality, so that he can temporarily be free from the threat of death.

But the masters are different, even if Jiang Yun continues to provide vitality for the masters, but it is only a temporary solution, can delay for a period of time.

However, the requirements of the master, Jiang Yun can not be satisfied.

The three brothers and the second sisters are still easy to handle. They should have heard their own voices as long as they are in the domain. They should have already arrived at the unknown wilderness.

But Master, but has been brought back to the ancients by the ancients.

Don't say that Jiang Yun doesn't know where the ancients are, even if he knows that with his current strength, he is not likely to go to the ancients and bring him back to the master from the ancients.

"Master, I will never let you die, even if you are really near Shouyuan, I will let you die and resurrect, and take you back from the dead!"

At the thought of the dead world, Jiang Yun’s eyes suddenly brightened: "Right, if Zong Rui can become a dead landlord, then even if the master brother is in the dead, I can still let him stay in the birthplace. Just like Bu Yi’s predecessors!”

Jiang Yun swayed and immediately came to a valley!

This valley, some distance from the city of Magic Cloud, has always been inaccessible.

Because it is full of ghosts!

In the past, Jiang Yun assimilated the nameless wasteland and his own body. At that time, he had nine big holes in his body, and one of them had a ghostly sky. It was also assimilated with the nameless wasteland, and there was such a ghostly ghost. The appearance of the valley.

Naturally, it has become the residence of nine hundred ghosts such as Zong Rui, and even Bu Yi is very fond of staying here.

"Jiang Daren!"

Seeing Jiang Yun appear, Zong Rui and other ghosts immediately stood up and greeted them. Everyone’s face was with respectful color.

Whether it is the slave print in the body or the situation in their present, they can only loyalty to Jiang Yun, and strive to let Zong Rui replace Sen Luo, become the dead landlord!

This is their only way to live!

Therefore, they are not afraid of Jiang Yun naturally.

Jiang Yun did not feel the mood and they chilled, and straight to the point of the road: "Do you think of a solution?"

Zong Rui hurriedly replied: "Adults, if you want to replace Sen Luo, in addition to killing Sen Luo, you must first solve the three strong men under the Sen Luo, two of them are the strong, one is Humanity!"

"Killing them, Sen Luo is like becoming a light pole commander, even if there are more ghosts, but at least it will not pose a threat to us."

The situation in the dead world is actually relatively simple. Sen Luo is the leader of the dead world. His strengths and qualifications are different. There were originally nine effective assistants, including Meng Qiao.

However, Meng Qiao has long been killed by Jiang Yun, and the last time the ghosts attacked the mountains and seas, it was also a loss of soldiers, which also included several good assistants of Sen Luo.

Today, there are only three of them left by Sen Luo, and they are the most trusted people of Sen Luo.

These three people are basically always in the dead, dealing with various affairs for Senro, and also won the hearts of the ghosts.

If Sen Luo is dead, then if the seniority is the same, it is also the three of them who are more qualified to become the new leader of the dead.

Zong Rui did not have the qualification to compete with them!

After listening to Zong Rui’s introduction, Jiang Yun said coldly: “Can you bring the three of them to the birthplace?”

Zong Rui smiled and shook his head. "This is the most difficult place. They almost never leave the dead world. Especially when Sen Luo went out to fight, their task is to guard the dead."

"Unless it is ordered by Senro, no one can bring them out of the dead world!"

Jiang Yun brows slightly wrinkled: "They don't come out, then if I enter the dead world to kill them?"


Jiang Yun’s words made the face of the nine hundred ghosts change together. They did not expect that Jiang Yun had such a courage to dare to go deep into the dead world!

Zong Rui once again shook his head: "It is not impossible to bring adults into the dead, but adults are souls after all. Once they enter the dead, they will be affected by ghosts."

"Even if adults are not afraid, but the cultivation of adults will certainly be greatly suppressed!"

"At that time, adults may not be the opponents of the three!"

"Moreover, it is not so convenient to enter the world from the dead, and the process in the middle is complicated."

"If not, Senro will not be able to appear again after being beaten back to the dead by the adults!"

Jiang Yun nodded silently.

Indeed, the original self has a ghostly hole in the body, able to devour ghosts, so entering the dead world will have no effect on himself.

But now that he does not have the cultivation of the domain, and then enters the dead world, I am afraid that it will remain in the dead forever.

In addition, it is impossible for me to leave the unnamed wilderness for too long.

Therefore, this idea can only be done!

However, the threat of the dead world, Jiang Yun must also be resolved as soon as possible, not only to be able to make peace of mind against the Tao, but also to be able to keep their own master.

Therefore, after a moment of indulgence, Jiang Yun once again said: "If this is the case, then we should not spend a lot of time."

"Zong Rui, I don't care what you use to bring Sen Luo to my designated place!"

"I killed Sen Luo directly. When the news of the death of Sen Luo was sent back to the dead, then the three would inevitably argue with each other for the position of the dead."

"In this way, they can't be distracted to blend into the realm of life at least in a short time!"

"If they fight for three losses, then you can profit from the fishermen. If they don't fight, then we will find a way to deal with them!"


Jiang Yun’s remarks made Zong Rui take a breath of cold breath: “Adult, I was not very valued by Sen Luo. I have not returned this time. I’m afraid I’ve guessed that I’m going to be an adult. ""

"If you really see me, it is possible to kill me directly, it is impossible to listen to me!"

"That's your business!" Jiang Yun looked at him coldly and said: "If you can't do this, then I think, the seat of the dead world, I am afraid you are not sitting still!"

Under Jiang Yun’s gaze, Zong Rui suddenly shuddered and bowed his head. He gnawed his teeth: “Well, then I will try it, but I don’t know, where is the adult ready to let me lead Senro? ”

Killing Sen Luo, for the current Jiang Yun, is also a very dangerous thing, after all, his strength is not as good as Sen Luo.

He would not have taken the risk, but for the master, he had to do this in order to kill Dao Zun as soon as possible.

Therefore, choosing a place is very important for you!

Jiang Yun closed his eyes and thought about it seriously. After a long time, he opened his eyes and spit out three words: "Life and death!"

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