The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6483: tit for tat, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

In fact, at this moment, Di Zun's consciousness has clearly seen the four gates of his own end of the earth, and it shook almost at the same time.

However, in the real realm, throughout the ages, there has never been anyone who dared to attack the three base camps, so even if the earth venerable saw it, he did not react for a while.

Until a series of loud bangs came, and the four gates vibrated wildly again, this made the Earth Lord finally come back to his senses!

It turned out that someone really came to attack his own territory!

After understanding this, the first possibility that came to mind in Di Zun's mind was that it was Human Zun!

Because before he wanted to come, Ren Zun clone came here before, although he had already concealed it well, but with Ren Zun's strength, he must have seen that there was something wrong with Di Ya and himself.

And the three are originally discordant between face and heart. If there is a chance to destroy one of the three, the other two will definitely not miss the opportunity.

However, the local god's consciousness crossed the end of the earth and saw ten monks who were attacking together outside the four gates.

Especially after seeing Ji Kongfan and other six powerhouses in extrajudicial land, his complexion suddenly condensed and he realized that his guess was wrong.

Although Ji Kongfan and the other six have talismans refined by the ancient talismans that can hide their own breath.

But after all, the six of them came from a place outside the law that was opposed to the real domain, and the power of the talisman could not completely cover up their aura.

If it is other monks, they may not be able to see through it, but as the Supreme Being, it is naturally not difficult to judge!

Di Zun's eyes narrowed slightly and said: "The monks in the land outside the law, dare to come and attack my land?"

"Does that mean that my two avatars and all my subordinates, plus the avatar of Ren Zun, have all died in a place outside the law?"

"That should be it!"

"They killed all my people, and speculated that my deity and Ji Ya have been greatly weakened now, so they want to take this opportunity to attack Ji Ya and kill me!"

Until now, the Earth Venerable still believed that his own people had entered the land outside the law at this moment, and he never thought that they would die in the dream realm.

Di Zun took a deep breath, and there was an uncontrollable anger in his eyes!

As a dignified man, someone dared to attack his base camp. For him, this is no longer a provocation, but a naked humiliation.

But Di Zun also knows that if they are allowed to enter the end of the earth, then he may not be able to stop these ten people today!

Since the land outside the law dares to send people to Diya, the people who come must be top-level powerhouses, and they are fully prepared.

And now he only has 20% or 30% of his strength. As for these cultivators in Diya, they are equivalent to puppets, and they are not useful at all.

At this moment, Di Zun couldn't help thinking whether he wanted to ask the other two Supremes for help.

But as soon as this idea appeared, he was immediately rejected by him.

When I asked for Human Reverence before, Earth Reverence could instantly restore Supreme's strength, so I wasn't worried.

But now to ask the two supreme beings for help at this time, it would be tantamount to bringing wolves into the house.

At that time, not only the end of the earth will not be saved, but also my own life will not be saved.

Di Zun closed his eyes slightly, forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, and calmed himself down.

After a few breaths, Di Zun slowly opened his eyes again, looked again at the ten people who were still attacking the four gates, and said coldly: "Although my strength is weakened, Di Ya is not able to enter at will, you ants. The place."

The closure of the end of the earth was as early as seven days ago.

At that time, Di Zun was still in its prime, so he was not worried at all that Ji Kongfan and the others would be able to break through the gate and enter Di Ya.

However, just after his words fell, Ji Kongfan and the powerhouses in the extrajudicial land in front of the other three gates already had some more items in their hands.

There are magic tools, stone formations, talismans, and even a few medicinal pills!

Naturally, these items were handed over to Ji Kongfan by the Primordial Array Spirit to destroy the various defense methods they had arranged in the end of the earth.

Ji Kongfan originally wanted to try not to use the things of the ancient spirit as much as possible, relying on the power of himself and others to destroy the world, so as to prevent the earth from being aware of the betrayal of the ancient spirit.

But after trying, Ji Kongfan knew that it was impossible for him to shake the defense of Diya with ten people, so he took out these items.

Moreover, in addition to these items, they are all wrapped with extrajudicial divine marks.

This is also Ji Kongfan trying to avoid revealing the identity of the ancient spirit as much as possible.

He saw Ji Kongfan's lips squirming, and the extrajudicial powerhouses at the other three gates, together with him, either crushed or burned the items in their hands.

Suddenly, the sky-shaking sound of "Boom Rumble" sounded.

In the end of the earth, several grounds suddenly burst open, and there were cracks one after another, and the buildings began to collapse and collapse one after another.

As the Primordial Spirit Formation said, their help can break through 30% of Earth's defenses.

This scene, being watched by Di Zun, also changed his complexion again. Unexpectedly, Ji Kongfan and the others were able to break through Di Ya's defense.

However, he did not see through that those items were from the hands of the ancient spirit, but thought that it was some kind of magic weapon unique to the land outside the law!

"A place outside the law, I will definitely make you pay the price!"

Di Zun stood up resentfully, took a step, disappeared directly from the battle hall, and appeared in a dark space.

Here, it is the land of no end, and it is also the last reliance of the Divine Respect.

From here, Di Zun can leave Di Ya at any time.

Of course, it is impossible for Di Zun to leave just like that. In that case, he would hand over Di Ya to Ji Kongfan and the others.

Sitting in the boundless land, Di Zun raised his hand, quickly hit a few seals, and rushed out directly, submerging into the sky of the end of the earth.

Naturally, Di Zun is going to use Di Ya's defensive means.

At the same time, Ji Kongfan and the others, after the vibrations and noises from Diya gradually subsided, raised their hands again, condensed all their strength, and attacked the gate of Diya.


This time, the South Gate and the East Gate, the two gates were the first to be blasted open.

Ji Kongfan and the other six immediately rushed into the end of the earth without hesitation. While rushing towards the center, they used their spiritual sense to find out if there were any living creatures nearby.

Shura swept around and found no one, so he couldn't help speaking to Ji Kongfan and said, "Is there only one person who lives in this Diya?"

"No!" Ji Kongfan shook his head and said, "There are a group of monks carefully selected by the Di Zun living in the end of the earth, and the number should be around tens of thousands."

"Now it seems that the Earth Venerable should have gathered all those monks together."

"And this is more and more able to show that the strength of Di Zun and Di Ya is really weakened to the extreme."

Although Ji Kongfan's deity is also the first time to step into the earth, but Chang Tiankun has been to the earth several times, so he knows that the previous earth is definitely not the only one.

Shura nodded and said: "No matter how weak the Earth Lord is, he should be able to find out our arrival now. Why hasn't he shot against us? He can't be so weak that he doesn't even have the strength to make a shot."

As soon as Shura's voice fell, the whole place trembled violently.

In the trembling, in the sky above the end of the earth, a large number of robbery clouds suddenly appeared, and in the robbery clouds, there were countless thunder rolls flickering.

All the calamities in the real domain are controlled by the three.

Therefore, whether it is the end of the earth or the sky, the most basic means used by the three deities to protect their respective sites is the robbery of clouds and thunder.

The appearance of Jieyun suddenly exuded a huge pressure, making Ji Kongfan and others have to slow down the speed.

And Ji Kongfan looked up at Jieyun above, smiled coldly, and said in a loud voice, "Di Zun, you sent someone to attack the Dreamland, and today we will fight a tooth for a tooth and destroy your world."

When the words fell, Ji Kongfan suddenly raised his sleeves and waved hard.

Two light winds rushed out of his sleeves, and instantly turned into endless gusts, sweeping the world and rushing towards the robbery clouds in the sky.

This is Ji Kongfan's wind of silence!

However, in this wind of silence now, there are a lot of extrajudicial divine marks!


But all the robbery clouds that are swept up by the wind of annihilation have disappeared before even the thunder can fall, and they will die directly!

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