The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 5900: Ins and outs, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!


Originally, Jiang Yun was a little surprised that Master simply gave up discussing and retrieving his blocked memory, but hearing these five words made Jiang Yun's spirit uncontrollable!

Although he didn't know what exactly was included in the "all" in Master's words, Master must already know the ins and outs of many things, and at least he could solve a lot of confusion in his heart.

Therefore, Jiang Yun quietly put away the empty magic beads, and then pricked his ears, listening attentively to what Master said next.

Gu Bu Lao naturally saw Jiang Yun's movement of putting away the empty magic beads, but he didn't stop it, just pretending not to see it.

As he himself said, he really gave the right to whether to retrieve his sealed memory to Jiang Yun, his lover.

Jiang Yun is going to open the door outside the law, and the old age will accompany him on the way.

Now that Jiang Yun has given up on opening the door outside the law, Gu Bu Lao also readily accepted Jiang Yun's decision.

After hesitating for a while, Gu Bu Lao opened his mouth and said: "Just from Pan Chaoyang, who came from outside the real realm, enter the real realm, and start talking about the earthly respect!"

When Pan Chaoyang entered the real world, not many people knew about it.

Especially the members of the Nine races, although under the arrangement of Tianzun, they each imprisoned Pan Chaoyang with their own clan land, including the power of all the tribesmen, but almost no one knew about the existence of Pan Chaoyang!

However, now, when Master came up and said Pan Chaoyang's name straightforwardly, Jiang Yun became more certain that what Master knew was indeed very detailed.

Gu Bu Lao looked at Jiang Yun and said, "Let’s talk about an episode first."

"Earthzun's subordinates have only nine races, and there has never been a tenth race, and there are only nine emperors and no tenth emperor in the chaotic world of true realm."

"If there is something to say, then I am the tenth clan!"

Regarding the existence of the tenth clan and the tenth emperor, it has always been a question that plagued Jiang Yun.

And now, Gu Bulao finally said the answer to the question.

"When and how I entered the Sijingzang, I can't remember, but after waking up in the Sijingzang, I saw Pan Chaoyang."

"I talked with him for a while, and I also gave him some help, so that he could finally escape the suppression of the Nine Clan and the Earth Venerable!"

Although Jiang Yun didn't want to interrupt Master's narration, he still couldn't help but said: "Master, you erased everyone, some of your memories?"

"Yes!" Gu Bulao nodded and said, "My true identity, like the nine emperors and the patriarch of the nine tribes, as well as your senior brother and second senior sister, and even Ye Guchen and Lingshu, should know."

"Especially the avatar of the earthly respect, even more clearly knows every creature in the four realms of Tibet."

"If I don't erase and tamper with some of their memories, my sudden appearance will inevitably arouse their suspicion."

"Earthzun clone will definitely tell earthzun deity."

"Earthzun is to find a brand-new way of practicing that is possible to go beyond the supreme."

"If he is allowed to know the existence of a person who is not in his plan, then his deity will probably go to Sijingzang in person and kill me regardless."

"Therefore, I can only erase and tamper with their memories so that they will not doubt my sudden appearance."

If he heard that Master was able to tamper with the memory of Dizun's clone before meeting the mysterious person, Jiang Yun would be a little shocked.

But the mysterious person said that in the original future, because of the death of the three brothers of his own, the arrested were arrested, so that the master was furious and restored to an ancient immortal, slaughter.

Not only killed Ren Zun's clone, but also collapsed the channel with his own power.

All this shows that after the master recovers as one person, his strength will surpass that of the pseudo-respect.

Then, the true master should not be far away!

Therefore, Jiang Yun did not show the slightest surprise.

Seeing Jiang Yun's expression always calm, on the contrary, it made Gu Bu Lao a little surprised.

However, Gu Bu Lao did not ask, and then said: "Well, the episode is over, now we are still getting back to business!"

"When Dizun saw Pan Chaoyang and learned from Pan Chaoyang that the supreme was not the end of the path of practice, he immediately followed the method disclosed by Pan Chaoyang to find Sikongzi to refine the Sijingzang."

"True Realm, there are a group of great emperors, even if they are three, they don't know which rule imprint left by the supreme in their bodies, Si Kongzi is one of them."

"Sikongzi had a bad feeling when he received the invitation from the respect of the earth. He felt that the respect of the earth would inevitably kill him after the matter was done."

"So Sikongzi found Tianzun secretly, or he was originally Tianzun's person."

"Sikongzi hopes that Tianzun can show him a way to survive."

"Tianzun didn't disappoint him, and taught him a way."

"Later, after successfully refining the Four Realms Zang, the Earth Zun really attacked Si Kongzi."

"With the help of Tianzun, Sikongzi survived the catastrophe, and then began to take revenge."

"He released the news about the Four Realms Tibet, looking for like-minded people, and fighting against the earthly zun together, and then there will be the Nine Emperors in troubled times."

"Of course, the Nine Emperors seem to have received the news, they became greedy, and joined this plan, but in fact, a few of them are Tianzun people!"

"Even, it can be said that Tianzun is the real initiator behind the troubled times of the Nine Emperors!"

"Because the people at that time did not get the slightest news."

"Di Zun was attacked when he was going to Pingding the Nine Emperors, and he was seriously injured and fled."

The Earth Zun was seriously injured by a sneak attack!

This made Jiang Yun couldn't help but ask again: "Could it be that the heavenly sovereign attacked the earthly respect?"

The three true realms are supreme, and their strength is almost invincible, so the person who can hurt the supreme is of course only the supreme.

Gu Bulao nodded and said, "Yes, maybe I'm involved in it!"

Although Jiang Yun was surprised at all of what the master had said, he could basically keep his emotions calm.

But when he heard this sentence, he jumped up and said: "You and Tianzun joined forces and attacked the earth zun?"

Gu Bu Lao motioned to Jiang Yun to sit down and said, "Tian Zun and I should also have something to do with each other. Otherwise, she won't come to me this time to discuss the terms of letting you go."

"But what the specific relationship is, I can't think of it."

Gu Bu Lao went on and said, "After the Earth Zun ran away, he immediately realized that someone betrayed him by his side and revealed his behavior."

"The three realms have their own personalities, and they belong to the brave and inexorable type."

"Of course, his innocence is only relative to the other two, you must not underestimate him."

"And Dizun's personality is quite sinister, and he doesn't bother to find out who betrayed him among the people around him."

"So he was cruel, and simply sent all those close to him away from him."

"At the same time, he was worried that the two gods of heaven and man would find Pan Chaoyang, and he was also worried that Pan Chaoyang was lying to himself."

"Therefore, he ordered the Nine Clan to capture Sikongzi and the Nine Emperors, and then let the Nine Clan bring the Clan members together and imprison Pan Chaoyang with the power of the Nine Clan."

"There is also the first bloodline master, your master ancestor and others, who were sent to the Four Realms Zang at the same time."

"Even his daughter was made into Xunxiu monument by him."

"There is another reason for the respect of the earth to do this."

"Because the patriarch of the ancestors of the nine races, as well as your ancestor and your elder sister, may become supreme, especially the mirage generation of spirit fathers."

"In short, only by imprisoning or killing these people can the earthly master be completely relieved."

"In order to prevent Sikongzi from moving his hands and feet in the Four Realms Zang, and to prevent your senior brother from being disobedient, the earth respect has taken away half of your senior brother's soul."

"Then, he asked your senior brother to bring a large number of True Realm cultivators, including the Immortal Tree, to send the True Realm together and send them to Far Endless, and start to cultivate the Tao."

"And he himself is busy refining and seeking to repair the monument!"

"Sijingzang has always drifted outside the true realm, and all the creatures in it have also kept asleep."

"Until, the nightmare appeared, enveloping Sijingzang in a dreamland, making the initial dreamland take shape."

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