The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3278: Edge of the law

Feeling the pressure of this horror, Jiang Yun knows that there is a strong person who suddenly comes.

However, under this circumstance, he did not have time to see who it was. He did not go to see the hole above the sky. Instead, he walked into the big man who was still in the same place and wanted to put each other. Grab, and then quickly did not enter the law.

Although it is not necessarily safe to stay in the law, the law can at least resist the blow of the strong legal system, and it can also provide a buffer for Jiang Yun.

Although Jiang Yun’s reaction speed is not unpleasant, it’s a pity that when the palm of his hand is about to seize the big man, the pressure on the top is suddenly turned into a thick and incomparable force, just like having a The fist is general, and the cockroach is on the back of Jiang Yun.


Under the heavy blow, Jiang Yun still has the energy to catch people. The mouth suddenly has a blood spurting out, and the body has lost balance in an instant, falling straight down, falling heavily in the ground. .

However, the whole person has already passed through the mask of the array and is in the manor.

Feeling the influx of the internal organs of the body, the blood in the mouth of Jiang Yun is simply unable to stop the sputum, and this also caused a shock in his heart.

Although he hasn't seen who the shots are, it is not difficult to figure out from this force that the strength of the person who shot is not only the legal environment, but even the peak of the legal environment!

Jiang Yun, who is the strongman of the legal environment, has not encountered it, so he has a general understanding of the strength of the legal environment.

The other party is obviously still merciless, otherwise, this single shot, you can easily take your own life.


Ginger clouded his violent cough while holding his body with his hands, slowly standing up from the ground, and through his time, his mind quickly turned his thoughts.

The reason why he dared to wait here for the Wuling people to come here, the reason why he dared to save the mirror spirit, in addition to being forced to do so, the real reason is because he is fearless!

What he really relies on is not the many domain devices on his body, but the rules!

Because he knows that whether it is the Five Spirits or the monks of the heavens, as long as they are in this ancient domain, then the highest level of cultivation for all will be limited to the opposite world.

Six years ago, when he was in a five-fold situation, he dared to fight all the monks, not to mention that he has now entered the realm of life and the nine sacred objects.

This makes him have a clear judgment on his own strength. In the opposite world, he should be an invincible existence.

Even if you encounter the legal environment, you have a lot of hard work with a lot of cards.

However, now there is a person with the strength of the edge of the law, which is really beyond his expectations.

It also gave him the first thought in his mind. The person who suspected the shot was not a five-spirit, but a strong man from the various fields.

After all, even if the style of the various days of the field is no longer possible, it is impossible to restore the spirituality of the legal system to the spiritual family with whom they are hostile.

Even he suspected that he had made mistakes in his previous speculation.

What happens in this boundless world will still be clearly understood by the strong people of the world.

Therefore, after seeing the self-protecting Mirrors and seeing that they had used nine pieces of domain devices, the Tiantianji domain took the initiative to send people to come and intervene in this matter?

However, these problems, Jiang Yun has not had too much time to consider.

The problem he needs to deal with most now is how to counter this powerful person who is at the peak of the law.

Unfortunately, when he got up from the ground, although he had already drawn countless thoughts in his mind, he still could not find a suitable solution.

Very simple, the huge gap in strength is there!

Even if he uses all the cards, he can't let himself have the strength to continuously cross the two realms, and go to the strongest in the edge of the law.

Of course, it is not really impossible to do anything. He still has one last resort, which is to use the ancient gun!

However, the ancient gun, just like the logo of Jiang Yun’s father, is too conspicuous.

In addition, the strength of Zhen Gu Gun is really too strong, and tyrannical to Jiang Yun, even if it is impossible to know that the Tiantian Jiyu can not know the boundless world, do not dare to use it freely!

Once used, once it is discovered by some people in the Tianji area, Jiang Yun’s identity can no longer be hidden, and there is no longer a slight retreat, or even no way to live.

Don't say anything about the nine great gods and the patrol angels. Just Gu, who has a hatred with his father, will spare no effort to send people to pursue themselves.

What's more, your own strength is not really the point of invincibility in the world.

Districts, real worlds are repaired into realm, and several domain devices that have not restored their true strength allow themselves to be forced to do so under the permissible and restrictive limits of certain rules.

Because, any force, as long as you randomly send a few monks in the legal environment, you can easily take yourself!

Now, the legal environment is really coming!

Jiang Yun finally looked up and looked at the sky. At first glance, Jiang Yun’s pupil could not help but suddenly shrink!

As Jiang Yun thought, at the entrance to the space, stood an old man who had to be white and dressed in a colorful dress.

Just, the old man is not alone!

Under his body, stepping on a huge dragonfly with a hundred feet long, as a mount, look far away, and there are clouds rolling around the body, making the faintly a bit of a dragon.

In the body of the old man, as well as the space entrance behind him, there are a lot of people.

The embarrassment under the old man, let Jiang Yun understand that the other party is not a monk of the heavens, but a monk of the five spirits.

And this makes Jiang Yun somewhat incomprehensible.

How can the Five Spirits appear to be strong in the legal world?

Can it be said that the Tiantian Jiyu has changed the rules of the ancient heavens?

In other words, they are different from the five spirits, so they are allowed to exist among the strong players.

The old man in color clothing, together with the nearly one hundred Wuling people who appeared, even the huge cockroaches under him, all looked at Jiang Yun with cold eyes.

At this moment, it was always in the same place, and the great man who had escaped from the robbery, his body trembled, and suddenly returned to the gods, directly slamming against the old man in the color coat, and screaming in his mouth: father!"

It turns out that the old man turned out to be the father of Dahan!

This explains the doubts in Jiang Yun’s heart.

Obviously, either the big man secretly informed the old man, or the old man sensed that his son was in danger, so he came to save.

The old man did not pay attention to his son at all, and his eyes were still coldly watching Jiang Yun.

That look is like looking at a dead person!

Suddenly, the embarrassment under the old man, a pair of compound eyes exudes a dazzling light.

The huge body of a hundred feet long was even writhing, and it was separated from the old man, descending from the sky, and instantly came to the mask of the array, raising his own giant foot like a stone pillar, squinting toward the mask. Stepped on.


This Jiang Yun personally arranged to block nearly a thousand Wuling people. At the beginning, countless coffins had attacked the two battles twice, and they could not block the blow of this beggar. On the occasion, there were numerous cracks!


At this moment, the old man suddenly issued a cold sigh in his mouth. He did not see him at all, and he saw that the mask that had been covered with cracks had completely collapsed.


Even most of the buildings in this vast manor collapsed with the reticle.

In a twinkling of an eye, the manor has disappeared and turned into a pile of broken walls, and Jiang Yun standing in it, full of blood.

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