The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6550: not the real source, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

What Ji Kongfan said, especially his guesses, Jiang Yun actually thought about it.

Maybe everyone has a different understanding of life, but at least some things are recognized by all living beings.

Whether it is the real domain or the dream domain, in all the worlds that are known now, there are two worlds of life and death.

The world of life belongs to the living, and the world of death belongs to the undead!

After any living being dies, as long as there is a soul, it is a undead spirit, capable of going to the world of death, re-entering reincarnation, and thus reincarnated and reborn.

But if the souls are scattered, especially those cultivators who have self-destructed their souls, and they don't even have their souls, then they are completely gone, and they can't even be found in the dead world.

So, why in the reincarnation again and again, the souls that were once scattered, can reappear?

Although it is also possible, in fact, in each reincarnation, the souls that are truly scattered will disappear forever, and will not reappear in the next reincarnation.

Anyway, every time a new reincarnation is opened, the memories of almost all living beings will start anew.

But Jiang Yun believed that in the last reincarnation, the two battles in the dream domain that led to the extinction of the dream domain must have a large number of creatures, and they were directly scattered.

There should be some people who are familiar with them, especially Ji Kongfan, Shura and others, who are willing to die with the enemy in exchange for self-destruction.

And they still appeared in this reincarnation.

If you want to explain this, the understanding of life and death of all beings is obviously not suitable. Instead, this assumption put forward by Ji Kongfan is more reasonable.

Therefore, after thinking for a long time, Jiang Yun finally wiped away the tears on his face, stood up, walked to Xuanyuanxing's side, and put his hand on Xuanyuanxing's shoulder, word by word. Said: "Third Senior Brother, what Senior Ji said makes sense!"

"In this world, there must be a way to truly bring people back to life, even if their souls are scattered, they can reappear in this world."

"We don't know the method now because our strength is not strong enough."

"If we can become the existence above the Supreme and break the situation we are in, maybe we can find a way!"

Xuanyuan Xing also stopped crying, raised his head, looked at Jiang Yun and said, "Really?"

Although Xuanyuan Xing was the third senior brother, as the gap in strength between him and Jiang Yun and others grew, he became less and less confident in himself.

Especially now that both the senior brother and the second senior sister are dead, and the master is not around, so he really has no masters, so he needs to seek comfort from the junior brother Jiang Yun.

When I heard the words of the third senior brother, and then looked at the third senior brother's messy hair, pale complexion, especially the pair of bloodshot eyes, but looked at his eyes with hope and anticipation, Jiang Yun There was a tingling pain in his heart.

When I first saw the third senior brother, although the third senior brother looked like a gray-haired old man, he walked around the world and practiced the way for the sky, how high-spirited and bold.

When he didn't even know who he was, just because he was a junior junior brother, he did not hesitate to stand up and protect himself.

But now, it has turned into this miserable appearance!

Jiang Yun said secretly in his heart: "Senior Ji is right. Although the senior brother and the second senior sister are dead, I still have the third senior brother, the master, and many people I still have to protect."

"I can't repeat the mistakes of the last reincarnation, we all have to live well, become stronger, and break the endless reincarnation and break this situation!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun sat in front of Xuanyuan Xing with a reluctant smile on his face and said, "Third Senior Brother, do you still remember that when we were in the mountain and sea world, before the great calamity of the mountains and seas came, the Daoist Sect was punished by the mountains and seas. What happened when the Great Sect was besieged?"

Xuanyuan Xing couldn't help but startled slightly.

He didn't understand why Jiang Yun asked this question carefully.

The catastrophe of mountains and seas, that is quite a long time ago.

However, following Jiang Yun's words, Xuanyuan Xing gradually remembered that memory.

At that time, Xuanyuan acted to protect Daoist Sect, resisted countless monks with his own strength, and finally exhausted himself and died in the arms of Jiang Yun who came over!

Watching the change in Xuanyuanxing's expression, Jiang Yun naturally knew that he had already remembered, so he continued, "At that time, I thought you were dead, Third Senior Brother, and even hid your body in my body."

"As a result, now you and I are still sitting here!"

"So, I believe that one day, Senior Brother and Second Senior Sister will also come back!"

Xuanyuan Xing finally understood what Jiang Yun meant.

At that time, both myself and Jiang Yun thought they were dead.

But in fact, what he died was just a clone.

The reason why they thought that was precisely because the two of them were too weak at that time, and their ideas and cognition were limited.

Now, although the strength of the two of them has improved, they are still very weak compared to the entire world.

Therefore, the cognition of oneself and others will still be limited by their strength, and they cannot think of some more incredible things.

Xuanyuan Xing lowered his head, and after a moment of silence, he raised his head again with a smile on his face: "Fourth, you are right."

"One day, Senior Brother and Second Senior Sister will come back!"

Ji Kongfan, who had been listening to the conversation between the two, nodded lightly, knowing that the two brothers had finally let go of their sorrow for a while.

"Jiang Yun, what are your thoughts now?" Ji Kongfan also spoke again, diverting the topic, preventing the two from thinking about those sad things.

Jiang Yun also took out a copy of his memory and handed it to the third senior brother, and deliberately waited until the third senior brother read it before opening his mouth: "Mengzun obviously does not want to stay in the forbidden area."

"According to my speculation, the person he really wants to take away is probably not me, but Master."

"So, he has also planned for a long time to open up the passage to the world where the Prisoner Dragon Supreme is, waiting for the arrival of the master."

"It's just that my appearance, and not affected by the rules of his dreams, disrupted his plans."

"Now, the most urgent task is to release the power of the rules in the dream realm and let the master wake up."

Jiang Yun looked at Ji Kongfan and said, "Senior Ji, is there any strong man who is proficient in the rules of dreams?"

Ji Kongfan thought for a while and said: "There are many monks who practice the power of dreams, and one of them is a fake master who has mastered the rules of dreams."

"However, he is a fake, and Mengzun is the supreme. I'm afraid he can't erase the power of Mengzun's rules."

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Whether you can do it or not, you have to give it a try."

"If this method doesn't work, then I can only comprehend the rules of dreams."

The rules of dreams that Jiang Yun wanted to comprehend were naturally above the real world and were the highest-level rules.

Only in this way can he erase the power of Mengzun's rules without becoming a supreme being.

Ji Kongfan pondered and said: "The land outside the law has all the ancient rules, and the source of the dream is hidden in the residence of the fake venerable I said."

"In this way, I will leave now and take the two of you to find that pseudo-zun."

"If he can erase the power of Meng Zun's rules, it will be the best."

"If he can't, then you stay with him and try to understand the source of the dream."

However, Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "To understand the source of Mengze, you don't need to be with him."

Ji Kongfan asked inexplicably, "Then where are you going?"

Jiang Yun didn't answer and asked: "Senior Ji, do you think that the source of all the rules for cultivators to comprehend in a place outside the law is actually not the real source!"

Ji Kongfan's brows furrowed even tighter: "What do you mean?"

Jiang Yun changed the subject and said, "I found something in the Sacred Ice Mountain, but I'm not sure yet."

"Let's do it, please, Senior Ji, take us to the place where the pseudo-venerable who realized the rules of dreams is located, and I will explain it to you in detail on the way!"

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