The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3425: Six desires

At this moment, Jiang Yun, his face was calm, his body was unharmed, and he stood there cleanly, and the image of his blood before him was simply a sentence.

On the contrary, he stood on the opposite side of the Visionary, and he always kept the shaking of the magic ring in his hand. I don't know when it has stopped.

That handsome face is also revealing a dreamlike intoxicating color, the eyes are shining, a pair of feelings can not help but look like!

This sudden change of scene, as well as the change of the state of Jiang Yun and Wan Zhuang Tian Zun, let the three of the strong people above the sky can not help but look at the big eyes, the eyes reveal an incredible color!

To give them the feeling, just in the dream of being in the dream is not Jiang Yun, but themselves!

Otherwise, how can we explain this scene?

Only the strong person who is also a Tianzun class speaks with amazement: "It’s hard to be true. Before this, Jiang Yun was actually deliberately letting himself fall into the dream of Wan Zhuang Tian Zun?"

This is the case!

Although Jiang Yun has never played with Wan Huan Tian Zun, as a master who is equally proficient in illusion and dreams, he naturally understands that whether it is illusion or dream, the best way to confront is to keep yourself awake!

This, not the strength, but the willpower, is the soul!

As early as he saw the golden butterfly and improved his strength through the illusion, he was inspired to make him curious about the power of the magical dream of the illusion, and had great interest.

Even he has found a goal for his own dreams, that is, to turn the false illusion into a real reality.

This is naturally impossible for others, unless it is to worship the magical days and practice their exercises.

For Jiang Yun, it may be difficult to do this, but at least, he has some conditions and qualifications than others.

In the unknown furnace of Linggu, Jiang Yun is the power rune that absorbs thirteen top powers.

Among them, it contains the Magical Heaven!

Nowadays, he has the opportunity to face the magical dreams that Wan Zhuang Tian Zun personally displayed. He naturally has to feel it.

Therefore, at the beginning, he deliberately relaxed his vigilance, only retaining a trace of sober knowledge, hiding in his own soul, thus letting himself fall into the dream of the other party, really feeling Some time.

Of course, there is a great risk in doing so.

After all, the power of the magical dream of Wan Zhuang Tian Zun is extremely powerful, and it may make Jiang Yun’s sober consciousness, together with his soul, completely lost, unable to wake up.

However, Jiang Yun still has a strong dependence, that is, the father's knowledge, also in his soul!

Jiang Yun believes that the father's knowledge should be enough to counter the dream of the illusion.

Even if the father is strict with himself, if he sees that he is completely in a dream, then he will certainly shoot and help himself wake up.

What Jiang Yun did not think of was that the magical dream of Wan Zhuang Tian Zun was to strip himself of his six dreams!

Six senses represent six senses.

Coincidentally, the six desires that Jiang Yun mastered are also aimed at these six senses, so the impact of such a dream on Jiang Yun is naturally reduced.

When his fourth knowledge was stripped, when Wan Zhuang Tianzun was ready to strip his consciousness, he finally stopped losing, let himself wake up and launched his own counterattack.

The way to counterattack is to use the six desires to understand the six senses.

Wan Huan Tian Zun wants to strip away Jiang Yun's six abilities, and Jiang Yun will in turn stimulate the six senses of Wan Zhuang Tian Zun, and expand the six desires of his heart to unlimited expansion!

At this time, the illusionary Tianzun, who has fallen into his own desires, suddenly has a faint twist on his intoxicated face. It seems to be awake.

And Jiang Yun is also a calm opening again, extending his fingers and going to him three times in a row.

"The nose of six desires!"

"Six desires!"

"The meaning of six desires!"

The complete six desires were all displayed by Jiang Yun.

The silky twist that appeared on the face of Wan Xing Tian Zun was gradually re-incarnation, as if he had completely indulged in his own desires and indulged in the illusion of Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun still did not dare to care about it. He raised his hand and took away the magical bell in the hands of Wan Huan Tian Zun, and Wan Zhuang Tian Zun still did not resist the slightest.

As a tool for the practice of magical dreams, this bell is also a domain.

After Jiang Yun took it, he swayed at random and found that there was no sound at all.

Obviously, this bell can only be swayed by the power of the illusion.

The four strong men standing in the air finally breathed a sigh of relief.

So far, they are not difficult to distinguish, Jiang Yun clearly has already built the Wanxiang Tianzun.

Although this also made them quite shocked, after all, the illusion of Tianzun, but the old Tianzun, was actually swayed by Jiang Yun with the same illusion, and it was unimaginable for anyone.

However, for this result, they are naturally very willing to see.

In this way, they do not need to sacrifice the cost of their own lives to help Jiang Yun, his life, finally saved!

After Jiang Yun put the million magic bells up, the index finger also turned to the eyebrows of Wan Xing Tian Zun. As long as he was pushed by his fingertips, he could kill each other.

But at this moment, Jiang Yun’s fingers stopped there, no longer continued to penetrate, and his face showed a dark color, which seemed to be thinking of something.

This made the four people could not help but worry about Jiang Yun.

"This Jiang Yun, how are you still hesitating at this time?"

"Yeah, Wan Hua is no longer able to fight back, now is the best time to kill him!"

"He shouldn't really think that he can use his own illusion to trap the illusion in the illusion forever. Don't hurry and kill him, so that he will suffer!"

The Tianzun strong man has the urge to kill Jiang Yun and kill the Wan Zhuang Tian Zun.

Suddenly, Jiang Yun took back the finger that was in the eye of the magical eye, and took a step backwards toward the rear.

Then, in his eyebrows, he rushed out countless figures, all of them, just dressed and dressed for different ages.

Seeing these Jiang Yun, the four people are all screaming: "This, it seems to be the body of reincarnation?"


After all the Jiang Yun landed, they blasted together and turned into a golden light, rushing to the eyebrows of Wan Xing Tian Zun, and did not come in!

The four people of Haotian naturally do not know what Jiang Yun is doing. Only Jiang Yun knows for himself that he is exploring the secret of Wanling Tianzun!

Jiang Yun wants the practice of Wan Xing Tian Zun, the magic of dreams.

Just a short moment into a dream, although some inspiration for Jiang Yun, but not enough to let him master.

And if he searches for the soul of the illusion, he may not be able to do it, so he simply uses the reincarnation technique he created to make the illusionary sacred fall into the endless cycle, so as to set out the secret of the other party's practice.

This approach is naturally also somewhat risky?

One is that Wan Xing Tian Zun may be awake at any time. Secondly, the time for this technique will be long, and it is very likely that other strong people will arrive here in time.

However, nowadays, Wanhuan Tianzun is trapped in a dream and cannot resist. Just kill him directly. It is better to try to see if he can put out his magical dreams.

After all, this is only the avatar of Wan Zhuang Tian Zun. In the future, Jiang Yun will inevitably meet his deity, so it is necessary for Jiang Yun to master his practice.

Jiang Yun also closed his eyes and began to carefully feel the actions of the illusionary Tianzun in the reincarnation and his secrets.

After a while, Jiang Yun’s brow furrowed slightly, and his mouth was like a nightmare: “Really... fake!”

At this time, Jiang Yun’s mind suddenly sounded like a thunderous violent voice: "You, don't wake up!"

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