The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6845: common enemy, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Although Tianzun didn't speak too clearly, how could Jiang Yun not hear it? Tianzun meant that he was the backbone of the ten heavenly stems, not ten people like the outside world thought, but there may be eleventh people. Twelve people.

The reason why Shi Tiangan spoke out and attracted the attention of Hongmeng and all the monks outside the realm was actually not Shi Tiangan's original intention, but someone who deliberately did it in secret.

Everyone doesn't know the existence of this person, just staring at the organization for ten days, then the person behind it can do whatever he wants without knowing it.

For example, entering Daoxing Tiandi, looking for the secret of Daoxing Tiandi, and finding a way to become a detached powerhouse.

Although Jiang Yun couldn't tell whether what Tianzun said was true or not, but when he wanted to come, since Tianzun mentioned this to himself at this time, it was very likely that he was reminding himself that Gui Yi might be the eleventh one. people.

If it is true, then this Guiyi is hiding too deeply.

More importantly, he has gained his trust and knows a lot of things about himself, especially about Taoism.

Tianzun looked up at Jiang Yundao: "Little Junior Brother, don't be so excited, don't panic, calm down, such a simple truth, didn't your master tell you?"

"Gui Yi, if you are referring to the Extraterritorial Supreme that you brought back, then I can only tell you, I don't know who he is!"

"I'm not trying to tempt you on purpose, nor am I trying to provoke the relationship between you and your servant."

"Because, everything I just said to you is just some assumptions I made based on the information I got."

"As to whether it's right or not, that's a matter of opinion."

Jiang Yun frowned tightly, staring at Tianzun, really hoped that he could see through Tianzun's heart directly with his eyes, and see if what she said was true or false!

Although Tianzun said that everything was her assumption and not provoking, Jiang Yun knew very well that he had inevitably doubted Gui Yi.

Tianzun also ignored Jiang Yun's gaze, and continued: "Just think about it, I can't even leave this game. All my sources of information come from monks outside the territory."

"After I get the news, I have to analyze and judge whether the news is true or false, so it is very valuable to be able to speculate on these assumptions."

What Tianzun said, Jiang Yun believed it to be true.

If she can really leave Guantiangong and leave this bureau at will, then there must be someone from the non-territorial monks in the Immortal Realm who has seen her.

Therefore, she really can only find the monks outside the territory in the Guantian Palace, by searching their souls, or using other methods, such as trading with them, in exchange for some information.

"However, even if it is a hypothesis, I believe in my judgment, and it is generally not wrong."

"Because it doesn't matter if they are foreign cultivators, or how strong or high their identities are, as long as they have human nature, then everyone is actually the same thing, there is no difference!"

"As for your supreme servant, I really don't know if he has hidden his identity!"

The explanation given by Tianzun was already detailed enough that Jiang Yun could not continue to ask questions, so after a moment of silence, Jiang Yun sat down again.

Tianzun poured a glass of wine into his cup again and said: "I know that you are practicing the way of protection, and you want to protect all the people and things you care about."

"My purpose and yours, although it can't be said to be exactly the same, but Daoxing Tiandi is my home, and I don't want anyone to destroy Daoxing Tiandi."

"The grievances and grievances between us are our own internal contradictions."

"When it's okay, we calculate each other, fight each other, even if we really kill each other, that's fine."

"However, when the entire Daoxing world is faced with an external enemy, and it is still an extremely powerful external enemy, I think we can temporarily let go of each other's grievances, let go of internal conflicts, and join forces to deal with our common enemy, right? "

Having said that, Tianzun's pouring action suddenly stopped, the wine jug was suspended in the air, and the wine inside was no longer poured out.

Her eyes were looking straight at Jiang Yun.

And Jiang Yun was also acutely aware that everything around him had fallen into a state of stillness.

Especially in the eyes of Tianzun, there is an unprecedented sense of oppression and danger.

It seems that as long as he dares to shake his head and dare to say a word, Tianzun will immediately kill himself without hesitation.

However, Tianzun's words were also questions that Jiang Yun had seriously considered and had an answer to.

Therefore, Jiang Yun nodded and said: "Then what you said about our common enemy is Hongmeng, Shitiangan and all the foreign monks?"

Although Jiang Yun did not directly answer Tianzun's question, Tianzun naturally heard that he agreed with his opinion.

With a slight smile, Tianzun withdrew his gaze towards Jiang Yun, the wine in the jug continued to fall into the cup, and everything returned to normal.

After the wine glass was full, Tianzun also nodded and said: "You have to look more openly and think more boldly."

"It's not just foreign monks, but anyone who wants to be detrimental to Daoxing the world is our enemy!"

Jiang Yun frowned and said, "Who else?"

Tianzun suddenly stretched out his fingers and pointed around: "You didn't realize that I am different from the outside world?"

Tianzun inexplicably changed the topic, making Jiang Yun's eyes slightly narrowed, and he couldn't help but turn his head to look around.

Before, Jiang Yun didn't care about the environment here at all.

Anyway, he knows that he is definitely not the opponent of Tianzun. If Tianzun wants to be unfavorable to himself, he does not need to take advantage of the environment.

But now, when he looked around, he found that there were all kinds of runes appearing in layers in all directions.

Some of these runes constitute a formation, some constitute a seal, and some constitute a ban.

It is not difficult to see that the means of defense in this place are extremely powerful.

Jiang Yun already has some understanding of the strength of Tianzun, and here as Tianzun's site, Tianzun's home, there are so many defensive measures.

Jiang Yun thoughtfully said: "Before, you refused to answer my question. If you insisted on letting me come to the sky, you were worried that our conversation would be heard by others."

"If that's the case, then the other enemies you mentioned should be referring to the Dao Zun!"

"Smart!" Tianzun picked up the glass and drank it all: "Daozun, is the true master of Daoxing heaven and earth."

"Once, I also respected him as my master and was willing to work for him."

"However, I found out later that he also wanted to be detrimental to Daoxing, so I gradually began to fight against him."

"It's just that my strength is not as good as his, so I can only secretly oppose him and destroy some of his plans."

Jiang Yun finally knew something about this Dao Zun.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he hurriedly asked, "Who is that Dao Zun?"

"Shouldn't the former him also be my master's disciple?"

"Also, why is he unfavorable to Daoxing Tiandi, why did he set up this game?"

As Jiang Yun asked this question, Jiang Yun suddenly discovered that there was a rare trace of confusion in Tianzun's eyes.

After a long time, Tianzun said softly: "This is the terrible thing about Taoist."

"Because until now, I can't be sure who he is."

"I even doubt that Dao Zun, and the Master of All Spirits, will be the same person!"

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