The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6589: Guantian Palace, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Jiang Yun's figure that had just soared into the sky, because of the corpse's words, could not help but stop in the air again!

Ever since he knew that this detached place was created by his master with the help of this corpse, Jiang Yun has always had a doubt.

Even the self who just knew about the existence of the corpse could guess that this corpse was actually still conscious and was not a corpse at all.

Gu Xiu, the four of them, had no such guess, and always believed that the corpse was the corpse, and it was excusable.

Because they didn't have too much contact with the corpse.

In other words, when they saw the corpse, all their energy was focused on how to fight the negative aura emanating from the corpse.

Later, the corpse was sealed by the master in the realm of ancient rules, and they no longer had the opportunity to open the seal and get close contact with the corpse.

However, the master who encountered this corpse back then was able to open up a place of detachment, a place beyond the law, and brought almost all the sources of ancient rules from the real domain to the realm of ancient rules to suppress the corpse.

This level of strength, even if it is not the supreme, is almost the same as the supreme.

Then, how could my master not be able to tell that the corpse was a living person back then!

And now the words that suddenly appeared from the corpse, if it is true, it will verify my guess!

Master, I did see that the corpse was conscious and not dead.

However, after discovering that the corpse is immune to the influence of any force, even time has no effect on him.

Especially after the negative aura emanating from the corpse can also affect the rules of the three statues, the master still chooses to seal the opponent in this ancient world!

Because, the master realized that this corpse is very likely to help him fight against the three, and even break the situation where all living beings are!

And Master's behavior, it is not an exaggeration to say that he took advantage of the danger and murdered the corpse!

Naturally, this behavior is also highly disgraceful.

After a long silence, Jiang Yuncai slowly opened his mouth and said, "I understand what senior means."

"However, as a disciple, I am not qualified to judge what the teacher has done, whether it is right or wrong, nor am I qualified to apologize to the senior for the teacher."

"I can only say that if there is something, the disciple will do it!"

"If the senior has hatred for the teacher, then you can transfer this hatred to me!"

"If there is any way to reduce the hatred for my master, I will try my best to do it as long as the senior speaks!"

The corpse said coldly: "The grievances between me and your master do not need your junior to mix."

"However, you are right."

"Because I do need your help in the future, I don't want to see you fall too early, especially when you fall..."

Halfway through the words, the corpse changed the subject: "In short, I am not provoking the relationship between your master and apprentice, just to remind you."

"As for whether you believe it or not, that's all up to you."

Jiang Yun didn't know that the meaning of the corpse's words was actually to remind himself to be careful of Master!

Up to now, although Jiang Yun still does not know the true identity of the master, the corpse is not the first person to remind him to be careful about the master!

Especially Jiang Yun, who was in the last reincarnation, before he blew himself up, he did not hand Jiang Yun into the hands of the master who was close at hand, but deliberately handed it over to Dongfang Bo!

This shows that Jiang Yun, who was reincarnated in the last reincarnation, although willing to trust Master, still has a slight doubt.

It's just that he didn't want to let his thoughts affect Jiang Yun's judgment, so he didn't say anything!

Jiang Yun closed his eyes slightly, and soon opened it again: "Senior, if there is no other order, then I will leave first."

The corpse said lightly: "I didn't have any orders, but I said that I still need your help in the future, and I don't want you to die too early, so I have to remind you a few more words."

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Junior all ears!"

The corpse didn't speak, but in front of Jiang Yun, a cloud of negative aura appeared, rapidly changing its shape.

Soon, these mists condensed into a huge palace.

At the top of the palace, there are chains hanging down, completely covering the palace in all directions.

It's like an open umbrella, wrapping the palace.

Looking at the palace and the chains in front of him, Jiang Yun frowned, thinking of something vaguely in his heart.

The corpse did not let Jiang Yun think about it, but gave the answer directly: "Your world, or the situation that trapped you, is like this!"

"Actually, you are in this palace."

"This palace is a magic weapon. In your memory, I see that you once owned it."

Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly widened, and he blurted out three words: "Guangtian Palace?"

"Yes!" The corpse responded immediately, "That's the name, Guantiangong."

Jiang Yun hurriedly asked: "Senior, do you mean that the real realm, the dream realm, including the land outside the law, etc., are all in the Guantian Palace?"

The corpse seemed to think for a while before answering, "Yes!"

"Including the place of detachment is also in the Guantian Palace, but because of my existence, the power of Guantiangong cannot affect the place of detachment."

The words of the corpse made Jiang Yun's breathing quicken!

Regarding the Guantian Temple, Jiang Yun once thought that he knew this magic weapon very well.

But later he realized that Guantian Temple was not as simple as he thought.

For a long time, everyone believed that Guantian Temple was made by Sikongzi.

However, Chiyuezi, who came from a land outside the law, told Jiang Yun that when she was captured by Tianzun, she was locked in the Guantian Palace.

At that time, there were no so-called Nine Emperors!

Later, when Di Zun wanted to kill Sikongzi, Sikongzi went to seek the protection of Tianzun. Tianzun specially handed Guantian Palace to him, and let him deliberately lose to the nine clans and enter the Sijingzang.

Moreover, Tianzun should have given him an order. If Chiyuezi is always locked in the Guantian Palace, then ignore it.

If Chiyuezi escapes from the Guantian Palace, he must kill Chiyuezi.

Sure enough, Chiyuezi escaped from the Guantian Palace and lived incognito in the Sijingzang.

It's a pity that the good times did not last long, and the Tibetan Elders Association suddenly provoked an infighting between the Great Emperors of the Four Realms, and Chiyuezi was also implicated.

And in that internal fight, the real mastermind behind the scenes was Sikongzi, or even Tianzun.

Because at the last moment, a sword with the breath of Tianzun descended from the sky, which seemed to suppress those great emperors, but in fact it was to kill Chiyuezi.

As a result, Chiyuezi still survived by luck.

When Chiyuezi told Jiang Yun these things, she analyzed that the reason why Tianzun wanted to kill her should be that there was some secret hidden in Guantian Palace, and she was worried that she would know it and leak it out.

In fact, Chiyuezi didn't even know what secrets were in Guantian Palace!

At this moment, under the reminder of this corpse, Jiang Yun thought of Chiyuezi's analysis again, and finally understood that the secret that Tianzun wanted to cover up must be the truth that all sentient beings are in the Guantian Palace!

The voice of the corpse continued: "The Guantian Temple you see is not the real Guantian Temple."

"My consciousness was weak at the time, and I didn't feel it very clearly. I can only speculate that it was either a counterfeit or a kind of magic weapon."

"I'm afraid that the reason why your bureau can exist, and the continuous reincarnation, lies in the small Guantian Temple."

"The small Guantian Temple is like the eye of the formation. Only when it appears in the game can it ensure the operation of the game and ensure your continuous reincarnation."

"In short, if you want to break the game, you can think of a way from the Guantian Palace!"

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