The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 3909: Kaiwai Bamen

Jiang Yun, who was inside the building, naturally heard the loud noises and felt the violent shaking of the whole building.

Although he didn't know what was happening outside, he could naturally think of it. Someone was outside to deal with the young and Mo Yunting, and the door of the building was to be opened and let others wait.


The closed door in front of Jiang Yun also shook.

After only three breaths, the door slowly opened to both sides, revealing a gap.

Seeing this gap, the three faces suddenly showed excitement.

However, at this moment, the moonlight that had illuminated the whole building suddenly suddenly became so powerful that the stimulating three could not help closing their eyes together.


Immediately afterwards, the three heard another loud noise in their ears, and their bodies sank heavily, just like the building suddenly sinking into the depths of the earth.

Even more, the severe tremor stopped.

This immediately made Jiang Yun's heart feel an ominous feeling, and quickly opened his eyes.

The dazzling light had faded again, but the gap just opened by the gate in front of him had healed again.

What even surprised Jiang Yun was that the two who were originally close to him and Mo Yunting were gone.

Only the ancient guns and Takamatsu, which are always held firmly in their own hands, still exist.

This weird sight made Jiang Yun's first thought come out when he closed his eyes. In fact, the door was opened, and Zhu Shao and Mo Yunting naturally rushed out, but they were too late. Myself.

With this thought coming out, Jiang Yun suddenly felt that there was an extra person behind him, watching himself.

"Great Emperor!"

Jiang Yun never thought he was a timid person, but at this moment, his heart was still irresistible with a hint of fear!

Although Jiang Yun's life is very exciting and he has contacted too many powerful people, but the true emperor, apart from the scorpion and causal old man who controlled the entire heavenly domain, he has no more Contacted.

In fact, contact with the Beast is actually not at all contact, at least it is not the deity.

Perhaps not even a avatar.

Because Jiang Yun had fought with each other at that time, there was no breath of the emperor.

The causal elderly gave Jiang Yun a cynical feeling.

Even Jiang Yun suspected that he was just a quasi-empire or a pseudo-empire.

As for the other strong men, whether they are angel patrolmen or their grandfather, their strongest is only the quasi-empire state.

Even the mysterious strongman who forgot his old age is definitely not a true emperor.

But now, there is a real emperor standing behind him!

The strength of the great emperor is unquestionable. It can be seen from the emperor you had just attached to Huang Fujing.

Being stared at by an emperor, especially an emperor who is just negotiating with himself, this pressure is really beyond the ordinary people's tolerance.

However, despite his fear, Jiang Yun gritted his teeth, turned suddenly, and looked behind him.

Just as he turned around, he also realized that the building was completely empty.

All the monks who were stunned and unconscious just now disappeared.

This also made him realize that it wasn't that Zhuo Shao and Mo Yunting threw themselves away, but that he should be in the same space as them.

In other words, the moment he closed his eyes, he was silently taken into another space, and he didn't feel the slightest.

And the only one who can do all this is the emperor ...

Jiang Yun's gaze finally turned to a figure standing forward.

Strangely, this figure is clearly an entity, just standing there simply, there is nothing around the body, but Jiang Yun can't see the other person's looks at all, and can't distinguish the other person's gender.

It seems that the other person's whole person is like a chaos, both exist and do not exist.

However, Jiang Yun could feel that the other party was looking at himself.

Although Jiang Yun didn't know how the other party was going to deal with himself, his mind was running wildly, thinking whether he could still help himself in this situation.

At the same time, although the outside Jiang Mu was still holding the sword handle tightly with his hands, his breath was already too weak, and obviously he could no longer pull the sword out.

Because he felt better than everyone else that there was a powerful force in the building, which cut off his power directly, and even cut off the connection between his torsion and himself.

This makes this building, although it stands here clearly, although its hands still firmly grasp the hilt, it has been completely isolated, as if it is in another space.

This magical technique has exceeded his understanding, and naturally there is no way to crack it.

If before he said he was holding some luck, it may not be the emperor that appeared from the tomb of the emperor. Now, his luck is completely gone.

No one except the Emperor can do this so easily.

After all, it ’s not his own power that he just used, but also the power of cricket!

However, Jiang Mu did not give up, loosening the hilt of his sword with both hands, and started to say, "Outer eight doors, open the door!"

With his voice falling, the first reaction was above the bamboo path garden, the spiritual city owner who had already been there, Qiong Yu!

Qiong Yu raised his hand without hesitation and patted the 28 Wuling people who sat cross-kneeed below.

This palm is not to attack the Wuling people, but to integrate her power into it.


I saw that, above the sky above the heads of twenty-eight people, a imaginary gate as high as tens of thousands of feet was faintly revealed.

After Qiong Yu's palm fell, the door opened slowly to both sides!

In addition to this, the same seven illusive giant doors appear in seven other directions above the sky.

And this is the magic of this eight-door array.

The power of the inner eight gates and the outer eight gates are interconnected!

Although the inner and outer eight gates are always closed, once the outer eight gates are opened, they can absorb the power of the inner eight gates, which in turn can still form an eight-door formation and continue to suppress the tomb of the emperor.

However, in this way, the inner eight gates are all abolished, so it is impossible for Jiang Mu to do so before the last resort.

With the outer eight gates all open, above the sky, eight huge opening gates appeared, enclosing the sword-shaped building, and the eight gate array formed again.

Although the Eight Doors have been completed, Jiang Mu's face was not relaxed at all.

Because the emperor had no further action except to disconnect the sword-shaped building from the outside world.

Once the other party is about to leave the building, it is simply unknown whether these eight teams can block the other party.

What's more, in the building, there are many young people, Mo Yunting, and a lot of monks!

Therefore, after Mu Mu groaned, he said again, "Well, I'm here to take care of you for a while. If it doesn't work, don't beat the enemy, leave as soon as possible and give up here!"

A voice that only Jiang Mu could hear immediately rang: "You will almost die if you go in!"

Jiang Mu nodded and said, "I know, but Zhu Shaosha and Mo Yunting are both likely to succeed the emperor."

"If we let them die, it would be an unimaginable loss for us!"

"Rest assured, I will be careful!"

Just when Jiang Mu was about to rush out into the building and rescue Zhu Shaoyou and Mo Yunting, his body suddenly froze, and a powerful force fell from the sky, covering his body, making him unable to move.

Feeling this force that he could not be more familiar with, Jiang Mu could not help but blurt out and said: "Once, ancestor!"

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