The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6834: huge face, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

The black sword in Jiang Yun's hand is that he is not sure how many Supremes are in the Di Zun's territory, but he still dares to set foot on the ground, looking for Di Zun's dignitaries and the biggest reliance for revenge, a Taoist weapon!

Dao tools, naturally only the power of the Dao can be motivated.

After Jiang Yun obtained this Taoist tool, he and Gui Yi had already figured out how to use it.

To be precise, this is a Taoist tool that contains the power of gold and also possesses supreme strength, which is equivalent to the Taoist protector of the foreign monk who seized the old sea.

As long as you have enough Dao power, even if you don't know any swordsmanship, just using this Dao weapon as an ordinary sword can make it possess the supreme power.

In short, with this Taoist weapon in hand, Jiang Yun's strength can be improved again.

This is why, just now, Gui Yi didn't save Jiang Yun at all.

Gui Yi knew that Jiang Yun had Taoist protection.

As for the arrival of Tianzun, although Jiang Yun also saw it, he was not surprised, and he expected it.

Even, he completely ignored Tianzun.

Because, Tianzun will not kill him!

When Earth Zun attacked Mengyu, Tianzun had the opportunity to kill Jiang Yun, but instead of killing him, he also protected Mengyu and everything Jiang Yun guarded, preventing Jiang Yun's Dao Heart from being broken and repeating the last reincarnation. 's mistakes.

Then Jiang Yun has nothing to worry about!

What's more, all his attention was focused on the Earth Venerable.

In the face of this finger from the Earth Venerable, he always backed down, and continued to use his magical powers to weaken the power contained in it as much as possible.

Even, in order to increase the possibility of success, in order to prevent Di Zun from having the opportunity to dodge again, Jiang Yun tried his best to grab this finger, thus grabbing Di Zun, and then he chopped the black sword out.

The only thing that makes Jiang Yun a little regretful is that Tianzun appeared at the right time.

Although Tianzun would not kill himself, he would also not watch Earthly Zun be killed by himself.

Therefore, Jiang Yun is not sure whether he can kill Di Zun.

The smile on Di Zun's face immediately solidified when he saw the black sword in Jiang Yun's hand.

As the Supreme Being, even if he didn't know the Taoist weapon, how could he not sense that the black sword contained a power so powerful that it made him feel terrified.

Naturally, he finally understood Jiang Yun's purpose.

If he really let this black sword hit him, he might really be killed.

However, now that his fingers are tightly held by Jiang Yun's palm, he has no chance of dodging at all.


All the Earth Venerable can do now is to let out a roar.

But before he could call out Jiang Yun's name, the golden sword light released by the black sword completely swallowed him like a monstrous wave.

At this moment, Tianzun's palm descended from the sky and stretched directly into the golden sword light.

The blood in Jiang Yun's mouth has been gushing out like a fountain.

But seeing Tianzun's palm appearing, he still shouted out the three words "Ding Canghai" with difficulty, hoping to make that palm stop, even for a moment!


It's a pity that the palm was not affected at all.

Accompanied by a trembling sound, there was a ray of blood rising into the sky, Jiang Yun only felt a sudden light on the palm of his hand holding Di Zun's fingers.

A strong inertia pushed his body, staggering back toward the rear, until a "pop" sounded, and the whole person fell on his back and lay on the ground.

"grown ups!"

Gui was shocked, if Jiang Yun died, he would be completely finished.

In a hurry, Gui Yi couldn't care less about showing mercy to the Demon Lord. He shot with all his strength and directly blew up half of the Demon Lord's body. With a flick of his figure, he had come to Jiang Yun's side.

Jiang Yun's right hand still held the black sword tightly.

On the other hand, his left hand is firmly grasping a section of the arm, that is the arm of the Earth Venerable!

At this moment, Jiang Yun is already exhausted, and he doesn't even have the strength to stand up. He just said softly: "Earth Lord!"

Gui Yi stretched out his hand to support Jiang Yun, and said softly: "Di Zun passed out and lost an arm!"

Di Zun also fell to the ground.

Compared with Jiang Yunlai, he was even more unbearable, and had completely passed out.

At the right arm, the shoulder was broken, and the break was extremely smooth, and there was not even a trace of blood.

While speaking, Gui Yi had already helped Jiang Yun to sit up.

Jiang Yun not only saw the appearance of the earth lord, but also saw the heavenly lord who descended from the sky and stood in front of the earth lord.

Suddenly, Jiang Yun shook his head and said softly, "After all, it's still a little worse!"

In most people's minds, the reason why Earth Zun did not die must be saved by Tian Zun.

But Jiang Yun knew very well that Di Zun turned his body sideways at a critical moment, and turned to use his right arm to take the attack of the black sword, saving his own life.

The golden power of the black sword was too domineering, so there was no blood coming out of the place where his shoulder was broken.

Moreover, some of the Golden Dao power should have poured into Di Zun's body, causing Di Zun to faint.

Tianzun's shot just separated himself and Dizun, and did not really save Dizun.

That is to say, Jiang Yun still failed to kill Di Zun completely after using all his means, but only cut off one of his arms.

Although this result made Jiang Yun a little disappointed, he also knew that this was indeed the limit of what he could do now.

Earth Venerable, he has been the Supreme Being for countless years, the depth of his heritage and the strength of his strength are simply beyond what outsiders can imagine.

Especially his supreme technique!

If it wasn't for Jiang Yun who happened to learn to guard the Dao Seal under the guidance of Gui Yi, then under the Supreme Technique, the person who died today would be Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun strictly calculated, not even the Supreme.

With the strength comparable to the Supreme, and with the help of a Taoist tool, it is already rare to be able to cut off one of the Earth's arms!

Even, Jiang Yun speculated that the right arm of the Earth Venerable should never grow out again.

After all, it was injured by the power of the gold that does not belong to the true domain.

In short, Jiang Yun was a little unwilling to this result, but he could only accept it.

As for killing Earth Venerable now, it is absolutely impossible for Heavenly Venerate to agree.

Finally, Jiang Yun looked at Tianzun and said, "Is Tianzun here to kill me, or to help me?"

Tianzun was always watching Jiang Yun, and he didn't even look at the unconscious Dizun.

When she heard Jiang Yun speak, she smiled slightly and said, "You have grown very fast, far exceeding my expectations."

"However, it's not fast enough, it needs to be faster."

"Otherwise, the final result will still disappoint you, me, and everyone!"

After speaking, Tianzun raised his hand and grabbed the unconscious Dizun in his hand. He turned around, and walked towards the edge of the earth.

She didn't even take action against Jiang Yun, didn't take revenge for Di Zun, but just took Di Zun away and left some meaningful words.

And behind her, the **** Demon Lord clenched his teeth and followed with a limping.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't look at Jiang Yun again.

Jiang Yun's eyes moved back and forth between Tianzun and the Demon Lord, silent.

Seeing that Tianzun's figure was about to disappear from Jiang Yun's eyes, Jiang Yun also opened his mouth, clearly preparing to say something.

But at this moment, a sudden violent vibration came.

The sky is shaking!

The whole realm shook inexplicably.

Everyone's bodies swayed together, and what's more, they just sat on the ground.

Fortunately, Gui Yi supported Jiang Yun and stabilized his figure.

Only Tianzun was always motionless, but her face was gloomy.

Above the real domain, in the endless darkness, a huge face suddenly appeared!

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