The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3578: Little Thousand Realms

After Jiang Qiuyang's rise in the heavens, when he was on an equal footing with the powers of the nine heavenly deities, he naturally also had his own territory.

Although Jiutian Tianzun has given Jiang Qiuyang the site that Gu now owns, Jiang Qiuyang is still a little dissatisfied, so he asked to select another site in Jiudian Tianzun domain.

In this regard, although the nine Great Celestials were unwilling, but under the premise of not being able to beat Jiang Qiuyang, they were also forced to agree, and each of them cut a part of the site.

This part of the site is not large, the biggest is just a few worlds, and the smallest is just a world.

The reason Jiang Qiuyang wanted these sites was not to occupy them, but to put pressure on these great celestial beings!

It can also be seen from this that Jiang Qiuyang's character is indeed extremely overbearing.

Although Jiang Yun also heard some of these things, he did not care.

After all, he never really regarded himself as Master Jiang.

He didn't even care about the site.

What's more, in his current situation, even if he wanted to regain his father's territory, he still had a lot of energy and power.

Therefore, at this moment, Jiang Yun was really surprised when he heard the voice of Jiang Qiuge.

However, he soon understood that he would arrange these winning monks in the place of his father in order to find himself!

"That's right!" Jiang Qiuge continued: "Not only is this the case, the other eleven monks who have won in the Celestial Domain are all taken to rest in the territory that once belonged to you."

"And we, the monks, are not allowed to enter it."

"However, I will find a way to see if it can be mixed in. We will leave now."

"Whether we can go in or not, you must be careful after you reach Xiaoqianjie!"

After leaving this sentence, Jiang Qiuge and Tie'an both walked away.

At this time, they naturally do not need to worry about Jiang Yun's safety.

Jiang Yun also found Jiang Yuting and Tie Runan. All the monks who were successfully promoted still entered the space teleportation array under the guidance of the disciples in the four groups.

After coming out of the teleportation circle, everyone found that instead of directly entering the Xiaoqian Realm, they appeared in the seams outside the realm.

There is a world in front of it, but there are countless huge chains entangled with purple thunder on it, as if this world was imprisoned.

Jiang Yun's pupils shrunk slightly, and they can already be vaguely guessed. This may be a deliberate attempt to give himself to him.

Sure enough, the stark elder has said: "I believe everyone knows the origin of Xiaoqianjie."

"This world was once the traitor of my heavens, Jiang Qiuyang."

"After Jiang Qiuyang was annihilated by the Great Celestial Masters, there were also many Jiang Qiuyang's men in this world who still occupied the world and resisted and refused to surrender."

"To this end, we simply locked this world completely, cut off all channels, cut off all supplies and resources, and killed those who died of Jiang's life!"

While the Elder Elderly was talking, a pair of sharp eyes were constantly moving back and forth on everyone's face.

Jiang Yun's complexion was calm, and he even reached out and patted the back of Jiang Yuting's hand, which was shaking.

Although these things also made him angry, he certainly did not show his face.

"Although it has now returned to normal, we have kept these chains on purpose in order to alert people later."

"Into Xiaoqianjie, you still live in the corresponding city according to the group."

"Explain to you, in order to ensure your safety, you are not allowed to go to the city where the other groups are located, nor are you allowed to fight in private."

"There are guards in the Xiaoqian Realm who are guarded by a lack of guards. They are under the direct control of Datianzun. They don't talk about any feelings, and they are selfless."

"Who dares to proactively cause trouble, once it is discovered by the array guard, then, there is no pardon!"

"Well, now you go in batches!"

After speaking, the elder flashed aside and let out the passage behind him.

So, four hundred monks, according to their respective groups, entered the Xiaoqian Realm in turn.

After entering, it was actually a teleportation array, sending the crowds to the corresponding cities in batches.

After Jiang Yun and a hundred other monks from the borders stepped out of the battlefield, one by one could not help but look slightly different.

The disciples who were short of heaven did not follow their own entrance.

Although there is indeed a majestic city in front of her, the gate is closed, but outside the gate, there are already a large number of monks.

There are as many as five or six hundred of these monks, all of whom are in the condition of fate, some are gathered in groups of three or five, and some are alone.

With the emergence of Jiang Yun and others, these monks all looked at them, and each one of them had a bad intention.

Obviously, these people, like Jiang Yun and others, are the marginal monks who have won in other trial circles.

In the following trials, all of them are almost opponents to each other, and now meet, naturally not polite.


Suddenly a sneer came from the mouth of a bald man, and he reached for Duguli and said, "Duguli, don't you, are you the strongest of these people?"

"If so, you are really lucky to go to the seventh trial world. If you are in our second trial world, I am afraid you will not be able to advance!"

It is not difficult to see that the origin of this bald man is certainly not small, not even the lonely and lonely.

Duguli was ridiculed by the man and was not angry. Instead, he turned his eyes and smiled coldly: "Ye Su, you really look at me. In the seventh trial world, I am not the strongest."

As soon as Duguli shouted the other's name, people like Jiang Yun who didn't know the bald man suddenly realized.

Ye Su, from the superior heavens, Yongxing Tian, ​​the 19th place in the ranking list!

Although the Dugu family is also the first class, they rely on the women in the clan to become the uncles who lack the heavenly respect.

Despised by some other superior heavens, and even a few moderate heavens.

Yongxingtian is one of them!


Hearing Duguli admitted that he was not the strongest, which made Ye Su and many monks look curious.

"Although you are not very good, anyway, you are also on the fate list. Who is better than you? Is it Wei Chi?"

Wei Chi smiled slightly and did not speak.

And Duguli already reached out and pointed out Jiang Yuting and Jiang Yun: "The three brothers and sisters of the Iron Family are the strongest of us!"

Jiang Yun had already guessed that Duguli wanted to make enemies for the three of them deliberately, so he smiled unsurprisingly at the moment: "Duguli, didn't you want to kill me?"

"Now we haven't entered the city yet. I'm standing here to make you a good meal, shall we?"

Although the crowd had not yet entered the city, there were a few monks wearing armors standing above the gate, watching the crowd indifferently.

In other words, fighting should be banned here.

However, Jiang Yun heard it very clearly. The elder that was short of the sky said that who dared to provoke trouble would invite the punishment of the short of guards. Therefore, Jiang Yun said that, and he drove himself alone.

As long as you are alone and dare to shoot, then you have a chance to fight back.

Tokgo is certainly not stupid, and smiled coldly: "Kill you, there are opportunities, do not hurry!"

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Then you better pray, in the next trials, your Dugoku family will protect you secretly!"

After leaving this sentence, Jiang Yun took Jiang Yuting and walked to the gate of the city.

Although Jiang Yun didn't admit it, the threat he made to Duguli was tantamount to verifying his words.

His strength is definitely better than Dugu Lili!

This made Ye Su and some strong men's eyes suddenly shine.

Ye Su winked at a group of people and saw Jiang Yun and the three men standing next to each other!

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