The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6313: Elder Wangchuan, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Jiang Yun glanced at the big man, then looked at the many sea monsters who had already stood on the platform but sat down in no hurry. He looked at his many sea monsters together, knowing that the other party was deliberately provoking and forcing himself to take the initiative. Shot.

Then, other Sea-Monsters, even true emperors like Qiu Laogui, had a reason to take action against themselves.

Jiang Yun naturally wouldn't be fooled, and he didn't care about this kind of provocation. He smiled slightly and retreated to the corner, not in a hurry to pick other futons, and simply stood there.

Jiang Yun's move made the surrounding sea monsters startled.

They originally thought that Jiang Yun even dared to contradict Old Ghost Qiu and Elder Hai, and he would definitely not suffer such a frustration, and he would definitely do something to the big man.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yun would endure it like a okay person.

Regarding Jiang Yun's abnormal performance, many sea monsters suddenly understood after thinking about it for a while, and secretly transmitted voices to each other.

"Could it, in fact, the strength of this human race cultivator is not strong at all."

"Just now because Senior Han Ruo is here, he has a backing, knowing that Senior Han Ruo will definitely protect him, that's why his attitude is so tough."

"Now that Senior Han Ruo leaves, he doesn't dare to be arrogant anymore."

The Kraken couldn't see through Jiang Yun's cultivation realm at all, so he felt that his guess was correct.

However, since Jiang Yun was not urged by the generals, they were helpless. They couldn't drive Jiang Yun off the platform anymore, they could only choose the futon to sit down.

After waiting for all the sea monsters to sit down, there was just one futon left, and Jiang Yun sat on it!

As Jiang Yun sat down, the numerous sea monsters who had been secretly transmitting their voices before looked at each other with a sneer on their faces!

Looking at the expressions of these sea monsters, Jiang Yun didn't care.

Because they have all sat down now, unless they are recklessly attacking themselves in groups, otherwise, there should be no way to deal with themselves.

Of course, if they do, they will definitely regret it!

The strongest strength of these sea monsters is only the extreme rank great emperor, and there is only one, the others are law rank and air rank great emperors.

Even if they were added together, they would not be Jiang Yun's opponent.

Jiang Yun stopped paying attention to them, set his mind, closed his eyes, and immediately felt a strong water force, flowing into his body along the futon under him.

After feeling it carefully, Jiang Yun realized that this futon looks ordinary, but it should be specially made.

With this futon, you can directly extract the power of water from the water and supply it to the monks, eliminating the time for the monks to refining on their own.

Moreover, the power of water here is indeed extremely pure and does not contain the slightest impurity.

If you are a cultivator who truly practices the power of water and cultivate here all the year round, the speed at which your cultivation level will increase will definitely be extremely amazing.

Even Jiang Yun accidentally discovered that the immortal leaves in his body had begun to actively absorb the power of water.

Since getting the immortal leaf, the immortal leaf has always provided Jiang Yun with huge vitality and wood power.

Just pay, don't ask for anything in return.

This is the first time that Immortal Ye has actively absorbed the influx of forces from the outside world.

It can also be seen from this that the purity of the power of this water is good for the immortal leaves.

Allowing the power of these water to pour into his body, Jiang Yun released his divine consciousness and continued to extend below the futon.

These water powers are like guiding Jiang Yun's direction, allowing his consciousness to follow the direction of the water power, and continue to deepen.

Until nearly a quarter of an hour passed, a black hole suddenly appeared in Jiang Yun's divine consciousness, a huge black hole with no edge in sight!

Obviously, here is the sea eye.

In the eyes of the sea, although all of it is sea water, the water inside is in a static state, looking like stagnant water, motionless.

The huge black hole looks a bit oozing.

But instead of being afraid, Jiang Yun was quite happy.

To him, this sea eye was like a cloud core in a cloud pool.

If you can enter the eyes of the sea to practice, then it will be easier to perceive the rules of water and let the way of water prove the way again.

Even, it is not impossible to make the rules of water reach the extreme, above the rules of the real realm.

When entering the sea eye, Jiang Yun also remembered that the Primordial Array Spirit had said that the sea monster was allowed, that it needed to be conceited.

It's just that I just offended Elder Na Hai, and I'm afraid it won't be so easy to enter.

Jiang Yun decided that after one month had passed, if he hadn't gained anything here, he would ask Han Ruo if he could let him enter the sea eye.

If they really disagree, then it would be a big deal that they would bring in the five Primordial Spirits at the same time!

Although Jiang Yun does not want to trouble others and be favored by others, the most important thing for him now is to improve his strength.

If you can smoothly resolve the matter of Dizun's attack on the Dreamland, I have time to repay them.

At this time, the mysterious man's voice suddenly sounded: "You should not actually absorb the power of water, but should absorb the water in the eyes of the sea and refine it into the power of water by yourself."

Jiang Yun was startled slightly, and did not understand the meaning of the mysterious man's words.

The function of this futon itself is to directly extract the power of water.

Wouldn't it be unnecessary to absorb water by myself and then refine it into water power?

If I knew this before, I didn't need to set foot on this root system. It's better to let the Primordial Array Spirit send myself into the eyes of the sea!

The mysterious man explained: "The sea monster absorbs the power of water in order to improve the realm of cultivation, and you don't need it at all."

"You can regard the water in the eyes of the sea as the source of rules."

"Just like you absorb the Thunder Spirit of Kui Dou, you can directly absorb the water here. In the process of refining, you can more clearly understand the difference between the power of the real water and the water of the dream."

"Until you understand the water rules of the real realm, then you can merge it with your own water way."

After listening to the mysterious man's explanation, Jiang Yun suddenly realized that he admitted that what the other party said was right.

After thinking about it, Jiang Yun asked curiously: "Senior, have you ever been to this sea eye?"

"I haven't heard of it!" The mysterious person replied, "The true realm is too big, and there are many strange and weird places. I am afraid that even the three statues may not have been able to go to every place."

"Well, don't think about these questions. Since you can't directly absorb water now, try to see if you can understand the rules of water from the power of water!"

"If it can be done, it doesn't matter whether it won't enter the sea."

Jiang Yun nodded, stopped speaking, and started urging his body to move, actively absorbing the power of water from the eyes of the sea.

At the same time, outside of this root system, a surging stream of water appeared, transforming into a tall, tough-looking young man.

The man was expressionless, and stepped directly onto the roots.

And with his arrival, several divine senses also swept across his body, but as soon as he touched him, he immediately left.

The man turned his head and looked around for a while, then his gaze directly turned to the direction of the platform.

As for the nearby Kraken, as long as they saw this man, they would immediately bow and salute to the man.

Although he didn't speak, everyone's face was filled with awe.

You know, when Han Ruo appeared before, he did not enjoy such treatment, so it is not difficult to see that this man is not only a sea monster, but also has a higher status among the sea monsters than Han Ruo.

At this moment, a loud voice rang in the man's ear: "Elder Wangchuan, why are you here too!"

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