The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3326: Everything is alive

The lord's gaze looked down and smiled and said: "I tried to restore my strength as much as possible. A long time ago, I let myself fall into a state of sleep."

"Just, about nine years ago, you used the altar of heaven and earth to accidentally wake me up. Let me know that you may be the son of Jiang Qiuyang."

"Your presence has also made me realize that my turn may have appeared."

"So, I have used almost all of the accumulated power over the years, completely disconnecting the relationship between the ancient domain of the spirit and the collection of the heavens, and preventing the strong people of the heavens from monitoring the area!"

Jiang Yun finally understood that when he himself exhibited the Nine Sacrifice Heavenly Art, the soul that sacrificed as a sacrifice was actually sacrificed to the Spirit!

No wonder, the spirit owner can easily restore his soul to perfection.

"Although the altar of heaven and earth is brought by your father from the four places, but with this alone, I can not conclude that you are really the son of Jiang Qiuyang."

The spirit owner smiled apologetically at Jiang Yun: "So, I took your vitality and limited the growth of your life, which is a constraint."

"You can rest assured that when you break through to the legal environment, this restriction will naturally disappear."

Jiang Yun actually thought of the reason for limiting his life.

In addition to being unable to determine that he is the son of Jiang Qiuyang, the lord is afraid of his own character.

However, these things have already passed.

If the Spirit Lord does not return the soul of his sacrifice to himself, then I am afraid that at that time, the soul has been too heavy, and the soul is completely scattered.

In addition, Dan Fang, who was given to his own Shou Yuandan by the spirit, and the spiritual pattern of the Jingling people, have already made a great deal of compensation for themselves.

What's more, if you are restricted to Shouyuan, it is not always the case. As long as you wait until the legal environment, you can return to normal, so Jiang Yun naturally has no grievances against the spirit.

The Spirit Lord continued: "When you are unconscious, I send you into the boundless world, where the Mirrorlings are detained."

"Next, I don't know what you have experienced in the boundless world."

"Until when I sensed the disappearance of Jiang Yan, I knew that you have successfully rescued my Jing Ling people and brought them out of boundless circles."

When he mentioned Jiang Yan, the spirit owner stopped his words and his face showed a sense of emotion and memory.

However, Jiang Yun also missed Jiang Yan, who had sacrificed himself to become the entire Jing Ling people. So he followed the words of the spiritual master: "Predecessors, Jiang Yan’s predecessors, should be the ones that you condensed with the power of the mirror spirit. Lingbi?"

The spirit nodded and said: "You can say that!"

"Then you should be able to reunite Jiang Yan's predecessors?"

When I heard Jiang Yun ask, the spirit master understood Jiang Yun’s thoughts and smiled and shook his head. “I can condense a coffin, but I can’t condense Jiang Yan.”

"Because Jiang Yan, I was the one who extracted all the spiritual spirits of all my Mirrorlings, so his strength was extremely strong. At that time, my Jingling population was over 100,000!"

Jiang Yun nodded silently and did not continue to ask.

It is not impossible to make Jiang Yan resurrect.

However, the precondition is to let the population of the Jingling people exceed 100,000.

Nowadays, the mirror spirits are up and down, even if they add the spirit, they are only one hundred and nine people...

The spirit sighed and said: "Since that time, I can be sure that you are indeed the son of Jiang Qiuyang."

"Three years ago, when you faced the hand of the ancient demon, you used the ancient gun and made me more sure."

Speaking of this, the face of the lord reveals a trace of blame: "Jiang Yun, you took out the action of the ancient gun, it is really risky."

"The ancient gun, as your father's weapon, is the symbol of your father, and the strength is equal to your father."

"Many people in the Tiantian area are looking for the whereabouts of the ancient guns. If you really find that the ancient guns are in your hands, I am afraid that your life will be exposed immediately!"

"Therefore, at that time, I shot again and covered up the aftermath of the ancient gun."

"I tell you this now, not to let you thank me, but to remind you."

"Unless you are in danger of your own life, otherwise, don't use the old guns in other situations!"

Jiang Yun knows that the last time he used the ancient gun, it did not cause anyone to pay attention, but because the spirit master secretly shot, helping himself to resolve the dangers that may arise.

Jiang Yun also understands that the spirit owner is blaming himself for not using Jiang Zhengun for Jiang Ying.

However, now Jiang Yun is more concerned about the "old demon hand!"

"Predecessors, that palm, is it really an ancient demon?"

"In the ancient domain of the spirit, is there always the existence of the ancient demon? Where is he hiding now?"

"The one who was taken away by the ancient demon is my friend who is desperate. In any case, I have to find him, to see people, to see the dead!"

Jiang Ying’s safety is always a matter of concern for Jiang Yun in the past three years.

The spirit owner said: "It really belongs to the ancient demon, but I think that it should not be a real ancient demon, just like the ancient spirit that signed a contract with you, it is an ancient thought."


Jiang Yun suddenly exclaimed, and understood who was the person who took Jiang Ying.

Guling Fuyi!

Fu Yi said very clearly that although his ancient thoughts were brought out of his four fathers by his father, he escaped into the ancient domain of the spirit under the smothering of his father.

Among them, Fu Yi and so on, even attached to the body of Shura, escaped into the lower domain.

Even, he reached an agreement with Fuyi and agreed to meet in this ancient domain.

Just after entering the ancient domain of the spirit, in addition to being chased and killed, he entered the boundless world, and then came again to find the spiritual master, and did not specifically look for him.

The person who grabbed Jiang Ying should not be the ancient spirit, but another ancient thought!

The spirit owner continued: "The ancient thoughts are a very special kind of existence. They are generally parasitic, hiding in the bodies and souls of other lives, and it is difficult to find them."

"However, the thoughts of ancient spirits have something to do with my spiritual family. Since they have the thoughts of ancient spirits, I should still be able to find them."

"Wait a moment, I will try to help you find it!"

With the promise of the spirit owner, Jiang Yun’s heart was finally relieved.

As long as the spiritual master can find the location of the ancient spirit, as long as he finds the ancient spiritual support, he will be able to find other ancient thoughts and find Jiang Ying.

"Predecessors, I still want to ask a question."

"You said!"

"What kind of ethnic group is the spiritual family?"

This problem caused the spirit owner to frown slightly, did not immediately open, apparently thinking about how to answer Jiang Yun.

After a long time, the spirit master said: "All things are alive, have you heard of it?"

"heard about it!"

"The spirit here is the spirit!"

Jiang Yun blinked and apparently still did not understand.

The spirit master smiled and explained: "All things are spiritual, which means that all things have intelligence and spirituality."

"And the spirit is a race that is bred by spirituality and spirituality!"

"Every life form, no matter what ethnic group they are, as long as they have the spirit, then these spirits have the same image and the same characteristics as these corresponding ethnic groups."

"For example, if we mirror the spiritual family, the roots of this is the spirit that was born as the spiritual ancient domain connecting Yin and Yang, so I can become the most powerful ethnic group in the ancient domain of the spirit, and I can become the spiritual master!"

"This is also the reason why we have many similarities with the Yaozu!"

"Inversely, it is precisely because of the birth of the Lingzu, so that all things can embark on the path of practice and become a monk!"

Jiang Yun was stunned, although he finally understood what the Ling family was, but it was beyond his imagination.

Who can believe that the spirituality of the birth of all things can form countless ethnic groups, and when these groups are combined, they become a big spiritual family!

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