The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6488: History repeats itself, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Seeing that the dream domain suddenly stopped expanding, although Di Zun didn't know the reason, in his opinion, this was an excellent opportunity to drag Jiang Yun out of the dream domain.

Therefore, his figure also burst into flames, rushing towards the dream realm.

However, before he could get close to the dream realm, he saw the densely covered dao patterns of various colors on the dream realm, and suddenly began to fade.

Moreover, the speed of this subsidence is extremely fast.

At this moment, the size of the dream domain is already boundless.

It is naturally difficult to calculate the number of Dao patterns that almost completely cover such a large dream field, but in just a few breaths, all the Dao patterns disappear, as if they had never appeared.

And then, a figure suddenly flew out of the dream realm, rushing out in the direction of the Earth Venerable.

It is Jiang Yun!

"Tianzun shot!"

Seeing that Jiang Yun had inexplicably left the dream realm, this was the first thought that popped into Di Zun's mind.

The next moment, Earth Zun's figure began to retreat rapidly again, and he said in a deep voice, "Human Zun!"

There is no need for Di Zun to remind him, at this moment, Ren Zun is also paying attention to the dream realm with his divine sense, and naturally he sees Jiang Yun leaving the dream realm.

Therefore, his eyes, which were always closed, were finally opened!

Two golden eye-catching pillars shot straight out of his eyes.

It seems that the eyes of Ren Zun have absorbed all the light in the entire Illusory Realm.

Coupled with the already infinitely huge body of Human Respect, his eyes seemed to be transformed into two suns.

Even Gu Bu Lao and others who were in the dream realm had to close their eyes when facing the beam of light in the eyes of Ren Zun, and did not dare to look at it at all.

The two beams of light, completely ignoring the distance in space, shot out of Ren Zun's eyes, and shone directly on Jiang Yun's eyes.


With the strong vibration of the entire Illusory Realm, the light suddenly dissipated, and the Illusory Realm fell back into darkness in an instant.

Everyone also hurriedly opened their eyes, and was shocked to find that whether it was Jiang Yun, or Human Zun and Di Zun, they had disappeared without a trace and disappeared without a trace.

Naturally, they also immediately understood that the light in Ren Zun's eyes was to set up an illusion and pull Jiang Yun into it.

The purpose is to prevent Jiang Yun from continuing to let Mengyu annex the Magic Realm.

With the disappearance of Jiang Yun, Gu Bu Lao's eyes swept around in the dream domain, and finally fell on the face of Wei Yangnu, and said in a deep voice: "Did Tianzun take action just now to separate Jiang Yun from the dream domain? Come on?"

Hearing Gu Bu Lao's questioning, especially the questioning tone, Nv Wei Yang couldn't help frowning and said with an unpleasant look: "Little guy, you..."

As soon as Wei Yangnu said these four words, Nan Iion's almost scolding voice sounded in her ears: "Silence!"

"Although he was my disciple in this life, his identity in the previous life..."

Nan Iion changed his words halfway through his words and said, "You should have heard it just now. Even the Earth Venerable confessed that the ancient Bulao once teamed up with the Heavenly Venerate and injured him!"

"Respect him!"

After being said by Nan Iion, Wei Yangnu immediately closed her mouth obediently.

Wei Yangnv's cognition of ancient times is that of Nan Ion's disciple.

Then, as an existence equal to Nan Ion, she is also an ancient elder.

Gu Bu Lao spoke to her in a questioning tone, which naturally made her dissatisfied, and it was reasonable for her to reprimand her a few words.

But now after being reminded by Nanion, she suddenly remembered that, indeed, Di Zun did say it.

Those who were able to join hands with Tianzun and dare to attack the people of the earth, naturally have a high status.

Therefore, Nv Weiyang didn't dare to pretend to be any elder, she shook her head and said, "I don't know!"

What Weiyang Nv said was the truth.

In addition to hearing Tianzun's voice transmission, she still doesn't know where Tianzun is, and naturally she doesn't know if Tianzun has shot Jiang Yun.

Gu Bu Lao did not ask Wei Yangnv again, but believed that his speculation was correct.

Jiang Yun had been incarnating in the dream domain and annexing the real world, but suddenly, all the Dao patterns disappeared inexplicably, and Jiang Yun flew directly out of the dream domain.

All these changes, if Jiang Yun himself did it, it would be unreasonable, it can only be that Jiang Yun was attacked by others, or threatened by others.

And the only person who can force Jiang Yun to withdraw from the state of incarnation, and can make Jiang Yun stop annexing the Illusory Realm is Tianzun.

What's more, Tianzun has already helped Earth Zun and Human Zun get out of the dream realm.

Now, seeing that Ren Zun is clearly going to set up a fantasy for Jiang Yun, so he secretly shot again and helped Di Zun and Ren Zun, which is also a reasonable and reasonable thing.

Looking at the already empty pitch-black Phantom Realm, Gu Bu Lao said coldly: "Nightmare, you continue to annex the Phantom Realm!"

In order to set up the illusion, Ren Zun has completely taken away all the rule fragments that he had left in the illusion realm, and even used the lives of the creatures in the illusion.

This also makes today's Illusory Realm realm no longer a fantasy realm, so it should be renamed, and it is more appropriate to call it the real realm as well.

And since there is no human-respected rule to block it, the nightmare beast can rely on its own strength to continue to annex the Illusory Realm.

The Nightmare Beast hesitated for a moment, then heeded Gu Bu Lao's advice and began to annex the Illusory Realm on his own.

Because Nightmare Beast knew that this was Gu Bu Lao's consideration for Jiang Yun.

If Jiang Yun can break through the illusion of human respect, and he has already annexed the real realm, then after Jiang Yun comes out, he will still be in the dream realm and can regain the advantage.

In addition, Gu Bu Lao also hoped that after annexing the Illusory Realm, the Nightmare Beast might be able to perceive the location of the Illusionary Realm arranged by Human Venerable.

Gu Bu Lao seems to be calm, but in fact he is more anxious than anyone else.

It's okay for Jiang Yun to fall into an illusion, but I'm afraid that in the illusion, it's not just the earth respect and the human respect, but also the heavenly respect!

Since Tianzun has repeatedly shot to help Earth Zun and Ren Zun, now that Human Zun brings Jiang Yun into the illusion, Tian Zun is also impossible to stay outside.

Even if she still refuses to show up, at least she must enter the illusion and watch it.

If Ren Zun and Di Zun are still not Jiang Yun's opponents, then she will definitely help.

With the cooperation of the three, even if Jiang Yun is the supreme, he may not be able to be an opponent.

As the dream domain continued to expand, the next moment, Gu Bu Lao suddenly stepped forward, also walked out of the dream domain, stood on top of the dream domain, looked at Yuan Fan and the others and said, "Today is about the life and death of the dream domain, if you want to stop it , do whatever you can."

After speaking, Gu Bu Lao closed his eyes.

Others may not know what Gu Bu Lao is doing, but Nan Ion, Gu Candle and other ancient people are very clear that Gu Bu Lao is looking for his last clone, the trace of Ku Lao!

Ku Lao, since he escaped to the Realm of Magic, there has been no news, and Gu Bu Lao has never looked for him.

And among the powerhouses in the real world, such as Yuan Fan, who had just been driven by Ren Zun, there was no shadow of bitter old age.

After all, Ku Lao is not a cultivator in the realm of illusion, and he does not have the imprint of the rules of Human Respect in his body, so he can naturally not be driven by Human Respect.

Until now, Ku Lao has not appeared, and it is not difficult to guess that he must have been hiding somewhere and did not dare to appear.

And Gu Bu Lao can only be restored to the real ancient Chinese supreme only by finding Ku Lao and merging it with himself.

Although he doesn't know what kind of strength he will achieve after he fully recovers, he should be able to add some help to his disciples.

Behind Gu Bu Lao, Nan Iion, Jiang Wanli, Demon Lord and others also appeared one after another.

They came to deter Yuan Fan and the others.

Second, he is trying his best to find the illusion of human dignity.

In the face of the continued expansion of the Dreamland, Yuanfan and others, although they wanted to stop it, were unwilling to be annexed by the Dreamland.

But when they saw Mengyu's posture, how could they dare to say anything more.

The current strength of the Dream Domain far exceeds that of the Illusory Realm Domain!

At the same time, Jiang Yun is already in a world!

Jiang Yun swept around expressionlessly, knowing that he was brought into the illusion of human dignity.

"Back then, the three of you killed me in an illusion, and now history repeats itself!"

"I just don't know if the ending this time will be the same as in the past, or will it be rewritten!"

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