The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6573: imprint hidden, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

At this moment, Jiang Yun, although his face is calm, but his heart is constantly emptying his thoughts, and his mind is as much as possible, thinking of some good memories.

Because, looking at the dense fog formed by the negative atmosphere that covered the sky, it would be impossible for Jiang Yun to say that he was not afraid at all.

And fear is also a negative emotion. Once it is infinitely magnified, Jiang Yun will no longer be able to take a step forward.

Even other negative emotions will be mobilized along with it, causing his mind to fall completely, turning into a lunatic at light, or an emperor's corpse at worst.

Therefore, Jiang Yun must immediately kill his fears.

Although many of the mists formed by the negative aura before were extremely strong, they would not take the initiative to approach or attack Jiang Yun.

As long as Jiang Yun avoids them, he can almost be unaffected by them.

However, the fog in front of him was continuous, and even if Jiang Yun turned into an ant and passed through it, he would definitely be contaminated with some fog.

Even with the protection of the imprint of the ancients, Jiang Yun is not sure if he can bear it.

However, at this position, Jiang Yun can be more and more sure that the ancient demon was definitely not crazy by himself, but was bewitched by the corpse.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the ancient demon to leave this ancient world unharmed and become the later demon master.

His final destination can only be to become an emperor's corpse, wandering forever in this ancient world.

That is to say, when the corpse was hidden by the master in this ancient world, it was still conscious, thus bewitching the devil and letting the devil enter here regardless.

It is not difficult for Jiang Yun to speculate that the corpse must have helped the demon master to leave the realm of ancient rules.

It's just that why the corpse did this, why it chose the Demon Lord to bewitched, and whether the ancient demon suddenly robbed the Dreamland, whether it was also bewitched by the corpse, Jiang Yun did not know.

I don't know how long it took, Jiang Yun's mood finally became as calm as still water again, and he no longer hesitated, and continued to walk towards the thick fog in front of him.

When Jiang Yun's figure completely disappeared into the thick fog, a series of noisy sounds immediately sounded in his ears.

It's like there are countless mouths surrounding him, talking to him constantly.

Although Jiang Yun couldn't understand the meaning of these voices at all, he could clearly feel that each voice contained powerful negative emotions, which eroded his mind little by little.

In addition, in front of Jiang Yun, various figures and various pictures appeared.

All the figures are relatives and friends of Jiang Yun who have died.

They all kept their appearance before they died, some were pale, some were swollen, and Qi Qi stretched out their palms towards Jiang Yun, as if they wanted to hold Jiang Yun and tell him about their pain after death.

Inside the screen, there are scenes of miserable scenes.

Some wives are separated, some brothers are killed, some families are destroyed...

Rao is Jiang Yun's heart is still like water, but listening to the noisy voice, looking at the familiar faces and the miserable pictures, bloodshot eyes gradually filled his eyes, cold sweat seeps on his forehead, and his body is even worse. Couldn't help shaking slightly.

Jiang Yun, his greatest strength is love, but this is also his greatest weakness!

Especially in such an environment, under the influence of these negative breaths, Jiang Yun's heavy feelings, in turn, became a burden that overwhelmed his mind!

Seeing that Jiang Yun's mind was about to be completely lost, the mark of the ancients appeared on his own between his eyebrows.


The imprint of the ancients not only appeared, but also bloomed on its own. The four petals opened, illuminating a warm light and releasing the powerful breath of the ancient four veins.

The four different auras gathered together, as if twisted into a gust of wind, blowing away the voice in Jiang Yun's ear, the figures and pictures in front of him, including the thick negative fog.

Jiang Yun's ears suddenly became clear, and there was only an open space in front of him.

With him as the center, within a radius of ten feet, there is no more fog.

All the fog was gathered around ten feet away, and although it kept surging, it could no longer get close to Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun couldn't help but let out a long breath, reached out and wiped the sweat from his forehead, and his body relaxed.

Although he didn't fight anyone, the situation just now was also extremely dangerous.

If the imprint of the ancients appeared a few breaths later, he might have lost his mind now.

At this moment, he is no stranger to the scene where the imprint of the ancients protects him.

He was in such a state when he entered the Supreme Realm where Prison Dragon and Mengzun were.

However, in the Supreme Realm, in the face of the negative aura emanating from the Emperor Corpse Emperor You, the imprint of the ancients can clear at least a hundred feet.

Even under Jiang Yun's full strength, he was able to expand to a thousand feet.

However, here, the imprint of the ancients has erupted with all its strength, but it can only cover a range of ten feet, and it has been compressed ten times and a hundred times.

It is conceivable that even if the Supreme is here, if he is in such an environment for a long time, he will probably be affected.

"However, it is not necessarily. If someone can be too forgetful, there is no joy or sorrow."

"Or if you have a bright heart and a bright personality, you will not be affected by these negative breaths."

"I don't know if others can do it, but the master of that year should have already reached this level."

"Otherwise, it is impossible for the old man to always carry the corpse and open up this ancient world."

Jiang Yun retracted his thoughts, looked forward again and said, "I don't know where the corpse is and how far away it is."

"Is the mark of the ancients able to support me to the location of the corpse?"

Although he was not sure about the future at all, Jiang Yun walked forward again after a short rest.

As the distance continues to deepen, the fog of negative breath naturally becomes thicker and stronger!

The area covered by the breath of the ancient imprint began to shrink little by little under the compression of the mist.

From the first ten zhang, to nine zhang, eight zhang, it became a one-zhang radius!

However, Jiang Yun's footsteps still did not stop, his eyes were calmly watching the front, and he continued to move forward.

The range of the ancient imprint also continued to shrink, so that every time Jiang Yun took a step, the range would shrink by one foot.

Nine feet, eight feet, seven feet...three feet!

When the range of the mark of the ancients finally narrowed to one foot, Jiang Yun's figure had to stop again.

The thick fog around him was just a foot away.

Although the ancient mark still has a protective effect, Jiang Yun can't hear those voices.

But in the fog, it is possible to faintly see a figure shaking.

It's as if there are countless monsters hidden in the fog, and I can't wait to step out of the fog, drag Jiang Yun into the fog, and sink into it forever.

As far as Jiang Yun's eyes can see in front of him, there is still an open space, as if there will never be an end in sight.

Now, a difficult choice is placed in front of Jiang Yun.

Go ahead or turn around and go back!

Jiang Yun closed his eyes slightly, opened them quickly, and resolutely raised his feet, taking another step forward.


There was a stinging pain between the eyebrows, and the ancient imprint was finally unable to continue to resist the influence of those negative breaths, and the four-petaled flower closed again and hid.

And the negative aura that was so strong that it had already shown a sticky state naturally swarmed up and swallowed Jiang Yun's body in an instant.

But at this moment, in the fog, Jiang Yun's voice was clearly heard!

"Happy, angry, sad, fearful, frightened, seal!"

"Eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind, seal!"

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