The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3228: Middle and upper stream

The white-haired man took the road to heaven and thoroughly integrated into the flame stone, disappearing from the nameless name.

Even the stone monument was blown up, and the flowers of countless flames were re-formed and scattered in the flame river.

The road is still unknown, but still standing in the same place, staring at the position of the flame stele before the eyes, recalling the three words that the man said when he left.

"a lamp……"

Although the nameless mind is extremely high, but at the moment it is simply impossible to imagine, what kind of lamp is the key to open the channel of Jiang.

After a long time, the nameless name finally came back to the gods, and the mouth grew a sigh of relief, his eyes still looked at the stone monument that had disappeared, and his face showed a hint of relief.

Can you find the key to open this channel, but for him, it is no longer important.

After all, he originally wanted to send Dao Tianyou to Jiang, instead of following him.

The wish of my own for so many years has not only been finally realized, but the result is much better than what I had imagined before.

With the protection of the white-haired man, Dao Tianyou will be more secure in Jiang, no one will doubt his identity.

He will bear the name of Jiang Yun, take root in Jiang's veins, practice the practice of Jiang, and gradually improve his strength until he becomes a master of heaven!

When Dao Tianyou returns, it is the day when his father and son are proud.

With a bright future, the nameless smile with a satisfied smile turned away.

From beginning to end, he never thought about his son, what kind of mood would be at the moment!

In the extraterritorial battlefield, the causal old man left the unnamed figure to leave, and his eyes revealed a suspicious color.

Because, just as the white-haired man appeared, his knowledge of God had been obscured by an inexplicable force, and he did not see the white-haired man.

However, watching the nameless person leave, but let him understand that Dao Tianyou has clearly entered the Jiang's pulse!

Causal old man can not help but wrinkled his brow and said to himself: "He actually did it!"

"There should be a strong shot, and it is very likely that the person from Jiang, took away the gods!"

"Dao Tianyou pretending to be Jiang Yun and entering Jiang's, this is interesting!"

Shaking his head, the causal old man looked up and looked at the direction of the heavens in the fields. He murmured: "Since the nameless name can find this passage, others can certainly find it."

"I'm afraid, it won't take long for some people to stay in this sub-domain or to reincarnate, they have to wake up!"

"Just, what is the key? Where is it now?"

A long sigh, the causal old man closed his eyes.


In the chaotic cloud domain, Jiang Qiu Ge opened up the mountains and seas, and the three people looked at each other, and they all saw the color of sorrow and doubt from the other's face.

Before the Jiang Yun body came out, melting the illusory flame of the man's fingertip black hole, the three of them did not see, so naturally do not understand, why the man will inexplicably let go of himself and others.

Especially Jiang Yuting, she is very clear about the character of the white man, knowing that the other person is not easily willing to give up.

Although I have pulled out the red dot of my eyebrows, if the other party really insists on bringing him back to Jiang, there is still a way.

But the other party just let go of herself, and it is really let her not understand, what is going on!

Finally, Jiang Yun could not help but ask: "Yu Ting, who is that person?"

But the voice just fell, Jiang Yun has followed closely: "If you are not convenient to say, then you do not have to answer."

Jiang Yun is really worried about Jiang Yuting's body, will there be the knowledge of other people of Jiang's family.

If you come out again, don't say that Jiang Yuting can't stand it, and he can't bear it with Jiang Qiuge.

At this time, Jiang Yuting, his face became relaxed and relaxed: "I have said so much anyway, then it will be fine."


Jiang Yuting looked at her a little bit and glanced at Jiang Yun. "Just, some of them involve the secret of my Jiang, but I still can't say it."

"I don't want to say it, but I can't say it at all."

Jiang Yun knows nodded. "I understand that I have no interest in the secret of Jiang. I just want to know the identity of the person just now."

Jiang Yuting said: "He is a member of the old family association. He is a leader of Jiang's side, named Jiang Jingxi."

"And the father of the uncle, they are peers, I want to call his uncle."

Hearing the identity of the other party, the faces of Jiang Yun and Jiang Qiu Ge were all surprised.

Because in the imagination of the two, the ability to enter the old age club, should be some of the older generations of high morality.

However, Jiang Jingxi, but only a generation higher than Jiang Yuting, can actually become a member of the old club!

Jiang Yuting naturally understands the doubts in the hearts of the two people and quickly explains: "The majority of the members of the old members of the Jiang family are made up of side-by-side people."

"The purpose is to balance the immediate family and prevent direct independence and dictatorial power."

"Uncle Jingxi is not high in the whole generation of Jiang, but among his people, he is the highest in his generation."

Hearing here, Jiang Yun’s eyes flashed and he bluntly asked: “The old people will expel my father from the family. The root cause is whether it is between the direct and the sidelines, in order to compete for the position of the patriarch.”

The dispute between direct and sidelines is common in all ethnic groups and is not new.

After all, directness is the orthodoxy that represents a group.

Any sideline people will not be willing to be only sidelines forever, and everyone wants to be orthodox.

Then, when Jiang Yun wants to come, his father is not too high-profile, or the qualifications are too prominent, causing the jealousy of the sidelines, so the father will be expelled, thus facilitating the sidelines.

However, Jiang Yuting shook his head and said: "Although I don't know what the uncle was expelling from the ethnic group, the possibility that the big brother said is extremely low and low."

"There are two reasons. First, Jiang has been inherited for so many years, and the family is so huge that you can't think about it."

"I don't know exactly how to prevent it, but I know that in Jiang, the status of direct and collateral is completely equal."

"As I just said, Jiang is a young man!"

Jiang Yun nodded. The attitude of Jiang Jingxi to Jiang Yuting was always the attitude of the elders to the younger generation.

Jiang Yuting went on to say: "As for the second reason, Big Brother, I said it, don't be angry."

Jiang Yun slightly glimpsed, but still smiled and said: "Reassured, I will not be angry."

Jiang Yuting said this whispered: "I heard the father and my aunt chatting and said that although the qualification of the uncle is indeed good, but among the Jiang, it can only be regarded as the middle and upper stream."

"The sixth generation of the people, the strongest is the aunt!"

"And, Jiang also allowed women to become patriarchs, so even if it is really direct and sideline in order to compete for the patriarch's position, then it should be aunt!"

With Jiang Yuting's voice falling, Jiang Yun and Jiang Qiu Ge all stunned!

So strong Jiang Qiuyang, in Jiang's, can only be regarded as the middle and upper stream.

How strong is Jiang’s overall strength?

The two are already unimaginable!

Seeing the look of the two, Jiang Yuting said in a hurry: "I said something a long time ago. After leaving Jiang, the strength of the uncle must have improved."

"Maybe already surpassed my aunt."

Jiang Yun smiled and shook his head and said: "You don't have to comfort me. My father is in Jiang's strength. I don't care."

"I still want to ask another question. Then Jiang Jingxi said that I have no time to let me improve my strength. What does it mean?"

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