The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 5212: Harvest Qijia, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world!

Hearing Jiang Yun's opening remarks, and then looking at Jiang Yun who was indeed solemnly saluting, Qi Luo couldn't help frowning slightly and said, "Leader Jiang is mistaken!"

"Our Qi family is just a small family hidden in the world. Where can I be the leader of Shang Jiang."

"Furthermore, my family members rarely go out, and have never participated in external disputes. Therefore, my family cannot bear the word "old"."

Qi Luo didn't believe that there would be a clansman in his Qi family and Jiang Yun had met before.

Although he didn't know what medicine Jiang Yun sold in his gourd, his Qi family didn't want to have anything to do with Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun straightened up, and said indifferently to Qi Luo's attitude: "Patriarch Qi, even if it is not an old friend, I am a guest when I come to my door, and I keep guests away. Is this the way of hospitality in the Qi family? "

As he said this, Jiang Yun suddenly spread his palms and stretched out Qi Luo's shoulders.

It seems that this is what Jiang Yun wants to pat on his shoulders, pulling in the relationship between himself and him.

Where did Qi Luo dare to let Jiang Yun's palm fall on his body, his figure shook, and he wanted to avoid it, but immediately afterwards, his complexion changed abruptly.

The figure that had already escaped halfway stopped unexpectedly, letting Jiang Yun's palm fall on his shoulder.

When this palm fell, Qi Luo's whole person was as if he had lost his soul, standing there, motionless.

It was not until Jiang Yun retracted his palm that Qi Luo came back to his senses. He took a deep look at Jiang Yun and said to the side, "Please!"

Jiang Yun walked into Qi's house with a smile on his face!

At this moment, all the great emperors who were paying attention to Jiang Yun were puzzled, not understanding why Qi Luo suddenly changed his attitude.

Some people even think that Jiang Yun's palm contains some kind of magical powers, and he has secretly controlled Qi Luo, just like he asked Queens to subdue that drop of blood.

Of course they would not have imagined that Qi Lu, in the palm of Jiang Yun's hand on his shoulder, would actually notice the breath of Jin Zhili belonging to his Qi family!

Regardless of Dao Realm or Suffering Realm, even if it is the same power, different people have their own breath.

The Qi family, practicing the power of gold, as the Patriarch, can naturally distinguish the power of gold of the Qi family.

Although he didn't know how Jiang Yun could master the Qi family's golden power, it could only be passed on to him by someone from his Qi family.

This also gave evidence of the "old acquaintance" that Jiang Yun said before.

Therefore, in order to clarify the doubts, Qi Luo changed his attitude and allowed Jiang Yun to enter Qi's house to ask questions.

In the main hall of the Qi family, Qi Luo did not let anyone entertain Jiang Yun, and asked straightforwardly: "Leader Jiang, how can you control the power of my Qi family?"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said, "Patriarch Qi, there is a member of the nobleman who participated in the war of cutting the ancients many years ago. Do you know about this?"

Upon hearing this, Qi Luo's expression suddenly changed, and he could not help taking a step towards Jiang Yun, and said nervously, "Xuanzu!"

"The old ancestor of my Qi family you said is Xuan Zu?"


Jiang Yun originally thought Qi Xuan was Qi Luo's elder brother, but he didn't expect Qi Xuan's seniority in the Qi family to be so high.

However, it was relieved to think that Jiang was the second-generation ancestor who participated in the Battle of the Ancients.

Qi Xuan's seniority should be similar to that of the Fa-rank Great Emperor of the Qi family now.

When Qi Xuan left the Qi family, Qi Luo was only a child, so he naturally called Qi Xuan Xuanzu.

As Qi Luo's voice fell, before Jiang Yun could respond, a breeze suddenly blew across the hall.

Behind Jiang Yun, an old man with a pale golden expression appeared.

Here is Qi Xiao, the only law-rank emperor of the Qi family!

Qi Xiao stared at Jiang Yun's back, and asked word by word: "Have you really met my brother?"

Regarding Qi Xiao's arrival, Jiang Yun naturally knew that, turning around, a look of surprise appeared on his face, "Di Xuan is Senior's elder brother?"

"Not bad!" Qi Xiao nodded and said, "Back then, I should have participated in the Battle of the Ancients, but my strength was a little weak, so my brother took the initiative to ask Ying to fight for me."

Jiang Yun said in a daze, "That's it."

"I saw Emperor Xuan about hundreds of years ago."

"At that time, my strength was still very weak, and Emperor Xuan admired me quite a bit and wanted to accept me as a disciple, but the predecessors knew that I had a teacher, so I could only decline Xuandi's kindness."

"Although we have not been able to become masters and apprentices, Emperor Xuan is still at the top of his practice. He has pointed me many times and has benefited me a lot.

"Finally, he gave me a strength to defend myself."

While speaking, Jiang Yun spread out his palm, and a golden light lit up in his palm. There were thousands of light spots inside, gathering and dispersing freely, like a living thing. It was the power Xuan Emperor gave Jiang Yun.

This is also the characteristic of the Qi family's golden power, so Qi Luo immediately recognized this as his own Qi family's golden power.

Both Qi Xiao and Qi Luo stared deeply at the golden light in Jiang Yun's hand without saying a word.

Jiang Yun didn't worry, and let them look at Jin Guang.

What he just said about the process of getting acquainted with Emperor Xuan, although most of them are false, they are also true.

Emperor Xuan wanted to obtain Jiang Yun's Five Elements Artistic Conception. Logically speaking, the two should be in a hostile relationship.

But until Jiang Yun left the Sijingzang, Emperor Xuan didn't really make a move to hurt him.

But now that Jiang Yun wants to win over the Qi family, he can only say that he can beautify his relationship with Emperor Xuan as much as possible.

After a while, Qi Xiao finally retracted his gaze to look at Jin Guang, and turned to look at Jiang Yun, his eyes visibly softened and said, "Where are you and met him?"

Although Qi Xiao did not fully believe in Jiang Yun's words, at least the golden power in Jiang Yun's palm really belonged to Qi Xuan.

And Qi Xiao knows his brother's character very well.

When he thought about it, if his brother didn't really want to protect Jiang Yun, he would definitely not give his power to Jiang Yun.

Since the brother wanted to protect Jiang Yun, the relationship with Jiang Yun would at least not be hostile.

Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "I can't talk about that place."

"It's not me, even Emperor Xuan, he won't tell you."

"It's not that I underestimated seniors, that place is not something you are qualified to know."

"I also ran into it by mistake. Thanks to my brother being there, I was able to leave alive."

Qi Xiao was a little angry at first, but after hearing Jiang Yun's last words, he immediately understood.

How strong Jiang Yun's senior sister is, then naturally his senior will not be weak.

And since only a strong man like Senior Brother Jiang Yun can survive in that place, she should not be qualified to know it.

At Qi Xiao's age, he had no curiosity.

He knows very well that not every question has to be answered.

Therefore, he did not continue to ask where exactly it was, but changed the subject and said, "My brother, how is it?"

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "It's more than good. He is there with a very lofty position, a real master."

A smile finally appeared on Qi Xiao's old face, and he reached out and pointed to the chair and said, "Little friend, please sit down."

He didn't call Jiang Yun the leader, but the little friend, which made the relationship between the two parties even better.

Obviously, it means that he has believed most of what Jiang Yun said, so even his attitude has changed.

After more than an hour, Jiang Yun finally walked out of the Qi family and exhaled: "With the support of the Qi family and the Kun family, once the blood race arrives, you can begin to subdue the Hundred Race League!"

"Now, it's time to go home and have a look!"

At the same time, watching Jiang Yun's many powerhouses with divine consciousness from time to time, seeing Jiang Yun walk out of Qi's house safely, their complexions changed.

Among them, there is a strong person who directly transmitted the voice to other people: "Everyone, this Jiang Yun is clearly breaking through each of us."

"If we wait any longer, I'm afraid we will all become like the Kun Family and become his Jiang Yun slaves."

"So, I suggest that you kill Jiang Clan right now!"

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