The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3433: Goal

"I know where the answer is hidden!"

The days of the world, there is no purpose in the seams, but Jiang Yun, who is constantly moving toward his front, suddenly stopped his body shape, and his face showed a sudden realization!

On his way, he still remembers every word his father told himself.

Although the father revealed not many things to him, each piece was shocking and unconventional, which Jiang Yun had never thought of.

One of the things that Jiang Yun is most concerned about is naturally the secret that he has built in the lower domain.

No way, those secrets, since they have attracted the attention of the patrolling angels and others, then it is very likely that the entire lower domain will face the catastrophe at any time.

Therefore, Jiang Yun naturally wants to quickly figure out what secrets there are, and whether there is any way to save the risk.

Previously, he thought that his father’s idea of ​​hiding his answer in the domain was gradually overthrown by him.

Whether it is the Jiu National Domain, or the Tiantian Palace and the Zhen Gu Gun, once they reveal their own value, they will inevitably be desperately vying for everyone.

The father also knows very well that Jiang Yun's strength will not be too strong. Even if the domain is given to Jiang Yun, it is very likely that other people will steal the domain device, so he will not hide the answer.

Jiang Yun said one word: "The answer, not in the room I used to live in, must be hidden in the original realm of mountains and seas!"

In the original boundary of the mountains and seas, there are several independent spaces hidden in it. The method of opening up is that Jiang Yun needs to display the three kinds of Tao, six, and eight.

Jiang Yun used the first two kinds of Taoism to open two spaces and found the old gun and the room he used to live in when he was the first.

Because of the eight bitter techniques, until now, he still has two sufferings without comprehension, so naturally it is impossible to open the remaining space.

And now he wants to come, the father has left the answer to the secret of the lower domain to himself, then only these two places can be the most grasped.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun did not have other thoughts. God looked around and determined that there were no other creatures nearby. He immediately entered the room where he used to, and carefully searched.

It’s a pity that when he was almost an inch of the entire room, and even all the furniture in the room was carefully viewed by the gods, there was still no discovery.

In desperation, Jiang Yun sat down on the chair and reached out to play with the party. He said to himself: "It may be that the father's method of hiding the answer is too clever. Based on my current strength, fundamentally unable to find."

"It is also possible that the answer is not in this room, but hidden in the mountains and seas!"

"However, the original world of Shanhai, although the father sent me into it, but the arrangement of the organs inside, even including the six desires and seven sentiments, but they should all be left by the nameless."

Thinking of the nameless, Jiang Yun couldn't help but have some headaches. He never knew whether the other party was really his own, and whether it was good or bad.

"At that time, since my father entrusted me to the nameless, instead of giving the battle axe, it is very likely that the father hid the answer in something and gave it to the nameless name, so that he could pass it on to himself."

"There is no name, is it possible to know all the secrets of the lower domain?"

Naturally, these problems are just sitting here and thinking out of the air. Jiang Yun can never reach a conclusion, so he can only shake his head and have to give up the impulse to continue to explore.

If you want to know all the answers, I am afraid that only after I return to the lower domain, I can find the nameless, or realize the postoperative pain of eight sufferings.

Although there is nothing to gain, but looking at this room, Jiang Yun for a while, but also temporarily do not want to leave, continue to hurry.

Therefore, he simply stayed in the room and planned his next action plan.

This is not the lower domain, but the heavens.

According to the father's words, this is both a blessing for the practitioners, but also a purgatory for the practitioners.

This sentence, Jiang Yun naturally understand!

The practice level of the Tiantianji area far exceeds the lower level.

Here, there are more opportunities and opportunities for the monks to have the opportunity to go further and stand higher, so here is a blessed land.

But also because the level of practice here is too high, the competition between monks is naturally more intense and cruel.

Especially for the lower domain monks!

All the monks in the collections of the heavens are placed in the lower domain, and they are absolutely strong.

And like myself, from the lower domain, after thousands of hardships, I entered the monks of the heavens. There is neither background nor resources. It is completely strange to this place, and it is easy to be stared and even killed by the monks here. .

"I don't know, Ji's predecessors, and Qinger, how are they doing now?"

"The Linggu Wars, because of my accidents, I am afraid that the rules set before have all been disrupted, and everyone has won the rankings, and I don't know if they count."

"Now, I only hope that they can safely enter the door of each Tianzun, not to mention worshipping as a teacher, at least to have a stable environment for practice, and to practice in a down-to-earth manner!"

Jiang Yun closed his eyes and leaned heavily on the back of the chair.

At this moment, he felt lonely!

In the lower domain, although he often acts alone, there is at least one home, a place where friends gather, and an opportunity to meet friends.

However, in this collection of heavens, as he cut off the relationship between them and Xueqing, they still remember his lower-field monks. Except for Ji Kongfan, there was only the original road, the heavens. At the place, he was taken away from the ancient domain of the spirit by Yu Ji, and brought into the Xiao He and others of Dan Lingzong.

Although Jiang Yun did not cut off the relationship between Xiao and Xiao, but Jiang Yun is not worried that they will be tired of themselves.

Because, now is the day of the sky!

Even if their identity is exposed, as long as they are not known to the other 12 major forces other than the patrol, then they will not have anything!

And Dan Lingzong, in the collection of the heavens, is really a small can not be a small sect. Even the evil light sects are much stronger than Dan Lingzong.

I believe that the 12 major forces should not notice such an insignificant martial art.

However, I am afraid that if I am afraid, I will be afraid of 10,000.

"The days of these days are for me. Anyway, there are strange places everywhere. I don't have a fixed place to go. It is better to go to Dan Dan Lingzong and secretly look at Xiao He."

With this goal, Jiang Yun not only dispelled a lot of loneliness in his heart, but also his heart is also inexplicably relaxed.

"Now, the most urgent task is to get a detailed map of these days, and then I will go to Dan Lingzong!"


"When can we leave?"

The Tiantian Jiyu, connected to the southwestern gate of the Linggu domain, Ji Kongfan and all the lower-field monks who had obtained the top 100 names, are always waiting here.

In their surroundings, in addition to the many monks of various forces, there are also twelve purple patrols, apparently guarding them and not letting them leave.

Today, it has been three days since Jiang Yun’s departure, and Ji Kongfan has lost patience, so this questioned the 12 patrols.

If you switch to someone else to ask this question, the Skywalker will not ignore it, but Ji Kongfan is not an ordinary person.

Both of them are interested in him. If there is no accident in the future, he will certainly become a disciple of Heaven.

Although the status of the patrol is detached, only the sacred angels are truly detached.

The patrols at all levels are walking in the fields of the heavens. Naturally, it is impossible for the six parents to recognize them.

They are also reluctant to offend the other twelve powerful monks, especially the disciples of Tianzun, so at this moment, after hearing the words of Ji Kongfan, a patrolman looked at him and said: "Don’t worry, the ambassadors will come back soon. It!"

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