The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3895: Open all together


Huang Fuyu's mouth suddenly made a scream of screaming, eyes widened, his face covered with panic, desperately twisting his body, trying to break free from the shackles of the whip.

In the eyes of outsiders, he was just pierced by his whip, his vitality was quickly leaving him, and he was about to die.

But for Huangfu Yu, he can clearly feel that the whip is like a living creature, clearly devouring his own cultivation behavior, devouring everything, and devouring his soul!

It also reminded him of what his father had said before. There was a lot of monster spirits in this whip.

Now he can prove his father's words are true.

Among the whip is not only the spirit of the demons, it is also able to actively devour the spirits of the demons, and may even imprison the souls forever.

This unknown fear made him even more afraid than death.

Unfortunately, the whip that tangled his body became tighter and tighter, making him unable to break free at all.

"Father, save me, save me!"

He could only widen his frightened eyes and looked at his father, his mouth screaming wildly.

And his voice had just exited, but it went down immediately.

Because the whip's swallowing power was getting stronger and stronger, he quickly lost his mind, his body stopped struggling, and his head softened quickly.

At this moment, in the chaotic building, there was a rare moment of silence.

Everyone did not expect that Jiang Yun really dared to kill Huang Fuyu!

However, everyone's face showed joy to Jiang Yun's move.

Huang Fujing prepared to kill all of them here, and Huang Fuyu also waited for the secret killer and attacked them secretly.

Now that Jiang Yun killed Huang Fuyu, he was avenging them, and complained for them.


Huang Fujing's face also changed abruptly, and a monstrous fierce flame broke out in his eyes. Looking at the dead son, a roar rang out in his mouth.

He wouldn't have thought that Jiang Yun even said that killing would kill him, without giving him the slightest chance.

He was even more unacceptable. When he was almost in full control of the situation, his son would be killed by Jiang Yun.

Where did he know that Jiang Yun knew very well that even if Huang Fuyu was released, Huang Fujing would not let himself go, so it would be better to kill him, anyway, he had long seen Huangfu Yu displeased.

At this moment, Jiang Yun did not pay attention to Huang Fujing's anger, but stared at the whip in his hand with a serious look.

The whip has been quickly pulled out of Huang Fuyu's body and re-entangled on Jiang Yun's palm.

Although it seems that the whip is the same as before, there is no change, but Jiang Yun can feel that there are some differences.

As for what is different, Jiang Yun could not describe it.

It can only be said that this whip seemed to be asleep before, but now it woke up a little.

This feeling led Jiang Yun to hurriedly ask Zhengu Gun: "Zhenggu seniors, is there an instrument in this whip?"

Zhengu Gun quickly responded: "No, there is only one road to the emperor, and no life exists."

"Of course, maybe I can't perceive it, but Qi Ling, it shouldn't."

The more powerful the weapon, the more likely it is that an instrumental spirit will be born.

However, emperor tools cannot be said to be powerful, so it is normal to have no instrumental spirits in them.

But since no instrumental spirit exists, why does this whip give me a sense of awake.

The sound of the Zhengu gun resounded again: "You can look at it with a sense of God, this whip is indeed weird, it is extremely repelling to me, and even you want to devour me, but it should not hurt you much."

Because of the last experience of God's consciousness in the axe which is also an emperor, Jiang Yun has not dared to infiltrate God's consciousness into his whip until now.

And for all the feelings that this whip produces, it is just just holding the whip.

Zhen Gu's suggestion made Jiang Yun hesitate.

Although he believed that the Zhengu gun would not deceive himself, after all, his strength, practice method, and even life form were different from those of the Zhengu gun.

His own consciousness entered the whip, not to mention any accidents encountered. If only his soul was injured, it would make his situation more difficult.

Just as Jiang Yun hesitated, Huang Fujing suddenly spoke again.

"Kaixiu was injured and Du Jing was shocked to death.

"Boom boom!"

As his voice fell, he saw the eight illusionary doors making a deafening roar, and slowly opened to the sides.

The more the door opened, the more smoke was flowing out of it.

However, instead of just turning into a wind, it has condensed into an unreal monster, rushed into the crowd, and launched a crazy attack.

These monsters are shaped like evil wolves. Although they are not big in size, they are extremely powerful, and almost every one of them possesses the power of Tianzun.

Those who are familiar with the Huangji people know that these monsters are actually the essence of the Huangji people.

Hundreds of monsters like Tianzun suddenly appeared, killing the ring, for nearly 10,000 monks here, this is simply a nightmare.

Suddenly, there were nearly a thousand monks who died tragically under the attack of these monsters.

At this time, even those strong men of all races who are also comparable to the Celestial Master are pale and feel the threat of death.

But they had no other way but to continue fighting and struggling until they were killed.

Chen Jianye and Gu Linxu were all bruised and bloody, but they still protected Gu Qianxi and Takamatsu as much as possible and were desperately fighting with two monsters.

At this time, Gu Linxu almost shouted, "Treasurer Chen, can you contact the masters of the cities!"

Gu Linxu knew about the relationship between Zhu Shaoshao and Chen Jianye.

In today's circumstances, it is impossible for them to break out of it, so Gu Linxu can only hope that Chen Jianye can contact the young and the young, and let the young and the young find a way to open the formation from the outside, open the building, and rescue everyone.

Chen Jianye shook his head with a bitter smile: "Huang Fujing has completely blocked this place for a long time, and no news can be transmitted."

"Hope, the lords of the cities can detect something wrong!"

At this moment, those who are outside the building are still sitting on the ground, holding their chins with their hands, looking at the eight confined buildings in front of them, yawning boringly.

Although he and the building are close at hand, when the building was built and the formation method was laid down, in order to prevent the destruction from spreading and affecting the outside world, the reinforcement method and the closedness of the building were intentionally strengthened.

Therefore, Zhu Shaoshao couldn't know what was going on inside the building.

"Kill, kill, hahaha, all of you will die!"

Watching the death of a large number of monks, and watching everyone tired, Huang Fujing burst into a crazy laugh again.

As for Jiang Yun, he did not deliberately attack it.

Because he wanted to kill Jiang Yun last, and torture Jiang Yun slowly.

Anyway, Jiang Yun can't run, now it is his place!

However, when his eyes saw Jiang Yun standing there as if stagnant, holding his whip, motionless, and seeing the body of his son who had lost his life on the ground in front of Jiang Yun, he could not control Living inside the anger, with a big wave of his hand, six monsters rushed to Jiang Yun.

Seeing six monsters like Tianzun, Jiang Yun's voice sounded slowly when he rushed towards Jiang Yun.

"The Huangji tribe, originally the yellow beast tribe!"

At this point, Jiang Yun suddenly looked up, two cold lights shot out of his two eyes, looked at Huang Fujing, and raised his legs to walk towards Huang Fujing.

As he walked, Jiang Yun continued to speak.

"For thousands of years, no emperor was born in the clan!"

"Unwilling to resign, so it was renamed Huangji family, want to use the emperor!"

In Jiang Yun's voice, the six monsters have come to his side, but after his eyes glanced at, the six monsters stopped and did not dare to move forward.

Jiang Yun continued to Huang Fujing, saying word by word: "Today, destroy your Huangfujing, and another day, destroy your Huangji family!"

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