The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 2806: No win or lose

The illusory sword that few sages come out, because it is just a sword, it comes from a domain.

The body of Jianying does not know where it is located, nor does it know whether it still exists. Therefore, among the six people, such as Tianyu, except for the rainy greed, the other five people did not care too much.

But now, this piece of instrument that Jiang Yun took out is not a virtual shadow, not an illusion, but a real domain device!

A domain device is placed in front of them, so that they really can't be tempted.

Scorpio sticked out his tongue and licked his lips. His face showed a bitter smile. He shook his head and said, "Is it a blind eye, the domain device, is it so worthless now?"

Even the domain devices that are rare in the days of the world, even the six of them have no domain devices that can be owned. Among the four lower-ranking monks, there are actually two people holding one!

This makes them really hard to believe their eyes!

Long Yu also licked his lower lip, and he did not hide the greed in his eyes: "This domain device, for them to use these lower-field monks, is simply a violent thing!"

Scorpio did not pay attention to the dragon rain, but looked at the other five people and then said: "You, I am here, completely pure passing, just found a few of you gathered here."

"So, I have a question, why did you come here, and how do you know that there will be inheritance in this field?"

If you change to someone else, you may not understand why Scorpio will inexplicably ask such a question, but the other five people here understand the meaning of Scorpio!

Because, this domain is really extraordinary!

As a monk of the heavens, more or less have seen some of the lower domains.

Although there are some sub-domains, there are indeed some people or things that shock them and surprise them. But they are rare and rare. There may not be one in the three or four blocks. It is far better than nothing. At the moment they are paying attention to this subfield!

The four people who are vying for inheritance, even if they have lost their competitive qualifications, Chen Siyu, even if they are placed in the heavens, they are considered to be Tianjiao.

Now, other domain devices that are almost impossible to appear in the lower domain, here, there are two pieces at the same time!

All of this together is enough to prove that this sub-domain is different. It seems that this sub-domain hides some hidden feelings that outsiders do not know.

Therefore, Scorpio thought of it. It is not a coincidence that the other five people besides himself are gathered here to pay attention to the process of the subordinate monks competing for inheritance.

The problem of Scorpio made all five people look up. After seeing Scorpio, they turned their eyes away and no one answered.

Although they chose silence, but in the eyes of Scorpio, they flashed a cold light, and suddenly understood that it was not a coincidence, but a purposeful one.

Just for this purpose, I can't tell myself.

Scorpio will naturally not ask questions anymore. Even the mind has already made up his mind. After the end of the gambling game, he must quickly leave.

All of what I saw today, maybe it may bring unnecessary trouble to myself!

After waiting for security, I will take a good look at the situation in this sub-domain.

What kind of subfield is in the end, it will lead to the attention of the five major heavens.


Just then, an earth-shattering crash sounded, and the sound came from the impact of two pieces of the domain.

The sound is in the ear, so that Tianzhu and others feel that the mind is slightly shaking.

The Shura and Chen Siyu, both in the valley, were shocked and vomited.

However, everyone can't take care of their own situation, but they still keep their eyes wide open, watching Jiang Yun and the younger ones firmly, and want to see the results of this battle.

The sword of illusion, against the Shura in the shape of a hive, does not move.

Jiang Yun, who is in the days of Shura, and the younger ones in the distance, are also motionless.

It seems that the impact of the two pieces of the domain has stopped the flow of time between them.

However, this stoppage only lasted for a short time.

The illusory sword suddenly sounded with a little tragic sword, and flew straight toward the rear until it fell into the hands of the younger.


Holding the sword in the hand, the mouth of the little respect suddenly spewed out a blood, and the whole person also slid back.

And on the illusory sword that he was holding, he suddenly appeared a crack!


After the lack of body shape stopped, the illusory sword was finally completely blown up.


At the same time, it was a rush of footsteps, and the sound came from Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun also retreated backwards, and blood was flowing out of the seven scorpions.

It’s just that he didn’t care about his own injuries at all, but he first looked at Shura’s days in front of him.

The use of Shura Tian, ​​in addition to the power of Jiang Yun himself, requires the power of all living beings in Shura.

Just because of the critical situation, Jiang Yun did not have time to inform the Shura in it. The Tianxiang and Yueling tribes only took their own power as the master of Shura.

Now, Jiang Yun naturally wants to see that these people are in danger after bearing the sword of less respect.

Just like the result of the last big fight against the light and dark family, the creatures in it were just coma and wounded, but there were no casualties.

As for Shura Tian, ​​it is unscathed.

This made Jiang Yun grow a sigh of relief, and at the same time, Shurao’s power was collected, and the power of Danyang was already immersed in Shura’s heaven to treat injuries.

After doing all this, Jiang Yun also suddenly looked up, two cold eyes looked at the less respect.

Shaozun is also watching Jiang Yun!

This time, the two players, in fact, can be said to be no match.

On the strength, Jiang Yunbi borrowed the lesser respect of the power of the ancient patriarchs of the ancients.

However, Shura Tian is a real domain device, and the illusory sword is just a sword of the domain, so under the circumstance, the two sides are tied.

But now there are no illusory swords to rely on, and the vicissitudes of his body have begun to dissipate.

Even the old face is changing back to youth.

Obviously, the lesser respect of the ancient techniques, is about to come.

And Jiang Yun’s VIII reincarnation is also about to dissipate.

However, Jiang Yun could not accept the result of the tie, so he took a step forward and walked toward the younger ones, preparing to kill less before he regained his reincarnation.

In the eyes of the younger ones, they also showed the color of decency, and they also rushed toward Jiang Yun.

At this time, Shaozun had no interest in this so-called inheritance. He only wanted to kill Jiang Yun.

Because of the growth and strength of Jiang Yun, it is far beyond his expectations.

Now, he can still have a battle with Jiang Yun, but if Jiang Yun got the inheritance here, then after a while, when he meets with Jiang Yun, I am afraid he will not be Jiang Yun's opponent.

What's more, he came only to the ancient avatar, not the deity, even if he died, it would not have much influence on his deity.

But if you can kill Jiang Yun, then destroying an ancient avatar, but it is worth it!

Looking at the two people who are heading towards each other, Long Yu finally secretly uttered a voice to Shaozong: "Now, with your strength, you can't kill him, but I can help you!"

"Just, we need to make a deal."

"I will help you get the inheritance here and help you kill this person, and you need to take the piece of equipment that he just got and give it to me!"

"You can't agree!"

I heard the sound of Long Yu, watching Jiang Yun, who is coming to face in front of me, and the eyes of the younger ones are flashing in the cold, and the voice is silent: "The deal!"

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