The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6785: call again, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Seeing this mirror, Jiang Yun knew that his speculation was correct.

In this world, his parents, including the immortal tree, cannot sense his arrival at all, and it is even less likely that someone will attack him.

Therefore, it can only be that Haotian, who should be no weaker than Daoist Qingxin, saw himself in a special way, and deliberately sent this mirror in front of him.

At first glance at the mirror, Jiang Yun instinctively thought that this was Haotian's body, the Haotian mirror, but upon closer inspection, Jiang Yun found that this mirror was smaller in size, not Haotian mirror.

As for the name of the mirror, Jiang Yun had no way of knowing it, so he could only guess that it should be like a child-mother magic weapon.

The Haotian mirror in Jiang Shan's hands is the mother mirror, and this mirror is the child mirror.

Haotian sent this mirror in front of him, did he want to give it to himself?

Jiang Yun did not rush to reach for the mirror, but turned to look at the blood wolf beside him.

The moment the mirror appeared just now, the blood wolf had already taken a step and opened his mouth, clearly preparing to stop the mirror.

But for some reason, the blood wolf changed his mind again.

Therefore, Jiang Yun now wants to see what the attitude of the blood wolf is.

The blood wolf didn't pay attention to Jiang Yun's gaze at all. Those **** eyes stared at the direction the mirror shot out. After a while, he said, "After taking the mirror, I will send you away!"

With the consent of the blood wolf, Jiang Yun no longer hesitated, and immediately reached out and grabbed the mirror.

Holding the mirror, Jiang Yun can also be more sure of his judgment.

In the mirror, although there is also the power of the five elements, it is obviously much weaker than the power of the five elements that he felt from the real Clear Sky Mirror.

And Jiang Yun also immediately sent his consciousness into the mirror, frowning slightly.

When Jiang Yun wanted to come, since Haotian saw him, he should guess that he was here to save them.

In front of the blood wolf, he gave this mirror to himself, and at least he should leave a few words in the mirror to tell himself something.

However, in the mirror, there is an ordinary space, and the power of the five elements, and there is nothing else.

Jiang Yun couldn't help but glance at the blood wolf again.

I'm afraid, he just knew that there was nothing in the mirror, so he allowed himself to accept the mirror.

At this time, the blood wolf also said again: "Okay, you should go!"

After speaking, the blood wolf didn't even give Jiang Yun a chance to speak again. There was a huge wolf claw in the sky again, hanging down towards Jiang Yun.

This time, the wolf claws are not coercive and aggressive.

Jiang Yun hesitated for a while, and naturally did not resist, but said solemnly to the blood wolf: "Senior, I don't want to be an enemy of your Hongmeng, but it doesn't mean that I am afraid of your Hongmeng."

"I don't care what you imprisoned these creatures for here."

"I just hope that one day, I won't be your enemy because of them!"

As Jiang Yun's voice fell, the wolf claw finally fell, and Jiang Yun flew out with a single claw.

Looking at the direction in which Jiang Yun disappeared, there was a hint of helplessness in the eyes of the blood wolf, and he said in a voice that only he could hear: "Goutou military division, I can understand your desire to find him, but, What you are doing is against our Tao!"

"If you let him know, he will never agree!"

"Alas, hope, it's just your plan."

"Hopefully, you will never use these people to deal with that little guy!"

The blood wolf shook his head gently, and walked out of the world, and soon disappeared without a trace.

And among the mountains below that flew out of the mirror, there was still a mirror lying there quietly, reflecting the sky.

Above the mirror, a blurred face suddenly appeared, staring at the sky, and also said to himself: "You Hongmeng are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous."

"Jiang Yun, I don't know if you can discover the secret in that mirror."

"But as long as you can find out, then that mirror can help you and break the situation you're in!"

In the darkness of this world, a figure suddenly appeared, it was the black-faced old man guarding the chaotic airspace!

The old man turned his head to look around, and said in a deep voice, "Red Wolf, where's that kid?"

A dull voice sounded: "I have sent him away!"

"Send away?" The black-faced old man was slightly taken aback and said: "Didn't you see me and Dao Zun's disciple, and the person who did it for ten days?"

"The two of them joined forces, and I am not an opponent, so I ran in here and used the power of the formation to get rid of them."

"If you send that kid away, won't he be finished?"

"He's not finished, what does it have to do with us!" The figure of the blood wolf appeared beside the old man, but his eyes were fixed on the distance: "You alone are not the opponent of the two of them, then the two of us, It should be able to repair them properly!"

The eyes of the black-faced old man suddenly lit up, and he laughed and said: "You are willing to take action, let's go, let's kill it!"

The red wolf and the black-faced old man walked in unison, and their figures disappeared from the spot.

In the chaotic airspace, the soul clones of Ding Yi and Jiang Yun were revolving around the formation.

The soul clone said solemnly, "Can you and I join forces to break this formation?"

The soul clone has also seen the strength of the formation.

Even though he has the power bestowed by his master, he is not fully confident that he can break the formation.

But Ding Yi said in a voice transmission: "Don't rush to think about breaking the formation."

"I'm thinking, is this prison the only one guarding the old guy?"

"If there is only one person, then it's nothing for us to break the formation, but if he still has helpers and goes to rescue now, then we may not be their opponents."

The soul clone gave Ding Dao a cold look: "Why, are you afraid?"

Ding Yi shrugged his shoulders and said, "If you know that you are not the enemy's opponent, but you still insist on fighting the enemy to the death, you are stupid!"

Soul Clone frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

For Ding Yi, whether he can catch Jiang Yun, **** the prison, or even kill the people of Hongmeng, is optional.

But the soul avatar is different. He has to catch Jiang Yun, so he is naturally more anxious than Ding Yi.

Ding Yi replied: "What I mean is to wait here for a while and see the situation."

"If the old guy doesn't come out for a long time, it means that he is the only one here. We will try to break the formation and kill it directly."

"But if he has companions, I believe they should appear soon."

Even though the soul clone was unwilling to wait, he had to admit that what Ding Yi said was right.

Therefore, he pondered slightly: "How long do you think it is appropriate to wait?"

"It won't take too long!" Ding Yi said with a slight smile: "In an hour or two, we will see the difference."

However, as soon as his voice fell, the two of them saw at the same time that from the black ball in the formation, a figure flew out like lightning.

The speed of the silhouette is extremely fast, passing directly by the two of them, without the slightest stagnation.

"Jiang Yun!" The soul clone recognized the person who flew out at a glance, it was Jiang Yun.

This also made him suddenly overjoyed, and with a flicker of his figure, he hurriedly chased after Jiang Yun.


He just moved, but behind the two, there was a wolf howl full of deterrence, and the excited voice of the black-faced old man: "I have found help, let's fight again!"

Although the soul avatar heard the voices of the black-faced old man and the red wolf, in his eyes, only Jiang Yun was ignored, and he continued to chase after Jiang Yun regardless.

But at this moment, there were countless strange roars resounding in his ears.

In front of him, hundreds of Chaos Kong Yaozu with different looks suddenly appeared!

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