The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3739: Break the seal

A day later, while in the dream, watching the sealed Jiang Yun, he suddenly closed some sour eyes and exhaled softly in his mouth.

Although Jiang Yun's action was extremely small, he never escaped to observe his destiny.

Feng Tianzun couldn't help but frowned slightly: "It's only been one day, can't you hold on?"

"Or is he already feeling the seal?"

These two possibilities, from the perspective of the destiny, are unlikely.

A monk breaking the law, can't hold on to seeing the water of the day with his eyes?

The power to break the realm is too weak.

But if Jiang Yun had only seen it for a day, he felt the seal, which is also impossible.

Just when Feng Xun Tianzun was puzzled, Jiang Yun's eyes opened again, and he continued to stare at the water in front of him.

The destiny Tianzun shook his head and said, "This child, the determination does not seem to be very good."

"Don't talk about your mother at first, even if you were to observe these seals, for half a month, you didn't even dare to blink your eyes."

"You're good, it's only been one day, and you have to take a break!"

Although there was a small grumble in his mouth, Feng Tianzun didn't care too much, and continued to watch Jiang Yun.

In this way, four days later, Jiang Yun suddenly raised his hand!

As soon as he moved, Feng Tianzun naturally hurriedly opened his eyes and did not understand what Jiang Yun would do with his hand.

Although Jiang Yun is now in the seal, but because these seals are so powerful, Feng Tianzun added a layer of protection to his body, allowing him to move freely and not easily. Touched the seal.

However, Jiang Yun raised his hand not to count, he even stretched out a finger, and gently tapped towards the water in front of him.

This suddenly changed the look of Feng Tianzun!

Because Jiang Yun is clearly touching the seal!

Even if there is the protection of the power of the destiny, this approach will actually trigger the seal, and even cause a chain reaction, triggering all the seals in this dream field!

Despite his doubts and dignity, Feng Tianzun naturally did not take any action to stop him.

No matter how powerful these seals are, they are from his own hands.

With him on his side, even if all the seals broke out, he could guarantee Jiang Yun's safety.

He simply allowed Jiang Yun to exert his induction, no matter what he did, he was there anyway.

Jiang Yun's fingers moved very slowly, advancing almost inch by inch until he finally touched the water in front of him.


Suddenly, all the water boiled frantically.

Fate Tianzun frowned, and he had raised his hand, and was about to shoot.

All the seals here are actually connected.

Once a seal is triggered, naturally all other seals will be launched.

Jiang Yun's current action has obviously triggered all the seals.

The seal here is for the destiny of Tianming Zun to suppress Mengyuan and prevent something from rushing out of Mengyuan, so this seal is extremely lethal.

If Fengzun Tianzun could not act, then these seals can definitely tear Jiang Yun into nothingness.

However, just as the palm of the destiny Tianzun was about to be pressed down, his complexion changed again, his eyes widened suddenly, and his palm stopped as well.

Because of the boiling water, it suddenly stopped again, and calm was restored again.

Only at the tip of Jiang Yun's fingers was a small drop of water trembling gently.


Faith Tianzun's face showed an incredible color, and he murmured, "He, he has been able to separate the seal separately?"

Although the seals are continuous, they are naturally composed of individual seals.

At this moment, Jiang Yun's move clearly separated a seal from the endless seal.

Moreover, no other seals have been triggered, which is really beyond the expectation of Feng Tianzun.

Separation of seals naturally requires learning.

Just to be able to be like Jiang Yun, Feng Tianzun remembered that Jiang Yun's mother had spent a full month.

It took Jiang Yun five days!

In other words, when Jiang Yun closed her eyes the day before, she actually sensed the existence of the seal.

Then he spent another four days to separate the seals.

Holding the shock in my heart, Feng Tianzun continued to watch and see what Jiang Yun was going to do next!

The speculation of the destiny is correct.

Jiang Yun's senses are also much stronger than others, and he also mastered the technique of six desires.

Liuyu also has a certain relationship with the senses, making his senses stronger and stronger.

Therefore, in one day, he had successfully sensed the existence of the seal.

The so-called induction, Jiang Yun feels that it is not accurate. The correct statement should be seen through.

See through the essence of things!

The one in front of me is water, and its essence is still a seal.

The first thing Jiang Yun saw was a drop of water in front of him.

The drop of water turned into a seal in his eyes.

After seeing the first seal, the next seal naturally became simpler.

In three days, Jiang Yun had seen all the seals in the sight.

Although Fengming Tianzun did not explain to him, what to continue after seeing the seal.

However, Jiang Yun felt that he should try to separate these seals and observe the seals separately.

This is also due to Jiang Yun's experience in learning refining medicine as a child.

Simplify complexity and trace its roots!

In addition, Jiang Yun once had the process of tracing various runes to their roots, which can be considered as experience.

What's more, the seal actually has some similarities with the formation method.

The matrix method can also be regarded as a large seal, which is similar to a small matrix method, with various changes hidden in it.

Although Jiang Yun is not very proficient in seals, he is a real master of matrix formation.

The use of the formation method on the learning seal also has a certain effect. Therefore, in two days, Jiang Yun had already separated the seal once.

At this moment, Jiang Yun's eyes stared at the drop of water on his fingertips, but he was still.

At this time, Feng Tianzun didn't know what Jiang Yun was doing, but he was not anxious, just watching it quietly.

Jiang Yun's stand still turned out to be a full ten days.

After ten days of stillness, Jiang Yun bounced lightly, and the drop of water on his fingertip flew out immediately, sinking into the other drops of water.

Then, Jiang Yun's five fingers waved at the same time.

Where the five fingers pass, it is no longer a drop of water, but a long stream of water.

This stream of water constantly moves with Jiang Yun's fingers.

Moreover, it is just this water that is moving, but the other water is still.

At the beginning, the speed of the water flow was not fast, but gradually the water flow seemed to be alive, with its own consciousness, getting faster and faster.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of Feng Tianzun couldn't help but light up.

It seems that the water is moving with Jiang Yun's finger, but Fengming Tianzun can clearly see that Jiang Yun's finger is moving with the water!

The flow is moving because the seal has been triggered!

And Jiang Yun was able to make his fingers move with the water, which is actually cracking the seal!

"Bang, bang!"

Finally, with the sound of a crisp burst, the water had exploded and disappeared!

The destiny Tianzun suddenly rose up, and his eyes were horrified: "It's broken!"

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