The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6247: Thunder Prison, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Chapter 6247: Thunder Prison, Thunder Spirit

The words of the Earth Zun made the entire battle hall plunge into dead silence!

Because most people, for a while, fail to understand the meaning in the words.

As compensation for King Kui’s sneak attack on Jiang Yun, the Earth Lord allowed Jiang Yun to stay on the competition stage and join forces with Yao Yuanzi to fight King Kui!

Where is this compensation? I am obviously worried that Jiang Yun will not die fast enough!

Although the earth-zun has changed the rules of the discussion, it is possible for the Extreme-Rank Great Emperor to face the True-Rank Great Emperor alone, but it also depends on the situation.

Last time, Yao Yuanzi was ranked fifth and King Que was ranked ninth.

Demon Yuanzi fights King Kui, the probability of winning is still very high.

Jiang Yun could completely step down and wait for Yao Yuanzi to defeat King Kui.

And now the Divine Master opened his mouth, preventing him from stepping down and having to continue the competition. Then as long as he stood on the competition platform, King Que must find a way to kill him first. He was in danger all the time.

Jiang Yun himself was also taken aback, but immediately understood that this is the Lord of the Earth testing himself!

It's not that Dizun doubted his true identity, but because he had just taken over the Thunder of King Kui unscathed.

For an extreme emperor, this is already a super level performance, so it also made the earthly respect want to see how strong he has.

Jiang Yun couldn't help but smile.

In fact, no one knows that this discussion is the most unfair to Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun's strength lies in the fact that he is on the road of Taoism, that he is inclusive of all rivers, and learns from the strengths of all families!

However, here, he could not use any magical powers related to Taoism at all.

Even the magic magic powers that the nine tribes and nine emperors were proficient in at the time could not be used.

He can only transform all of these magical magical powers into using the true power of the real domain to display them.

In addition, the only thing he could use was his powerful body.

But even so, in this first match, the strength he showed still aroused the curiosity of the Earth Zun.

Not only Jiang Yun understood, others also understood.

Because of King Kui’s sudden attack, their attention was diverted, and now the earth-zun forcibly ordered Jiang Yun to continue the competition, which made them remember that Jiang Yun not only took over King Kui’s Thunder, but also defeated Kui Dou. , Is also extremely relaxed.

Kui Dou and Jiang Yun are both extremely high-ranking emperors. Even if there is a gap in strength, the gap shouldn't be so big that one party has no power to fight back!

Above the stands, Mrs. Lan whispered: "It's no wonder that Yao Yuanzi would rather provoke the adults' dissatisfaction, and ask the adults to postpone the time of the competition, and have to wait for Yufeng to come."

"It turns out that the strength of this Yufengxing is really not weak. If you don't solve him, his record plus the record of Yao Yuanzi, this time the ranking of the competition, it is hard to say!"

Mrs. Lan seemed to be talking to herself, but his voice was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears, and everyone's hearts were shocked.

And Shou Lao, who was sitting next to Earth Sovereign, said faintly: "If he hadn't taken the pill that would not be afraid of thunder in advance, then his strength would be pretty good indeed."

Shou Lao's words are also a reminder to everyone.

Mu Yangqing, a member of the Qingteng couple, glanced at his husband and asked via voice transmission: "Yunteng, if you meet Kuidou, are you sure you can solve it easily?"

Fang Yunteng smiled proudly: "Even if I don't take the pill that is not afraid of thunder beforehand, it will be a sword matter!"

Fang Yunteng is a sword repairer!

Mu Yangqing smiled slightly, nodded lightly, and completely let go of his heart.

Other strong men are also secretly asking themselves.

And almost all the extreme emperors, because Shou Lao and King Kui pointed out that Jiang Yun had taken the pill in advance, so their answers were the same, thinking that they could fight Jiang Yun.

At this time, King Que was also standing on the competition platform again.

At this point, Yao Yuanzi knew that it was impossible for Jiang Yun to step down.

Therefore, he could only say to Jiang Yun, "You stand behind me and watch the battle."

"At the same time, be careful that King Que will deal with you as a clone."

Jiang Yun nodded obediently this time, walked a thousand feet away behind Yao Yuanzi, and stood still.

King Kui said with a cold smile: "Demon Yuanzi, you must protect this precious disciple of your Demon Yuanzong."

"Thunder Prison!"

Following the exit of King Kui, he saw his clothes completely shattered, revealing his scaly body.

At this moment, every piece of his scale was flashing with electric light, and countless ray of thunder shot out in all directions.

In an instant, with King Kui as the center, within a radius of one hundred meters, it was flooded with endless thunder.

And the strangest thing is that these thunderbolts actually formed a variety of shapes, including humans and monsters.

Under this sea of ​​thunder, each of them had a hideous face, looking up to the sky and howling, as if they were suffering tremendously.

But the sound from their mouths was the thunder of "rumbling", deafening.

This sea of ​​thunder, as expected, is just like its name, like a thunder **** that holds countless creatures.

Looking at Thunder Prison, Jiang Yun had no expression on his face, but there was a solemn meaning in his heart.

Even if he is still a thousand feet away from the thunder prison, he can clearly feel a heavy pressure.

Demon Yuanzi also introduced to him before that this Thunder Prison is King Kui’s proud supernatural powers, and the creatures in it with various shapes are called Thunder Spirits.

They really already have consciousness, and even more so they have a not-weak cultivation base.

Even some Lei Ling possesses the strength of the Supreme Emperor.

As long as outsiders step into the range of the thunder prison, those thunder spirits will take the initiative to attack.

A true-ranked emperor like Yao Yuanzi is naturally not afraid, but if the extreme-ranked emperor stepped in, the result would be hard to say.

Yao Yuanzi snorted coldly, and shook his figure, already actively stepping into the thunder prison.

The demon Yuanzi with white hair fluttering, clothes hunting, and walking in the thunder prison, wherever he passed, the thunder spirits did not dare to approach at all, and one by one, he was busy avoiding and stepping away, making him feel like entering no man’s land. , Walked directly towards King Kui in the center.

Not only that, every time Yao Yuanzi took a step, the area of ​​this thunder cell would shrink by ten feet.

Everyone knew that Yao Yuanzi was using his powerful strength to compress the scope of the Thunder Prison, so as to prevent the Thunder Prison from spreading to Jiang Yun.

It's just that this approach is equivalent to the demon Yuanzi doing two things with one heart, and facing King Kui, I am afraid that he will not be able to use his full strength.

Sure enough, King Kui laughed again: "Monster Yuanzi, it is really good to protect your disciple."

"However, you don't know yet. Over the years, I have made some reforms to this thunder prison."



Amid King Que’s laughter, the Thunder Spirits who were forced to gather towards the center of the Thunder Prison because of the arrival of the demon element suddenly merged into one and merged into a vaguely human-shaped mine at an extremely fast speed. Ling, and with a sudden leap, he suddenly escaped from the scope of the thunder prison and rushed towards Jiang Yun.

This scene again exceeded everyone's expectations.

Because of King Kui’s magical powers in the thunder prison, everyone is very clear that originally those thunder spirits were separate individuals, and it was impossible to leave the scope of the thunder prison. Once they left, they would disappear.

But now, all the Thunder Spirits have condensed into a human-shaped Thunder Spirit, and even escaped from the Thunder Prison.

Some people might think that the Lei Ling is equivalent to the clone of King Kui, but the demon Yuanzi who is in the thunder prison is very clear that King Kui's strength has not weakened in the slightest.

Although Yao Yuanzi deliberately wanted to give up and continue to deal with King Kui and save Jiang Yun, how could King Kui give him this opportunity, and his figure shook, he had already come to Yao Yuanzi and said: "Come on, you and I are good at fighting. One game."

Where did Yao Yuanzi want to fight King Kui, and while waving his sleeves, he wanted to force King Kui back.

But in his ear, Jiang Yun's voice transmission suddenly came: "Sect Master, don't worry about me, this Thunder Spirit seems to be very afraid of me!"

Yao Yuanzi was taken aback for a moment, and also released his spiritual consciousness, looking at Jiang Yun.

At first glance, Yao Yuanzi was stunned!

The humanoid Thunder Spirits that the many Thunder Spirits merged, although they had already come to Jiang Yun's side, were just like when they had just faced the Demon Yuanzi, they didn't even dare to approach Jiang Yun at all!

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